IT Branche

Online-Bücher in der Kategorie IT Business helfen Ihnen dabei, technische Probleme wie Datenanalyse, Blockchain oder Programmierung zu vertiefen. Hier finden Sie auch großartige Einträge zur Internetwerbung und zur erfolgreichen Führung eines Online-Geschäfts im Allgemeinen. Sie besprechen beispielsweise, wie Marketingdaten analysiert und eine gute Beziehung zum Kunden aufgebaut werden können.

Apache Superset Quick Start Guide. Develop interactive visualizations by creating user-friendly dashboards

Shashank Shekhar

Applied Data Science with Python and Jupyter. Use powerful industry-standard tools to unlock new, actionable insights from your data

Alex Galea

Applied Data Visualization with R and ggplot2. Create useful, elaborate, and visually appealing plots

Dr. Tania Moulik

Applied Deep Learning and Computer Vision for Self-Driving Cars. Build autonomous vehicles using deep neural networks and behavior-cloning techniques

Sumit Ranjan, Dr. S. Senthamilarasu

Applied Deep Learning with Keras. Solve complex real-life problems with the simplicity of Keras

Ritesh Bhagwat, Mahla Abdolahnejad, Matthew Moocarme

Applied Geospatial Data Science with Python. Leverage geospatial data analysis and modeling to find unique solutions to environmental problems

David S. Jordan

Applied Unsupervised Learning with R. Uncover hidden relationships and patterns with k-means clustering, hierarchical clustering, and PCA

Alok Malik, Bradford Tuckfield

arc42 by Example. Software architecture documentation in practice

Dr. Gernot Starke, Michael Simons, Stefan Zörner, Ralf D. Müller

Architects of Intelligence. The truth about AI from the people building it

Martin Ford

Architektura Lean w projektach Agile

James O. Coplien, Gertrud Bjornvig

Architektura oprogramowania i podejmowanie decyzji: Wykorzystywanie przywództwa, technologii i zarządzania produktem do budowy świetnych produktów

Srinath Perera

Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Fundamentals. Develop real-world applications powered by the latest AI advances

Zsolt Nagy

Artificial Intelligence By Example. Develop machine intelligence from scratch using real artificial intelligence use cases

Denis Rothman

Artificial Intelligence for Big Data. Complete guide to automating Big Data solutions using Artificial Intelligence techniques

Anand Deshpande, Manish Kumar

Artificial Intelligence for Robotics. Build intelligent robots that perform human tasks using AI techniques

Francis X. Govers

Artificial Intelligence with Power BI. Take your data analytics skills to the next level by leveraging the AI capabilities in Power BI

Mary-Jo Diepeveen