Biznes IT

Książki online z kategorii Biznes IT pomogą Ci opanować takie zagadnienia techniczne, jak analiza danych, blockchain, czy programowanie. Znajdziesz tutaj także świetne pozycje dotyczące reklamy internetowej i ogólnie tego, jak z powodzeniem prowadzić biznes online. Omawiają one choćby to, jak analizować dane marketingowe oraz budować dobrą relację z klientem.

Advanced Deep Learning with Python. Design and implement advanced next-generation AI solutions using TensorFlow and PyTorch

Ivan Vasilev

Advanced Deep Learning with R. Become an expert at designing, building, and improving advanced neural network models using R

Bharatendra Rai

Advanced Excel 365. Master Excel 365 with practical tips and advanced AI integrations

Mercury Learning and Information, Ritu Arora

Advanced Machine Learning with Python. Solve challenging data science problems by mastering cutting-edge machine learning techniques in Python

Victor Marak, Nishant Shukla, John Hearty, Jeffery Yee, ...

Advanced Machine Learning with R. Tackle data analytics and machine learning challenges and build complex applications with R 3.5

Cory Lesmeister, Dr. Sunil Kumar Chinnamgari

Advanced MySQL 8. Discover the full potential of MySQL and ensure high performance of your database

Eric Vanier, Birju Shah, Tejaswi Malepati

Advanced Oracle PL/SQL Developer's Guide. Master the advanced concepts of PL/SQL for professional-level certification and learn the new capabilities of Oracle Database 12c - Second Edition

Saurabh K. Gupta

Advanced Splunk. Click here to enter text

Ashish Kumar Tulsiram Yadav