Bazy danych

Learning Ceph. Unifed, scalable, and reliable open source storage solution - Second Edition

Karan Singh, Vaibhav Bhembre, Anthony D'Atri

Learning Couchbase. Design documents and implement real world e-commerce applications with Couchbase

Henry Potsangbam

Learning Data Mining with Python. Use Python to manipulate data and build predictive models - Second Edition

Robert Layton

Learning Elasticsearch. Structured and unstructured data using distributed real-time search and analytics

Abhishek Andhavarapu

Learning ELK Stack. Build mesmerizing visualizations, analytics, and logs from your data using Elasticsearch, Logstash, and Kibana

Saurabh Chhajed

Learning Google BigQuery. A beginner's guide to mining massive datasets through interactive analysis

Thirukkumaran Haridass, Eric Brown

Learning HBase. Learn the fundamentals of HBase administration and development with the help of real-time scenarios

Shashwat Shriparv

Learning Heroku Postgres. Efficiently design, implement, and manage a successful PostgreSQL database with Heroku

Patrick Rafael de Oliveira Espake, Patrick Rafael de Oliveira Espake