Biznes IT

Książki online z kategorii Biznes IT pomogą Ci opanować takie zagadnienia techniczne, jak analiza danych, blockchain, czy programowanie. Znajdziesz tutaj także świetne pozycje dotyczące reklamy internetowej i ogólnie tego, jak z powodzeniem prowadzić biznes online. Omawiają one choćby to, jak analizować dane marketingowe oraz budować dobrą relację z klientem.

Ethereum Smart Contract Development. Build blockchain-based decentralized applications using solidity

Mayukh Mukhopadhyay

E-wangeliści. Ucz się od najlepszych twórców polskiego internetu

Paweł Nowacki, Tomasz Cisek

E-wizerunek. Internet jako narzędzie kreowania image'u w biznesie

Michał Łebkowski

Excel 2010 PL. Ilustrowany przewodnik

Krzysztof Masłowski

Excel 2010 PL. Kurs

Witold Wrotek

Excel 2013 for Scientists. Master advanced Excel techniques and data analysis tailored for scientific research and workflows

MrExcel's Holy Macro! Books, Dr. Gerard Verschuuren

Excel 2013 PL. Kurs

Witold Wrotek

Excel 2016 PL. Biblia

John Walkenbach

Excel 2021 / Microsoft 365 Programming By Example. A Comprehensive Guide to Mastering Excel VBA

Mercury Learning and Information, Julitta Korol

Excel 2021 i Microsoft 365. Analiza i modelowanie danych biznesowych

Wayne Winston

Excel 2021 i Microsoft 365. Przetwarzanie danych za pomocą tabel przestawnych

Bill Jelen

Excel and the World Wide Web Straight to the Point. Mastering Web Data Extraction in Excel with VBA, Selenium, and Power Query

MrExcel's Holy Macro! Books, Eduardo N Sanchez

Excel Basics. Mastering Excel Foundation and Spreadsheets Efficiently through Formulas & Graphs

Mercury Learning and Information, Jeffrey Hsu, Gary Bronson

Excel Custom Functions Straight to the Point. Creating Dynamic Excel Custom Functions with JavaScript and Web Services

MrExcel's Holy Macro! Books, Suat M Ozgur

Excel Data Cleansing Straight to the Point. Mastering Excel's Data Cleansing Tools with Real-World Strategies

MrExcel's Holy Macro! Books, Oz du Soleil

Excel Outside the Box. Master Advanced Excel Techniques and Uncover Hidden Features

MrExcel's Holy Macro! Books, Bob Umlas

Excel Power Moves. Advanced Excel Hacks, Formulas, and VBA Shortcuts for Power Users

MrExcel's Holy Macro! Books, Bob Umlas

Excel Subtotals Straight to the Point. Mastering Data Organization and Analysis with Excel Subtotals

MrExcel's Holy Macro! Books, Bill Jelen

Expert Data Modeling with Power BI. Get the best out of Power BI by building optimized data models for reporting and business needs

Soheil Bakhshi, Christian Wade

Exploratory Data Analysis with Python Cookbook. Over 50 recipes to analyze, visualize, and extract insights from structured and unstructured data

Ayodele Oluleye

Exploring GPT-3. An unofficial first look at the general-purpose language processing API from OpenAI

Steve Tingiris, Bret Kinsella

Extending Excel with Python and R. Unlock the potential of analytics languages for advanced data manipulation and visualization

Steven Sanderson, David Kun

Extending Power BI with Python and R. Ingest, transform, enrich, and visualize data using the power of analytical languages

Luca Zavarella, Francesca Lazzeri

Extreme C. Taking you to the limit in Concurrency, OOP, and the most advanced capabilities of C

Kamran Amini