
Nasze książki online z kategorii Gry poruszają zróżnicowaną tematykę. Znajdziesz tutaj przewodniki dotyczące konkretnych, popularnych gier. Inne publikacje wprowadzają w takie zagadnienia, jak e-sport oraz grywalizacja. Zajrzyj także do poradników, które uczą, jak za pomocą C#, C++ oraz innych języków programować gry.

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Learning C# by Developing Games with Unity 2020. An enjoyable and intuitive approach to getting started with C# programming and Unity - Fifth Edition

Harrison Ferrone

Over the years, the Learning C# by Developing Games with Unity series has established itself as a popular choice for getting up to speed with C#, a powerful and versatile programming language that can be applied in a wide array of application areas. This book presents a clear path for learning C# programming from the ground up without complex jargon or unclear programming logic, all while building a simple game with Unity.This fifth edition has been updated to introduce modern C# features with the latest version of the Unity game engine, and a new chapter has been added on intermediate collection types. Starting with the basics of software programming and the C# language, you’ll learn the core concepts of programming in C#, including variables, classes, and object-oriented programming. Once you’ve got to grips with C# programming, you’ll enter the world of Unity game development and discover how you can create C# scripts for simple game mechanics. Throughout the book, you’ll gain hands-on experience with programming best practices to help you take your Unity and C# skills to the next level.By the end of this book, you’ll be able to leverage the C# language to build your own real-world Unity game development projects.

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Learning C# by Developing Games with Unity 2021. Kickstart your C# programming and Unity journey by building 3D games from scratch - Sixth Edition

Harrison Ferrone

The Learning C# by Developing Games with Unity series has established itself as a popular choice for getting up to speed with C#, a powerful and versatile programming language with a wide array of applications in various domains. This bestselling franchise presents a clear path for learning C# programming from the ground up through the world of Unity game development.This sixth edition has been updated to introduce modern C# features with Unity 2021. A new chapter has also been added that covers reading and writing binary data from files, which will help you become proficient in handling errors and asynchronous operations.The book acquaints you with the core concepts of programming in C#, including variables, classes, and object-oriented programming. You will explore the fundamentals of Unity game development, including game design, lighting basics, player movement, camera controls, and collisions. You will write C# scripts for simple game mechanics, perform procedural programming, and add complexity to your games by introducing smart enemies and damage-causing projectiles.By the end of the book, you will have developed the skills to become proficient in C# programming and built a playable game prototype with the Unity game engine.

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Learning Design Patterns with Unity. Learn the secret of popular design patterns while building fun, efficient games in Unity 2023 and C#

Harrison Ferrone

Struggling to write maintainable and clean code for your Unity games? Look no further! Learning Design Patterns with Unity empowers you to harness the fullest potential of popular design patterns while building exciting Unity projects. Through hands-on game development, you'll master creational patterns like Prototype to efficiently spawn enemies and delve into behavioral patterns like Observer to create reactive game mechanics. As you progress, you'll also identify the negative impacts of bad architectural decisions and understand how to overcome them with simple but effective practices. By the end of this Unity 2023 book, the way you develop Unity games will change. You'll emerge not just as a more skilled Unity developer, but as a well-rounded software engineer equipped with industry-leading design patterns.

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Learning GDScript by Developing a Game with Godot 4. A fun introduction to programming in GDScript 2.0 and game development using the Godot Engine

Sander Vanhove

In the digital landscape driven by interactive experiences, the demand for creative individuals with the skills to create captivating games has never been higher. Written by Sander Vanhove, a seasoned game developer with over 20 games to his credit, this book will serve as your entry point into game development, showing you how to leverage the powerful features of the open-source, versatile GDScript 2.0 to develop your ideas, from simple platformers to complex RPGs.Whether you're an aspiring game developer, a hobbyist seeking a creative outlet, or simply someone intrigued by the world of game programming, this book will guide you through the intricacies of the Godot 4 game engine. Starting with a primer on the fundamentals of programming, you’ll cover everything from data to logic, while familiarizing yourself with Godot’s built-in tools such as the physics engine, navigation, and cameras. As you progress, you’ll unlock deeper insights into more advanced tools that will take your programming to the next level. Aided by easy-to-follow step-by-step tutorials, examples, exercises, and experiments, you’ll seamlessly integrate this newfound knowledge to create a Vampire Survivor-like game from scratch.By the end of this book, you’ll have become proficient in leveraging the Godot 4 game engine to bring your gaming visions to life.

