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W tej kategorii znajdziesz książki online omawiające zróżnicowane zagadnienia dotyczące serwerów, osprzętów sieciowych oraz programowania. Przybliżają one takie technologie jak FreeSWITCH, Amazon Web Services, Azure i wiele więcej. Dowiesz się także z nich, jak z powodzeniem zdać egzaminy CCNA Cisco.

Learning Python Network Programming. Utilize Python 3 to get network applications up and running quickly and easily

Dr. M. O. Faruque Sarker, Samuel B Washington, Sam Washington

Learning Python Networking. A complete guide to build and deploy strong networking capabilities using Python 3.7 and Ansible - Second Edition

José Manuel Ortega, Dr. M. O. Faruque Sarker, Sam Washington

Learning VMware NSX. Next-generation network administration skills revealed - Second Edition

Ranjit Singh Thakurratan

Learning VMware vRealize Automation. Learn the fundamentals of vRealize Automation to accelerate the delivery of your IT services

Sriram Rajendran

Linux Shell Scripting Bootcamp. The fastest way to learn Linux shell scripting

James K Lewis

Managing Mission - Critical Domains and DNS. Demystifying nameservers, DNS, and domain names

Mark E.Jeftovic

Mastering 5G Network Design, Implementation, and Operations. A comprehensive guide to understanding, designing, deploying, and managing 5G networks

Shyam Varan Nath, Ananya Simlai, Oguzhan Kara

Mastering Active Directory. Understand the Core Functionalities of Active Directory Services Using Microsoft Server 2016 and PowerShell

Dishan Francis