Zarządzanie projektami IT

Technical Program Manager's Handbook. Empowering managers to efficiently manage technical projects and build a successful career path

Joshua Alan Teter, Ben Tobin

Testowanie w procesie Scrum. Przewodnik po zarządzaniu jakością oprogramowania w świecie programowania

Tilo Linz

Testuj oprogramowanie jak Google. Metody automatyzacji

Jason Arbon, Jeff Carollo, James A. Whittaker

The Complete Metasploit Guide. Explore effective penetration testing techniques with Metasploit

Sagar Rahalkar, Nipun Jaswal

The DevOps 2.2 Toolkit. Self-Sufficient Docker Clusters

Viktor Farcic

The Successful Software Manager. The definitive guide to growing from developer to manager

Herman Fung

"Theory and Practice of Second Language Acquisition" 2016. Vol. 2 (2)

red. Danuta Gabryś-Barker, red. Adam Wojtaszek

Tools and Skills for .NET 8. Get the career you want with good practices and patterns to design, debug, and test your solutions 

Mark J. Price