Computer networks

In this category you will find online books covering a wide variety of topics related to servers, networking hardware, and programming. They explain technologies such as FreeSWITCH, Amazon Web Services, Azure and many more. You will also learn how to successfully pass the Cisco CCNA exams.

Mastering Palo Alto Networks. Deploy and manage industry-leading PAN-OS 10.x solutions to secure your users and infrastructure

Tom Piens aka 'reaper'

Mastering pfSense. Manage, secure, and monitor your on-premise and cloud network with pfSense 2.4 - Second Edition

David Zientara

Mastering PowerCLI. Master PowerCLI to automate all aspects of VMware environments

Sajal Debnath

Mastering Proxmox. Master the skills you need to build a rock-solid virtualization environment with the all new Proxmox 4 - Second Edition

Wasim Ahmed

Mastering Puppet 5. Optimize enterprise-grade environment performance with Puppet

Ryan Russell-Yates, Jason Southgate

Mastering Puppet. Mastering Puppet for network programming enables developers to pull the strings of Puppet and configure enterprise-level environments for optimum performance

Thomas Uphill

Mastering Python Networking. Your one stop solution to using Python for network automation, DevOps, and SDN

Eric Chou

Mastering Python Networking. Your one-stop solution to using Python for network automation, DevOps, and Test-Driven Development - Second Edition

Eric Chou