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Learning Ionic. Hybrid mobile apps with HTML5, CSS3, and Angular - Second Edition

Arvind Ravulavaru

Ionic makes it incredibly easy to build beautiful and interactive mobile apps using HTML5, SCSS, and Angular. Ionic also makes app development easier, faster, and more fun. This hands-on guide will help you understand the Ionic framework and how you can leverage it to create amazing real-time applications. We begin by covering the essential features of Angular 2, and then dive straight into how Ionic fits in today’s world of hybrid app development and give you a better understanding of the mobile hybrid architecture along the way.Further on, you will learn how to work with Ionic decorators, services, and components, which will allow you to build complex apps using the Ionic framework. We will take a look at theming Ionic apps using the built-in SCSS setup. After that, we will explore Ionic Native, and you will learn how to integrate device-specific features, such as notifications, with the Ionic app. To complete our learning, we will be building a Rider app, using Ionic and Uber API, to book a ride.Next, you will learn how to unit test, end-to-end test, monkey test, and execute device testing on AWS Device farm. Then, we will take a look at migrating the existing Ionic 1 apps to Ionic 2 and deploy them to the App Store. The final chapter on Ionic 3 wraps up this book by explaining the new features of Ionic 3 at the time of writing this book.By the end of this book, you will be able to develop, deploy, and manage hybrid mobile applications built with Cordova, Ionic, and Angular.All the examples in this book are valid for both Ionic 2 and Ionic 3.

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Learning Java by Building Android Games. Learn Java and Android from scratch by building five exciting games - Third Edition

John Horton

Android is one of the most popular mobile operating systems today. It uses the most popular programming language, Java, as one of the primary languages for building apps of all types. Unlike most other Android books, this book doesn’t assume that you have any prior knowledge of Java programming, instead helps you get started with building Android games as a beginner.This new, improved, and updated third edition of Learning Java by Building Android Games helps you to build Android games from scratch. Once you've got to grips with the fundamentals, the difficulty level increases steadily as you explore key Java topics, such as variables, loops, methods, object-oriented programming (OOP), and design patterns while working with up-to-date code and supporting examples. At each stage, you'll be able to test your understanding by implementing the concepts that you’ve learned to develop a game. Toward the end, you’ll build games such as Sub Hunter, Retro Pong, Bullet Hell, Classic Snake, and Scrolling Shooter.By the end of this Java book, you'll not only have a solid understanding of Java and Android basics but will also have developed five cool games for the Android platform.

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Learning Rust. A comprehensive guide to writing Rust applications

Paul Johnson, Vesa Kaihlavirta

Rust is a highly concurrent and high performance language that focuses on safety and speed, memory management, and writing clean code. It also guarantees thread safety, and its aim is to improve the performance of existing applications. Its potential is shown by the fact that it has been backed by Mozilla to solve the critical problem of concurrency.Learning Rust will teach you to build concurrent, fast, and robust applications. From learning the basic syntax to writing complex functions, this book will is your one stop guide to get up to speed with the fundamentals of Rust programming. We will cover the essentials of the language, including variables, procedures, output, compiling, installing, and memory handling. You will learn how to write object-oriented code, work with generics, conduct pattern matching, and build macros. You will get to know how to communicate with users and other services, as well as getting to grips with generics, scoping, and more advanced conditions. You will also discover how to extend the compilation unit in Rust. By the end of this book, you will be able to create a complex application in Rust to move forward with.

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Learning RxJava. Reactive, Concurrent, and responsive applications

Thomas Nield

RxJava is a library for composing asynchronous and event-based programs using Observable sequences for the JVM, allowing developers to build robust applications in less time.Learning RxJava addresses all the fundamentals of reactive programming to help readers write reactive code, as well as teach them an effective approach to designing and implementing reactive libraries and applications. Starting with a brief introduction to reactive programming concepts, there is an overview of Observables and Observers, the core components of RxJava, and how to combine different streams of data and events together. You will also learn simpler ways to achieve concurrency and remain highly performant, with no need for synchronization. Later on, we will leverage backpressure and other strategies to cope with rapidly-producing sources to prevent bottlenecks in your application. After covering custom operators, testing, and debugging, the book dives into hands-on examples using RxJava on Android as well as Kotlin.

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