Zarządzanie projektami IT

JIRA 6.x Administration Cookbook. Over 100 hands-on recipes to help you efficiently administer, customize, and extend your JIRA 6 implementation

Patrick Li

Jira 8 Administration Cookbook. Over 90 recipes to administer, customize, and extend Jira Core and Jira Service Desk - Third Edition

Patrick Li

Jira 8 Essentials. Effective issue management and project tracking with the latest Jira features - Fifth Edition

Patrick Li

JIRA Development Cookbook. Develop and customize plugins, program workflows, work on custom fields, master JQL functions, and more to effectively customize, manage, and extend JIRA

Jobin Kuruvilla, Jobin Kuruvilla

JIRA Essentials. Use the features of JIRA to manage projects and effectively handle bugs and software issues

Patrick Li

Jira Quick Start Guide. Manage your projects efficiently using the all-new Jira

Ravi Sagar

Jira Software Essentials. Plan, track, and release great applications with Jira Software - Second Edition

Patrick Li

Jira Work Management for Business Teams. Accelerate digital transformation and modernize your organization with Jira Work Management

John Funk

Kali Linux Wireless Penetration Testing Beginner's Guide. Master wireless testing techniques to survey and attack wireless networks with Kali Linux, including the KRACK attack - Third Edition

Cameron Buchanan, Vivek Ramachandran


Marcus Hammarberg, Joakim Sunden

Kierunek jakość. Jak unikać błędów w projekcie

Aleksandra Kunysz

Kompetentny Scrum Master. Przewodnik po rozwoju Scrum Masterów i Agile Coachów dla HR, zarządzających oraz samych zainteresowanych

Kate Hobler

KPI, czyli kluczowe wskaźniki efektywności. 75 mierników ważnych dla każdego menedżera

Bernard Marr

Laptopowy Milioner. Jak zerwać z pracą na etacie i zacząć zarabiać w sieci

Mark Anastasi

Lean dla bystrzaków. Wydanie II

Natalie J. Sayer, Bruce Williams

Lean management po polsku. O dobrych i złych praktykach

Tomasz Król