Operational systems

In this category of our online library you will find books on operating systems. Some of them are introductions to software such as Windows, Linux or Android. Others dive into more technical issues regarding the configuration of these systems and the tools used on them, such as Ansible.

WSO2 Developer's Guide. SOA and data services with WSO2 Enterprise Integrator

Ramón Garrido, Fidel Prieto Estrada

Współczesne trendy technologiczne w informatycznych systemach złożonych

Tomasz Rymarczyk

YARN Essentials. A comprehensive, hands-on guide to install, administer, and configure settings in YARN

Amol Fasale, Nirmal Kumar

Zapory sieciowe w systemie Linux. Kompendium wiedzy o nftables. Wydanie IV

Steve Suehring

Zasady grupy w systemach Windows Server 2008 i Windows Vista Resource Kit

Derek Melber

Zed Attack Proxy Cookbook. Hacking tactics, techniques, and procedures for testing web applications and APIs

Ryan Soper, Nestor N Torres, Ahmed Almoailu

Zen Steve'a Jobsa

JESS3 (Illustrator), Caleb Melby (Author), Forbes LLC (Author)

Zestaw narzędzi do administracji Windows: efektywne rozwiązania dla specjalistów IT Resource Kit

Dan Holmes