Systemy operacyjne

W niniejszej kategorii naszej biblioteki online znajdziesz książki dotyczące systemów operacyjnych. Część z nich stanowi wprowadzenie do takiego oprogramowania jak Windows, Linux, czy Android. Inne wgłębiają się w bardziej techniczne zagadnienia dotyczące konfiguracji tych systemów oraz narzędzi na nich wykorzystywanych jak np. Ansible.

Learning Malware Analysis. Explore the concepts, tools, and techniques to analyze and investigate Windows malware

Monnappa K A

Learning Microsoft Azure Storage. Build large-scale, real-world apps by effectively planning, deploying, and implementing Azure storage solutions

Mohamed Waly

Learning Nagios 4. For system administrators who want a fast, easily understood introduction to Nagios 4, this is the perfect book. Get to grips with the latest version of this powerful monitoring tool and transform the stability of your whole system

Wojciech Kocjan

Learning OpenDaylight. A gateway to SDN (Software-Defined Networking) and NFV (Network Functions Virtualization) ecosystem

Reza Toghraee

Learning OpenStack Networking. Build a solid foundation in virtual networking technologies for OpenStack-based clouds - Third Edition

James Denton

Learning PowerCLI. A comprehensive guide on PowerCLI - Second Edition

Robert van den Nieuwendijk

Learning PowerCLI. Automate your Vmware vSphere environment by learning how to install and use PowerCLI. This book takes a practical tutorial approach that will have you automating your daily routine tasks in no time

Robert van den Nieuwendijk

Learning PowerShell DSC. Automate deployment and configuration of your servers - Second Edition

James Pogran

Learning PowerShell DSC. Get started with the fundamentals of PowerShell DSC and utilize its power to automate deployment and configuration of your servers

James Pogran

Learning RHEL Networking. Gain Linux administration skills by learning new networking concepts in Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7

Andrew Mallett, Adam Miller

Learning SaltStack. Learn how to manage your infrastructure by utilizing the power of SaltStack

Colton Myers

Learning ServiceNow. Administration and development on the Now platform, for powerful IT automation - Second Edition

Tim Woodruff

Learning ServiceNow. Get started with ServiceNow administration and development to manage and automate your IT Service Management processes

Tim Woodruff, Sylvain Hauser

Learning System Center App Controller. Design, implement, and manage System Center App Controller

Nasir Naeem, Muhammad Naeem

Learning Windows Server Containers. Build and deploy high-quality portable apps faster

Srikanth Machiraju

Linux Administration Best Practices. Practical solutions to approaching the design and management of Linux systems

Scott Alan Miller

Linux Administration Cookbook. Insightful recipes to work with system administration tasks on Linux

Adam K. Dean

Linux. Biblia. Wydanie X

Christopher Negus

Linux Command Line and Shell Scripting Techniques. Master practical aspects of the Linux command line and then use it as a part of the shell scripting process

Vedran Dakic, Jasmin Redzepagic

Linux Device Driver Development Cookbook. Learn kernel programming and build custom drivers for your embedded Linux applications

Rodolfo Giometti

Linux Device Driver Development. Everything you need to start with device driver development for Linux kernel and embedded Linux - Second Edition

John Madieu

Linux Device Drivers Development. Develop customized drivers for embedded Linux

John Madieu

Linux dla admina. Najlepsze praktyki. O czym pamiętać podczas projektowania i zarządzania systemami

Scott Alan Miller

Linux dla każdego Technika IT

Kamil Błasiak, Marek Czerwik