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W tej kategorii znajdziesz książki online omawiające zróżnicowane zagadnienia dotyczące serwerów, osprzętów sieciowych oraz programowania. Przybliżają one takie technologie jak FreeSWITCH, Amazon Web Services, Azure i wiele więcej. Dowiesz się także z nich, jak z powodzeniem zdać egzaminy CCNA Cisco.

Mastering Windows Server 2022. Comprehensive administration of your Windows Server environment - Fourth Edition

Jordan Krause

Mastering Wireshark 2. Develop skills for network analysis and address a wide range of information security threats

Andrew Crouthamel

Mastering WooCommerce 4. Build complete e-commerce websites with WordPress and WooCommerce from scratch

Patrick Rauland

Mastering Zabbix. Learn how to monitor your large IT environments with this one-stop, comprehensive guide to the Zabbix world

Andrea Dalle Vacche, Andrea Dalle Vacche, Stefano Kewan Lee

Microservices with Azure. Build highly maintainable and scalable enterprise-grade apps

Rahul Rai, Namit Tanasseri

Microsoft Azure Storage Essentials. Harness the power of Microsoft Azure services to build efficient cloud solutions

Chukri A Soueidi

Microsoft Certified Azure Data Fundamentals (DP-900) Exam Guide. Build a solid foundation in Azure data services and pass the DP-900 exam on your first try

Steve Miles

Microsoft Exchange Server 2016 PowerShell Cookbook. Powerful recipes to automate time-consuming administrative tasks - Fourth Edition

Jonas Andersson, Nuno Mota, Mike Pfeiffer