Big data


Big Data Architect's Handbook. A guide to building proficiency in tools and systems used by leading big data experts

Syed Muhammad Fahad Akhtar

The big data architects are the “masters” of data, and hold high value in today’s market. Handling big data, be it of good or bad quality, is not an easy task. The prime job for any big data architect is to build an end-to-end big data solution that integrates data from different sources and analyzes it to find useful, hidden insights.Big Data Architect’s Handbook takes you through developing a complete, end-to-end big data pipeline, which will lay the foundation for you and provide the necessary knowledge required to be an architect in big data. Right from understanding the design considerations to implementing a solid, efficient, and scalable data pipeline, this book walks you through all the essential aspects of big data. It also gives you an overview of how you can leverage the power of various big data tools such as Apache Hadoop and ElasticSearch in order to bring them together and build an efficient big data solution.By the end of this book, you will be able to build your own design system which integrates, maintains, visualizes, and monitors your data. In addition, you will have a smooth design flow in each process, putting insights in action.


Big Data. Najlepsze praktyki budowy skalowalnych systemów obsługi danych w czasie rzeczywistym

Nathan Marz, James Warren

Obsługa aplikacji, które operują na ogromnych zbiorach danych, czyli na przykład portali społecznościowych, przekracza możliwości zwykłych relacyjnych baz. Praca ze złożonymi zbiorami danych wymaga architektury obejmującej wielomaszynowe klastry, dzięki którym możliwe jest przechowywanie i przesyłanie informacji praktycznie dowolnej wielkości. Architektura taka powinna dodatkowo być prosta w użyciu, niezawodna i skalowalna. Dzięki tej książce nauczysz się budować tego rodzaju architekturę. Zapoznasz się z technologią wykorzystywania klastrów maszyn. Dowiesz się, jak działają narzędzia przeznaczone specjalnie do przechwytywania i analizy danych na wielką skalę. W książce zaprezentowano łatwe do zrozumienia podejście do obsługi systemów wielkich zbiorów danych, które mogą być budowane i uruchamiane przez niewielki zespół. Nie zabrakło też wyczerpującego opisu praktycznej implementacji systemu Big Data z wykorzystaniem rzeczywistego przykładu. W tej książce znajdziesz: teoretyczne podstawy koncepcji systemów Big Data wskazówki umożliwiające optymalne wykorzystanie zasobów do obsługi danych wybór technik przetwarzania i obsługi wielkich ilości danych w czasie rzeczywistym zagadnienia dotyczące baz danych NoSQL, przetwarzania strumieniowego i zarządzania złożonością obliczeń przyrostowych informacje o praktycznym stosowaniu takich narzędzi jak Hadoop, Cassandra i Storm wskazówki umożliwiające poszerzenie wiedzy o zwykłych bazach danych Big Data — to skalowalność i prostota obsługi wielkich ilości danych!


Blender 3D Printing by Example. Learn to use Blender's modeling tools for 3D printing by creating 4 projects

Vicky Somma

Blender is an open-source modeling and animation program popular in the 3D printing community. 3D printing brings along different considerations than animation and virtual reality.This book walks you through four projects to learn using Blender for 3D Printing, giving you information that you need to know to create high-quality 3D printed objects.The book starts with two jewelry projects-- a pendant of a silhouette and a bracelet with custom text. We then explore architectural modeling as you learn to makes a figurine from photos of a home. The final project, a human hand, illustrates how Blender can be used for organic models and how colors can be added to the design.You will learn modeling for 3D printing with the help of these projects. Whether you plan to print at-home or use a service bureau, you’ll start by understanding design requirements. The book begins with simple projects to get you started with 3D modeling basics and the tools available in Blender. As the book progresses, you’ll get exposed to more robust mesh modeling techniques, modifiers, and Blender shortcuts. By the time you reach your final project, you’ll be ready for organic modeling and learning how to add colors. In the final section, you’ll learn how to check for and correct common modeling issues to ensure the 3D printer can make your idea a reality!


