Zarządzanie projektami IT

Projekt doskonały. Zadbaj o komunikację z klientem, wysoki poziom UX i zdrowy rozsądek. Wydanie II

Tom Greever

Przywództwo w świecie VUCA. Jak być skutecznym liderem w niepewnym środowisku

Agnieszka Piątkowska

Redis Essentials. Harness the power of Redis to integrate and manage your projects efficiently

Fredrik Sandell, Alexander Myltsev, Javier de la Rosa, Rodrigo Martin, ...

Redmine Plugin Extension and Development. If you’d like to customize Redmine to meet your own precise project management needs, this is the ideal guide to understanding and realizing the full potential of plugins. Full of real-world examples and clear instructions

Alex Bevilacqua

Salesforce Platform Developer I Certification Guide. Expert tips, techniques, and mock tests for the Platform Developer I (DEV501) certification exam

Jan Vandevelde, Gunther Roskams

Samorząd terytorialny w budowie społeczeństwa informacyjnego w Polsce

Paweł A. Nowak

Scaling Agile with Jira Align. A practical guide to strategically scaling agile across teams, programs, and portfolios in enterprises

Dean MacNeil, Aslam Cader

Scaling Scrum Across Modern Enterprises. Implement Scrum and Lean-Agile techniques across complex products, portfolios, and programs in large organizations

Cecil 'Gary' Rupp, Manjit Singh