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Operational systems
In this category of our online library you will find books on operating systems. Some of them are introductions to software such as Windows, Linux or Android. Others dive into more technical issues regarding the configuration of these systems and the tools used on them, such as Ansible.
This book is an updated version of LearningServiceNow, that will cover the new andupdated features of the ServiceNow platform.It will show you how to put importantServiceNow features to work in the realworld, while introducing key concepts viaexamples of managing and automating ITservices. It'll help you build a solid foundationof knowledge, and will demonstrate how toeffectively implement and configure moduleswithin ServiceNow. We'll show you how toconfigure and administer your instance,and then move on to building strong userinterfaces and creating powerful workflows.We also cover other key elements ofServiceNow, such as notifications, security,reporting, and custom development. Youwill learn how to improve and automate yourbusiness' workflow and processes. By the endof this book, you will be able to successfullyconfigure and manage ServiceNow like a pro.
This book shows you how to put important ServiceNow features to work in the real world. We will introduce key concepts and examples on managing and automating IT services, and help you build a solid foundation towards this new approach. We’ll demonstrate how to effectively implement various system configurations within ServiceNow. We’ll show you how to configure and administer your instance, and then move on to building strong user interfaces and creating powerful workflows. We also cover other key elements of ServiceNow, such as alerts and notifications, security, reporting, and custom development. You will learn how to improve your business’ workflow, processes, and operational efficiency. By the end of this book, you will be able to successfully configure and manage ServiceNow within your organization.
Learning Windows Server Containers. Build and deploy high-quality portable apps faster
Windows Server Containers are independent, isolated, manageable and portable application environments which are light weight and shippable. Decomposing your application into smaller manageable components or MicroServices helps in building scalable and distributed application environments. Windows Server Containers have a significant impact on application developers, development operations (DevOps) and infrastructure management teams. Applications can be built, shipped and deployed in a fast-paced manner on an easily manageable and updatable environment.Learning Windows Server Containers teaches you to build simple to advanced production grade container based application using Asp.Net Core, Visual Studio, Azure, Docker and PowerShell technologies. The book teaches you to build and deploy simple web applications as Windows and Hyper-V containers on Windows 10 and Windows Server 2016 on Azure. You will learn to build on top of Windows Container Base OS Images, integrate with existing images from Docker Hub, create custom images and publish to Hub. You will also learn to work with storage containers built using Volumes and SQL Server as container, create and configure custom networks, integrate with Redis Cache containers, configure continuous integration and deployment pipelines using VSTS and Git Repository. Further you can also learn to manage resources for a container, setting up monitoring and diagnostics, deploy composite container environments using Docker Compose on Windows and manage container clusters using Docker Swarm. The last chapter of the book focuses on building applications using Microsoft’s new and thinnest server platform – Nano Servers.
Linux is a well-known, open source Unix-family operating system that is the most widely used OS today. Linux looks set for a bright future for decades to come, but system administration is rarely studied beyond learning rote tasks or following vendor guidelines. To truly excel at Linux administration, you need to understand how these systems work and learn to make strategic decisions regarding them.Linux Administration Best Practices helps you to explore best practices for efficiently administering Linux systems and servers. This Linux book covers a wide variety of topics from installation and deployment through to managing permissions, with each topic beginning with an overview of the key concepts followed by practical examples of best practices and solutions. You'll find out how to approach system administration, Linux, and IT in general, put technology into proper business context, and rethink your approach to technical decision making. Finally, the book concludes by helping you to understand best practices for troubleshooting Linux systems and servers that'll enable you to grow in your career as well as in any aspect of IT and business.By the end of this Linux administration book, you'll have gained the knowledge needed to take your Linux administration skills to the next level.
Linux Administration Cookbook. Insightful recipes to work with system administration tasks on Linux
Linux is one of the most widely used operating systems among system administrators,and even modern application and server development is heavily reliant on the Linux platform.The Linux Administration Cookbook is your go-to guide to get started on your Linux journey. It will help you understand what that strange little server is doing in the corner of your office, what the mysterious virtual machine languishing in Azure is crunching through, what that circuit-board-like thing is doing under your office TV, and why the LEDs on it are blinking rapidly.This book will get you started with administering Linux, giving you the knowledge and tools you need to troubleshoot day-to-day problems, ranging from a Raspberry Pi to a server in Azure, while giving you a good understanding of the fundamentals of how GNU/Linux works.Through the course of the book, you’ll install and configure a system, while the author regales you with errors and anecdotes from his vast experience as a data center hardware engineer, systems administrator, and DevOps consultant.By the end of the book, you will have gained practical knowledge of Linux, which will serve as a bedrock for learning Linux administration and aid you in your Linux journey.
Dobrą opinię Linux zawdzięcza takim zaletom jak otwarte źródła, różnorodność dystrybucji, elastyczność i wszechstronność. Dziś większość platform przetwarzania w chmurze opiera się na systemach linuksowych. Dlatego każdy, kto chce efektywnie pracować w powstających centrach danych, powinien dobrze go poznać. Niezależnie od tego Linux wciąż świetnie się sprawdza w środowiskach sieciowych lub jako serwer WWW. Ceni się go w pracy biurowej czy jako wygodny, kompleksowy warsztat programisty. Administrowanie systemem i automatyzacja pracy są dość proste, a najnowsze technologie - w pełni dostępne. Przedstawiamy dziesiąte wydanie kultowej książki o Linuksie. Jest napisana tak, aby każdy mógł jak najszybciej rozpocząć pracę z tym systemem, zabezpieczyć go i sprawnie nim administrować. Duży nacisk położono na korzystanie ze skryptów powłoki i naukę ręcznej edycji plików konfiguracyjnych. Opisano najważniejsze dystrybucje Linuksa - skoncentrowano się na Red Hat, Fedorze i Ubuntu. Sporo uwagi poświęcono technologiom chmury w różnych środowiskach, a także konteneryzacji aplikacji. Znalazło się tu mnóstwo przykładów, ćwiczeń, wskazówek, jak również ostrzeżeń przed ewentualnymi błędami. Dzięki tej obszernej, znakomicie przygotowanej i praktycznej publikacji nawet początkujący zdobędą wiedzę i umiejętności wymagane od najlepszych profesjonalistów. W książce między innymi: historia Linuksa i jego zastosowanie w codziennej pracy w systemie biurowym powłoka, skrypty powłoki i interfejs Cockpit korzystanie z różnych serwerów Linuksa zapewnienie bezpieczeństwa w systemie Linux różne środowiska chmurowe i konfiguracja hipernadzorcy scenariusze Ansible i Kubernetes w ogromnych centrach danych Linux: poznaj i zastosuj w nowoczesnych systemach!