Blockchain By Example. A developer's guide to creating decentralized applications using Bitcoin, Ethereum, and Hyperledger

Bellaj Badr, Richard Horrocks, Xun (Brian) Wu

The Blockchain is a revolution promising a new world without middlemen. Technically, it is an immutable and tamper-proof distributed ledger of all transactions across a peer-to-peer network. With this book, you will get to grips with the blockchain ecosystem to build real-world projects.This book will walk you through the process of building multiple blockchain projects with different complexity levels and hurdles. Each project will teach you just enough about the field's leading technologies, Bitcoin, Ethereum, Quorum, and Hyperledger in order to be productive from the outset. As you make your way through the chapters, you will cover the major challenges that are associated with blockchain ecosystems such as scalability, integration, and distributed file management. In the concluding chapters, you’ll learn to build blockchain projects for business, run your ICO, and even create your own cryptocurrency. Blockchain by Example also covers a range of projects such as Bitcoin payment systems, supply chains on Hyperledger, and developing a Tontine Bank Every is using Ethereum.By the end of this book, you will not only be able to tackle common issues in the blockchain ecosystem, but also design and build reliable and scalable distributed systems.


Blockchain for Business 2019. A user-friendly introduction to blockchain technology and its business applications

Peter Lipovyanov

Blockchain for Business 2019 is a comprehensive guide that enables you to bring in various blockchain functionalities to extend your existing business models and make correct fully-informed decisions. You will learn how decentralized applications are transforming numerous business sectors that are expected to play a huge role in the future. You will see how large corporations are already implementing blockchain technology now. You will then learn about the various blockchain services, such as Bitcoin, Ethereum, Hyperledger, and others to understand their use cases in a variety of business domains. You will develop a solid fundamental understanding of blockchain architecture. Moving ahead, you will get to grips with the inner workings of blockchain, with detailed explanations of mining, decentralized consensus, cryptography, smart contracts, and many other important concepts. You will delve into a realistic view of the current state of blockchain technology, along with its issues, limitations, and potential solutions that can take it to the next level.By the end of this book, you will all be well versed in the latest innovations and developments in the emerging blockchain space.


Blockchain for Enterprise. Build scalable blockchain applications with privacy, interoperability, and permissioned features

Narayan Prusty

The increasing growth in blockchain use is enormous, and it is changing the way business is done. Many leading organizations are already exploring the potential of blockchain. With this book, you will learn to build end-to-end enterprise-level decentralized applications and scale them across your organization to meet your company's needs. This book will help you understand what DApps are and how the blockchain ecosystem works, via real-world examples. This extensive end-to-end book covers every blockchain aspect for business and for developers. You will master process flows and incorporate them into your own enterprise. You will learn how to use J.P. Morgan’s Quorum to build blockchain-based applications. You will also learn how to write applications that can help communicate enterprise blockchain solutions. You will learn how to write smart contracts that run without censorship and third-party interference.Once you've grasped what a blockchain is and have learned about Quorum, you will jump into building real-world practical blockchain applications for sectors such as payment and money transfer, healthcare, cloud computing, supply chain management, and much more.


Blockchain Quick Reference. A guide to exploring decentralized blockchain application development

Brenn Hill, Samanyu Chopra, Paul Valencourt

Blockchain Quick Reference takes you through the electrifying world of blockchain technology and is designed for those who want to polish their existing knowledge regarding the various pillars of the blockchain ecosystem.This book is your go-to guide, teaching you how to apply principles and ideas for making your life and business better. You will cover the architecture, Initial Coin Offerings (ICOs), tokens, smart contracts, and terminologies of the blockchain technology, before studying how they work. All you need is a curious mind to get started with blockchain technology. Once you have grasped the basics, you will explore components of Ethereum, such as ether tokens, transactions, and smart contracts, in order to build simple Dapps. You will then move on to learning why Solidity is used specifically for Ethereum-based projects, followed by exploring different types of blockchain with easy-to-follow examples. All this will help you tackle challenges and problems. By the end of this book, you will not only have solved current and future problems relating to blockchain technology but will also be able to build efficient decentralized applications.