
Hands-On Object-Oriented Programming with Kotlin. Build robust software with reusable code using OOP principles and design patterns in Kotlin

Abid Khan, Igor Kucherenko

Inteligentna sieć. Algorytmy przyszłości. Wydanie II

Douglas McIlwraith, Haralambos Marmanis, Dmitry Babenko

Java 9: Building Robust Modular Applications. Master advanced Java features and implement them to build amazing projects

Dr. Edward Lavieri, Peter Verhas, Jason Lee

Java 9 Data Structures and Algorithms. A step-by-step guide to data structures and algorithms

Debasish Ray Chawdhuri

Java 9 High Performance. Practical techniques and best practices for optimizing Java applications through concurrency, reactive programming, and more

Mayur Ramgir, Nick Samoylov

Java 9 Programming By Example. Your guide to software development

Peter Verhas

Komputer kwantowy. Programowanie, algorytmy, kod

Eric R. Johnston, Nicholas Harrigan, Mercedes Gimeno-Segovia

Learn Blockchain Programming with JavaScript. Build your very own Blockchain and decentralized network with JavaScript and Node.js

Eric Traub