Office applications

Would you like to know more about secrets of Excel, PowerPoint, Word, etc. that are useful in everyday work? Look into our online library where you will find books designed both for beginners and advanced users. Due to them office programs won’t have any secrets from you.

Microsoft Dynamics GP 2013 Financial Management. Unleash the power of financial management with tips, techniques, and solutions for Microsoft Dynamics GP 2013

Ian Grieve

Microsoft Dynamics GP 2016 Cookbook. Click here to enter text

Mark Polino, Ian Grieve

Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2009 Application Design. Design and extend complete applications using Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2009

Marije Brummel, Michael Nielsen

Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2015 Professional Reporting. Discover tips and trick for Dynamics NAV report building

Steven Renders

Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2016 Financial Management. Click here to enter text. - Second Edition

Anju Bala, Cristina Nicolas Lorente, Laura Nicolas Lorente

Microsoft Dynamics NAV. Implementing ERP Systems

Alex Chow, Vjekoslav Babić, Laura Nicolas Lorente, David Studebaker, ...

Microsoft Excel 2010 Analiza i modelowanie danych biznesowych

Wayne L. Winston

Microsoft Excel 2010 PL. Praktyczne podejście

Curtis D. Frye

Microsoft Excel 2013. Analiza i modelowanie danych biznesowych

Wayne L. Winston

Microsoft Excel 2013 Budowanie modeli danych przy użyciu PowerPivot

Alberto Ferrari, Marco Russo

Microsoft Excel 2013 Krok po kroku

Curtis Frye

Microsoft Excel 2016 Analiza i modelowanie danych biznesowych

Wayne L. Winston

Microsoft Excel 2016 Krok po kroku

Curtis Frye

Microsoft Excel 2019 Analiza i modelowanie danych biznesowych

Wayne L. Winston