Język angielski

Certainty and doubt in academic discourse: Epistemic modality markers in English and Polish linguistics articles

Krystyna Warchał

Changes in social awareness on both sides of the border. Poland - the Czech Republic. Sociological reflections

red. Urszula Swadźba, red. Daniel Topinka

Contemporary Challenges towards Management III

red. Joachim Foltys, Ľubica Lesáková, Maria Uramova, Anna Wziątek-Staśko

Continuity. Eleven sketches from the past of Mathematics

Jerzy Mioduszewski, tłum. Abe Shenitzer

De-Shamed. Feminist Strategies of Transgression: The Case of Lorna Crozier's Poetry

Zuzanna Szatanik

"Ecumeny and Law" 2013, No. 1: Marriage covenant - paradigm of encounter of the "de matrimonio" thought of the East and West

red. Andrzej Pastwa

"Ecumeny and Law" 2014, Vol. 2: Sovereign Family

red. Andrzej Pastwa

"Ecumeny and Law" 2015, Vol. 3: Welfare of the Child: Welfare of Family, Church, and Society

red. Andrzej Pastwa