Aplikacje biurowe

Czy chciałbyś lepiej poznać tajniki Excela, PowerPointa, Worda i innego oprogramowania na co dzień przydatnego w pracy? Zajrzyj w takim razie do naszej biblioteki online, gdzie znajdziesz książki skierowane do zarówno początkujących, jak i zaawansowanych użytkowników. Dzięki nim programy biurowe nie będą miały przed Tobą tajemnic.

Windows Phone 7.5: Building Location-aware Applications. Build your first Windows Phone application with Location and Maps with this book and

Zeeshan Chawdhary, Zeeshan Chawdhary

Windows Presentation Foundation 4.5 Cookbook. For C# developers, this book offers a fast route to getting more closely acquainted with the ins and outs of Windows Presentation Foundation. The recipe approach smoothes out the complexities and enhances learning

Windows Server 2016 Administration Cookbook. Core infrastructure, IIS, Remote Desktop Services, Monitoring, and Group Policy

Jordan Krause

Windows Server 2016 Administration Fundamentals. Deploy, set up, and deliver network services with Windows Server while preparing for the MTA 98-365 exam and pass it with ease

Bekim Dauti

Windows Server 2016 Cookbook. Click here to enter text

Jordan Krause

Wizualizacja danych. Pulpity nawigacyjne i raporty w Excelu

Dick Kusleika

Word 2007 PL. Nieoficjalny podręcznik

Chris Grover

Word 2010 PL. Ćwiczenia praktyczne

Grzegorz Kowalczyk

Word 2010 PL. Ilustrowany przewodnik

Łukasz Suma

Word 2010 PL. Kurs

Word 2010 PL. Pierwsza pomoc

Magdalena Gunia

Word 2013 PL. Ćwiczenia praktyczne

Grzegorz Kowalczyk

Word 2013 PL. Kurs

Grzegorz Kowalczyk

Word 2016 PL. Ćwiczenia praktyczne

Grzegorz Kowalczyk

Word 2021 i Microsoft 365 Krok po kroku

Joan Lambert

Word i Excel. Dla seniorów

Magdalena Gunia, Paweł Milewicz

Work Smarter with Microsoft OneNote. An expert guide to setting up OneNote notebooks to become more organized, efficient, and productive

Connie Clark

Workflow Automation with Microsoft Power Automate. Achieve digital transformation through business automation with minimal coding

Aaron Guilmette

Workflow Automation with Microsoft Power Automate. Use business process automation to achieve digital transformation with minimal code - Second Edition

Aaron Guilmette

Working Smarter with Microsoft Outlook. Supercharge your office and personal productivity with expert Outlook tips and techniques

Working with Legacy Systems. A practical guide to looking after and maintaining the systems we inherit

Robert Annett

Working with Microsoft Forms and Customer Voice. Efficiently gather and manage customer feedback, insights, and experiences

Welly Lee, James Phillips, Ray Smith

Working with Odoo 10. One stop guide for your enterprise needs - Second Edition

Greg Moss

Xamarin 4 By Example. Build impressive mobile applications with Xamarin Studio 6

Matteo Bortolu, Engin Polat, Mark Radacz