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W tej kategorii znajdziesz książki online omawiające zróżnicowane zagadnienia dotyczące serwerów, osprzętów sieciowych oraz programowania. Przybliżają one takie technologie jak FreeSWITCH, Amazon Web Services, Azure i wiele więcej. Dowiesz się także z nich, jak z powodzeniem zdać egzaminy CCNA Cisco.

Mastering OpenVPN. Master building and integrating secure private networks using OpenVPN

Jan Just Keijser, Eric F Crist

Mastering Palo Alto Networks. Deploy and manage industry-leading PAN-OS 10.x solutions to secure your users and infrastructure

Tom Piens aka 'reaper'

Mastering pfSense. Manage, secure, and monitor your on-premise and cloud network with pfSense 2.4 - Second Edition

David Zientara

Mastering PowerCLI. Master PowerCLI to automate all aspects of VMware environments

Sajal Debnath

Mastering Proxmox. Master the skills you need to build a rock-solid virtualization environment with the all new Proxmox 4 - Second Edition

Wasim Ahmed

Mastering Puppet 5. Optimize enterprise-grade environment performance with Puppet

Ryan Russell-Yates, Jason Southgate

Mastering Puppet. Mastering Puppet for network programming enables developers to pull the strings of Puppet and configure enterprise-level environments for optimum performance

Thomas Uphill

Mastering Python Networking. Your one stop solution to using Python for network automation, DevOps, and SDN

Eric Chou