Big data


Simplify Big Data Analytics with Amazon EMR. A beginner’s guide to learning and implementing Amazon EMR for building data analytics solutions

Sakti Mishra

Amazon EMR, formerly Amazon Elastic MapReduce, provides a managed Hadoop cluster in Amazon Web Services (AWS) that you can use to implement batch or streaming data pipelines. By gaining expertise in Amazon EMR, you can design and implement data analytics pipelines with persistent or transient EMR clusters in AWS.This book is a practical guide to Amazon EMR for building data pipelines. You'll start by understanding the Amazon EMR architecture, cluster nodes, features, and deployment options, along with their pricing. Next, the book covers the various big data applications that EMR supports. You'll then focus on the advanced configuration of EMR applications, hardware, networking, security, troubleshooting, logging, and the different SDKs and APIs it provides. Later chapters will show you how to implement common Amazon EMR use cases, including batch ETL with Spark, real-time streaming with Spark Streaming, and handling UPSERT in S3 Data Lake with Apache Hudi. Finally, you'll orchestrate your EMR jobs and strategize on-premises Hadoop cluster migration to EMR. In addition to this, you'll explore best practices and cost optimization techniques while implementing your data analytics pipeline in EMR.By the end of this book, you'll be able to build and deploy Hadoop- or Spark-based apps on Amazon EMR and also migrate your existing on-premises Hadoop workloads to AWS.


Simulation for Data Science with R. Effective Data-driven Decision Making

Matthias Templ

Data Science with R aims to teach you how to begin performing data science tasks by taking advantage of Rs powerful ecosystem of packages. R being the most widely used programming language when used with data science can be a powerful combination to solve complexities involved with varied data sets in the real world.The book will provide a computational and methodological framework for statistical simulation to the users. Through this book, you will get in grips with the software environment R. After getting to know the background of popular methods in the area of computational statistics, you will see some applications in R to better understand the methods as well as gaining experience of working with real-world data and real-world problems. This book helps uncover the large-scale patterns in complex systems where interdependencies and variation are critical. An effective simulation is driven by data generating processes that accurately reflect real physical populations. You will learn how to plan and structure a simulation project to aid in the decision-making process as well as the presentation of results.By the end of this book, you reader will get in touch with the software environment R. After getting background on popular methods in the area, you will see applications in R to better understand the methods as well as to gain experience when working on real-world data and real-world problems.


Spark. Zaawansowana analiza danych

Uri Laserson, Sandy Ryza, Sean Owen, Josh Wills

Analiza ogromnych zbiorów danych nie musi być wolna! Apache Spark to darmowy, zaawansowany szkielet i silnik pozwalający na szybkie przetwarzanie oraz analizę ogromnych zbiorów danych. Prace nad tym projektem rozpoczęły się w 2009 roku, a już rok później Spark został udostępniony użytkownikom. Jeżeli potrzebujesz najwyższej wydajności w przetwarzaniu informacji, jeżeli chcesz uzyskiwać odpowiedź na trudne pytania niemalże w czasie rzeczywistym, Spark może być odpowiedzią na Twoje oczekiwania. Sięgnij po tę książkę i przekonaj się, czy tak jest w rzeczywistości. Autor porusza tu zaawansowane kwestie związane z analizą statystyczną danych, wykrywaniem anomalii oraz analizą obrazów. Jednak zanim przejdziesz do tych tematów, zapoznasz się z podstawami — wprowadzeniem do analizy danych za pomocą języka Scala oraz Apache Spark. Nauczysz się też przeprowadzać analizę semantyczną i zobaczysz, jak w praktyce przeprowadzić analizę sieci współwystępowań za pomocą biblioteki GraphX. Na koniec dowiesz się, jak przetwarzać dane geoprzestrzenne i genomiczne, a także oszacujesz ryzyko metodą symulacji Monte Carlo. Książka ta pozwoli Ci na wykorzystanie potencjału Apache Spark i zaprzęgnięcie go do najtrudniejszych zadań! Przykłady prezetnowane w książce obejmują: Rekomendowanie muzyki i dane Audioscrobbler Prognozowanie zalesienia za pomocą drzewa decyzyjnego Wykrywanie anomalii w ruchu sieciowym metodą grupowania według k-średnich Wikipedia i ukryta analiza semantyczna Analiza sieci współwystępowań za pomocą biblioteki GraphX Geoprzestrzenna i temporalna analiza tras nowojorskich taksówek Szacowanie ryzyka finansowego metodą symulacji Monte Carlo Analiza danych genomicznych i projekt BDG Analiza danych neuroobrazowych za pomocą pakietów PySpark i Thunder Poznaj potencjał i wydajność Apache Spark!


