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Microsoft Exchange Server PowerShell Cookbook. Over 120 recipes to help you manage and administrate Exchange Server 2013 Service Pack 1 with PowerShell 5

Mike Pfeiffer, Jonas Andersson

Microsoft Exchange Server PowerShell Essentials. Leverage the power of basic Windows PowerShell scripts to manage your Exchange messaging environment

Biswanath Banerjee

Microsoft Office 365 - Exchange Online Implementation and Migration. Plan and execute a successful Office 365 Exchange Online migration with ease - Second Edition

David Greve, Loryan Strant, David Greve, Ian Waters

Microsoft System Center 2016 Orchestrator Cookbook. Simplify the automation of your administrative tasks - Second Edition

Michael Seidl, Steve Beaumont, Samuel Erskine (EUR), Andreas Baumgarten

Microsoft System Center Configuration Manager Advanced Deployment. Design, implement, and configure System Center Configuration Manager 2012 R2 with the help of real-world examples

Martyn Coupland

Microsoft System Center Configuration Manager Cookbook. Click here to enter text. - Second Edition

Greg Ramsey, Samir Hammoudi, Brian Mason, Chuluunsuren Damdinsuren

Microsoft System Center Virtual Machine Manager 2012. Poradnik praktyczny

Edvaldo Alessandro Cardoso