Systemy operacyjne

W niniejszej kategorii naszej biblioteki online znajdziesz książki dotyczące systemów operacyjnych. Część z nich stanowi wprowadzenie do takiego oprogramowania jak Windows, Linux, czy Android. Inne wgłębiają się w bardziej techniczne zagadnienia dotyczące konfiguracji tych systemów oraz narzędzi na nich wykorzystywanych jak np. Ansible.

Hands-On Microservices - Monitoring and Testing. A performance engineer's guide to the continuous testing and monitoring of microservices

Dinesh Rajput

Hands-On Microservices with C#. Designing a real-world, enterprise-grade microservice ecosystem with the efficiency of C# 7

Matt R. Cole

Hands-On Microservices with Kubernetes. Build, deploy, and manage scalable microservices on Kubernetes

Gigi Sayfan

Hands-On Microservices with Rust. Build, test, and deploy scalable and reactive microservices with Rust 2018

Denis Kolodin

Hands-On Penetration Testing on Windows. Unleash Kali Linux, PowerShell, and Windows debugging tools for security testing and analysis

Phil Bramwell

Hands-On Penetration Testing with Kali NetHunter. Spy on and protect vulnerable ecosystems using the power of Kali Linux for pentesting on the go

Glen D. Singh, Sean-Philip Oriyano

Hands-On Reactive Programming with Python. Event-driven development unraveled with RxPY

Romain Picard

Hands-On Reactive Programming with Reactor. Build reactive and scalable microservices using the Reactor framework

Rahul Sharma

Hands-On Security in DevOps. Ensure continuous security, deployment, and delivery with DevSecOps

Tony Hsiang-Chih Hsu

Hands-On Serverless Applications with Go. Build real-world, production-ready applications with AWS Lambda

Mohamed Labouardy

Hands-On Serverless Computing. Build, run and orchestrate serverless applications using AWS Lambda, Microsoft Azure Functions, and Google Cloud Functions

Kuldeep Chowhan

Hands-On Software Engineering with Python. Move beyond basic programming and construct reliable and efficient software with complex code

Brian Allbee

Hands-On System Programming with C++. Build performant and concurrent Unix and Linux systems with C++17

Dr. Rian Quinn

Hands-On System Programming with Linux. Explore Linux system programming interfaces, theory, and practice

Kaiwan N Billimoria

Hartowanie Linuksa we wrogich środowiskach sieciowych. Ochrona serwera od TLS po Tor

Kyle Rankin

HoloLens Beginner's Guide. Join the AR revolution with HoloLens

Jason M. Odom

HoloLens Blueprints. Build immersive AR and Mixed Reality Applications

Abhijit Jana, Manish Sharma, Mallikarjuna Rao

Hybrid Cloud for Architects. Build robust hybrid cloud solutions using AWS and OpenStack

Alok Shrivastwa

Identity with Windows Server 2016: Microsoft 70-742 MCSA Exam Guide. Deploy, configure, and troubleshoot identity services and Group Policy in Windows Server 2016

Vladimir Stefanovic, Sasha Kranjac

Implementing AWS: Design, Build, and Manage your Infrastructure. Leverage AWS features to build highly secure, fault-tolerant, and scalable cloud environments

Yohan Wadia, Rowan Udell, Lucas Chan, Udita Gupta

Implementing Azure Cloud Design Patterns. Implement efficient design patterns for data management, high availability, monitoring and other popular patterns on your Azure Cloud

Oliver Michalski, Stefano Demiliani

Implementing Azure: Putting Modern DevOps to Use. Transform your software deployment process with Microsoft Azure

Florian Klaffenbach, Oliver Michalski, Markus Klein, Mohamed Waly, ...

Implementing Azure Solutions. Eliminate the pain point of implementation

Florian Klaffenbach, Oliver Michalski, Jan-Henrik Damaschke

Implementing CI/CD Using Azure Pipelines. Manage and automate the secure flexible deployment of applications using real-world use cases

Piti Champeethong, Roberto Mardeni