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W tej kategorii znajdziesz książki online omawiające zróżnicowane zagadnienia dotyczące serwerów, osprzętów sieciowych oraz programowania. Przybliżają one takie technologie jak FreeSWITCH, Amazon Web Services, Azure i wiele więcej. Dowiesz się także z nich, jak z powodzeniem zdać egzaminy CCNA Cisco.

Mastering Python Networking. Your one-stop solution to using Python for network automation, DevOps, and Test-Driven Development - Second Edition

Eric Chou

Mastering Python Scripting for System Administrators. Write scripts and automate them for real-world administration tasks using Python

Ganesh Sanjiv Naik

Mastering Rust. Learn about memory safety, type system, concurrency, and the new features of Rust 2018 edition - Second Edition

Rahul Sharma, Vesa Kaihlavirta

Mastering SaltStack. Take charge of SaltStack to automate and configure enterprise-grade environments

Joseph Hall

Mastering Service Mesh. Enhance, secure, and observe cloud-native applications with Istio, Linkerd, and Consul

Anjali Khatri, Vikram Khatri, Dinesh Nirmal, Hamid Pirahesh, ...

Mastering ServiceNow. Unleash the full potential of ServiceNow from foundations to advanced functions, with this hands-on expert guide fully revised for the Helsinki version - Second Edition

Martin Wood

Mastering System Center Configuration Manager. Master how to configure, back up, and secure access to System Center Configuration Manager with this practical guide

Vangel Krstevski

Mastering Windows Server 2019. The complete guide for IT professionals to install and manage Windows Server 2019 and deploy new capabilities - Second Edition

Jordan Krause