Spatial Analytics with ArcGIS. Build powerful insights with spatial analytics

Eric Pimpler

Spatial statistics has the potential to provide insight that is not otherwise available through traditional GIS tools. This book is designed to introduce you to the use of spatial statistics so you can solve complex geographic analysis.The book begins by introducing you to the many spatial statistics tools available in ArcGIS. You will learn how to analyze patterns, map clusters, and model spatial relationships with these tools. Further on, you will explore how to extend the spatial statistics tools currently available in ArcGIS, and use the R programming language to create custom tools in ArcGIS through the ArcGIS Bridge using real-world examples. At the end of the book, you will be presented with two exciting case studies where you will be able to practically apply all your learning to analyze and gain insights into real estate data.


Splunk 7.x Quick Start Guide. Gain business data insights from operational intelligence

James H. Baxter

Splunk is a leading platform and solution for collecting, searching, and extracting value from ever increasing amounts of big data - and big data is eating the world! This book covers all the crucial Splunk topics and gives you the information and examples to get the immediate job done. You will find enough insights to support further research and use Splunk to suit any business environment or situation.Splunk 7.x Quick Start Guide gives you a thorough understanding of how Splunk works. You will learn about all the critical tasks for architecting, implementing, administering, and utilizing Splunk Enterprise to collect, store, retrieve, format, analyze, and visualize machine data. You will find step-by-step examples based on real-world experience and practical use cases that are applicable to all Splunk environments. There is a careful balance between adequate coverage of all the critical topics with short but relevant deep-dives into the configuration options and steps to carry out the day-to-day tasks that matter.By the end of the book, you will be a confident and proficient Splunk architect and administrator.


Splunk Operational Intelligence Cookbook. Over 80 recipes for transforming your data into business-critical insights using Splunk - Third Edition

Josh Diakun, Paul R. Johnson, Derek Mock

Splunk makes it easy for you to take control of your data, and with Splunk Operational Cookbook, you can be confident that you are taking advantage of the Big Data revolution and driving your business with the cutting edge of operational intelligence and business analytics.With more than 80 recipes that demonstrate all of Splunk’s features, not only will you find quick solutions to common problems, but you’ll also learn a wide range of strategies and uncover new ideas that will make you rethink what operational intelligence means to you and your organization.You’ll discover recipes on data processing, searching and reporting, dashboards, and visualizations to make data shareable, communicable, and most importantly meaningful. You’ll also find step-by-step demonstrations that walk you through building an operational intelligence application containing vital features essential to understanding data and to help you successfully integrate a data-driven way of thinking in your organization.Throughout the book, you’ll dive deeper into Splunk, explore data models and pivots to extend your intelligence capabilities, and perform advanced searching with machine learning to explore your data in even more sophisticated ways. Splunk is changing the business landscape, so make sure you’re taking advantage of it.


SQL Server 2017 Machine Learning Services with R. Data exploration, modeling, and advanced analytics

Julie Koesmarno, Toma?ae Ka?°trun

R Services was one of the most anticipated features in SQL Server 2016, improved significantly and rebranded as SQL Server 2017 Machine Learning Services. Prior to SQL Server 2016, many developers and data scientists were already using R to connect to SQL Server in siloed environments that left a lot to be desired, in order to do additional data analysis, superseding SSAS Data Mining or additional CLR programming functions. With R integrated within SQL Server 2017, these developers and data scientists can now benefit from its integrated, effective, efficient, and more streamlined analytics environment. This book gives you foundational knowledge and insights to help you understand SQL Server 2017 Machine Learning Services with R. First and foremost, the book provides practical examples on how to implement, use, and understand SQL Server and R integration in corporate environments, and also provides explanations and underlying motivations. It covers installing Machine Learning Services;maintaining, deploying, and managing code;and monitoring your services. Delving more deeply into predictive modeling and the RevoScaleR package, this book also provides insights into operationalizing code and exploring and visualizing data. To complete the journey, this book covers the new features in SQL Server 2017 and how they are compatible with R, amplifying their combined power.


Statistical Application Development with R and Python. Develop applications using data processing, statistical models, and CART - Second Edition

Prabhanjan Narayanachar Tattar

Statistical Analysis involves collecting and examining data to describe the nature of data that needs to be analyzed. It helps you explore the relation of data and build models to make better decisions.This book explores statistical concepts along with R and Python, which are well integrated from the word go. Almost every concept has an R code going with it which exemplifies the strength of R and applications. The R code and programs have been further strengthened with equivalent Python programs. Thus, you will first understand the data characteristics, descriptive statistics and the exploratory attitude, which will give you firm footing of data analysis. Statistical inference will complete the technical footing of statistical methods. Regression, linear, logistic modeling, and CART, builds the essential toolkit. This will help you complete complex problems in the real world.You will begin with a brief understanding of the nature of data and end with modern and advanced statistical models like CART. Every step is taken with DATA and R code, and further enhanced by Python.The data analysis journey begins with exploratory analysis, which is more than simple, descriptive, data summaries. You will then apply linear regression modeling, and end with logistic regression, CART, and spatial statistics.By the end of this book you will be able to apply your statistical learning in major domains at work or in your projects.