
Die Online-Bücher in der Kategorie Hardware helfen Ihnen dabei, praktische Kenntnisse in der Montage und Reparatur von Computer-Kits zu erwerben. Sie lernen auch, wie Sie gängige Programmiersprachen wie JavaScript und C ++ verwenden, um interessante Projekte (z. B. Signalisierungssysteme) zu erstellen. Vielleicht interessieren Sie sich auch für einführende Anleitungen zu Arduino.


WordPress Mobile Applications with PhoneGap. A straightforward, example-based guide to leveraging your web development skills to build mobile applications using WordPress, jQuery, jQuery Mobile, and PhoneGap with this book and

Eugene Liang

With the explosive popularity of mobile apps and its much anticipated continued growth for the foreseeable future, developers will want to get their hands dirty and build some cool mobile apps. But we know that building mobile apps is not easy: we need to handle cross-platform issues, mobile devices of different screen sizes, not to mention traditional issues such as providing a content management system of the content served in the application.Enter WordPress Mobile Applications with PhoneGap. We leverage on some of the most popular open source projects: Wordpress, jQuery, jQuery Mobile and PhoneGap and discover how they can be pieced together to build a fully functional cross platform mobile application.WordPress Mobile Applications with PhoneGap teaches you how to build mobile application with minimal effort and coding by leveraging on some of the most popular open source projects such as Wordpress, jQuery, jQuery Mobile and PhoneGap.This book looks at some of the most popular open source projects: Wordpress, jQuery, jQuery Mobile and PhoneGap and breaks down the nitty gritty details on how to leverage on these projects to build a fully functional cross-platform mobile application with minimal coding and effort.You will start off by quickly going through the capabilities of Wordpress. Then you will prepare some groundwork on how to make use of plugins and the GeoPlaces theme to provide geographic and API capabilities to WordPress. Next you will learn how to create an external HTML/CSS/JavaScript that consumes and posts data to your Wordpress blog. More importantly, you will see how to convert this external app into a PhoneGap in as little as five minutes. Finally, you will learn how to apply all these techniques and skills to a Wordpress app based on the Twenty-Ten theme and create a cross-platform mobile app using PhoneGap.By the end of Wordpress Mobile Applications with PhoneGap you will learn how to piece Wordpress, jQuery, jQuery Mobile and PhoneGap together into a fully functional mobile app.


WordPress Mobile Web Development: Beginner's Guide. Make your WordPress website mobile-friendly and get to grips with the two hottest trends in web design—Mobile and WordPress with this book and


The chances are that more of your WordPress website visitors are using mobiles, or more clients are demanding responsive or mobile sites. If you can use WordPress to build mobile-friendly sites you can win more business from clients and more traffic for your site.WordPress Mobile Web Development Beginner's Guide will benefit you whether you've dabbled in WordPress or worked with it for years. It will help you identify which approach to mobile is most appropriate for your site (responsive, mobile, or web app) and learn how to make each one work, demonstrating a variety of techniques from the simple to the more complex, working through clear practical examples and applying these to your own website.Start by quickly making a WordPress site mobile-friendly, using off the shelf plugins and responsive themes, choosing the best ones for you and customising them. This leads into responsive theme design, with advice on layout, images and navigation. Finally, learn how to build a web app in WordPress, making use of plugins, APIs and custom code.If you need to hit the ground running with mobile WordPress development, then this book is for you. With practical examples and exercises from the beginning, it will help you build your first mobile WordPress site without having to learn aspects of WordPress or mobile development that aren't relevant. It will also help you understand which approaches work and why, so you can apply this knowledge to future projects.


WordPress MU 2.8: Beginner's Guide. Build your own blog network with unlimited users and blogs, forums, photo galleries, and more!

Lesley Harrison, Lesley A Harrison, Matt Mullenweg

WordPress MU enables you to build a complete, professional blog network. Each user gets their own blog, and can choose their favorite templates and plug-ins, and develop their own content. WordPress MU powers some of the largest blog networks in the world, including the mighty WordPress.com ñ home to thousands of bloggers.This book will take you through the setup of a WordPress MU-powered blogging network, using a real, working blog network as an example, so that you can follow the creation process step-by-step. Your blogging network will be complete with professional features such as friends lists, status feeds, groups, forums, photo galleries, and more, to build your own WordPress.com ñ a place where users can quickly come and create a blog for themselves.The book starts with a clean install of WordPress MU, and as you work through the book, you will build the blog network, and add on more and more features, all seamlessly integrated to achieve a professional, custom-built look.You will find new themes and plug-ins added to the site, as well as customization of the WordPress multi-user code. The book will also look at ways you can manage your community, and keep your site safe and secure, ensuring that it is a spam-free, enjoyable community for your users. In the later chapters, you will add a forum using the bbPress script, and add BuddyPress social networking components to your site.Imagine how good you'll feel when your first WordPress multi-user blog network launches.


WordPress Plugin Development: Beginner's Guide. Build powerful, interactive plug-ins for your blog and to share online

Vladimir Prelovac, Vladimir Prelovac, Matt Mullenweg

If you can write WordPress plug-ins, you can make WordPress do just about anything. From making the site easier to administer, to adding the odd tweak or new feature, to completely changing the way your blog works, plug-ins are the method WordPress offers to customize and extend its functionality. This book will show you how to build all sorts of WordPress plug-ins: admin plug-ins, Widgets, plug-ins that alter your post output, present custom views of your blog, and more.WordPress Plug-in Development (Beginner's Guide) focuses on teaching you all aspects of modern WordPress development. The book uses real and published WordPress plug-ins and follows their creation from the idea to the finishing touches, in a series of carefully picked, easy-to-follow tutorials. You will discover how to use the WordPress API in all typical situations, from displaying output on the site in the beginning to turning WordPress into a CMS in the last chapter. In Chapters 2 to 7 you will develop six concrete plug-ins and conquer all aspects of WordPress development.Each new chapter and each new plug-in introduces different features of WordPress and how to put them to good use, allowing you to gradually advance your knowledge. This book is written as a guide to take your WordPress skills from the very beginning to the level where you are able to completely understand how WordPress works and how you can use it to your advantage.


WordPress Top Plugins. Find and install the best plugins for generating and sharing content, building communities and generating revenue

Brandon Corbin

Bloggers, authors, coders, photographers, moms, dads, big companies, small companies, and even kids use WordPress to manifest their personas online. WordPress is used in every market, in every country, and continues to grow everyday. This explosive growth and international open source love affair was ignited the day WordPress announced the simple idea of a 'plugin'A WordPress plugin is a collection of files (PHP, javascript, css) that creates a small feature or modification to your WordPress blog. WordPress Top Plugins will teach you to add these plugins to an already built base WordPress site, and customize them where applicable.This book will walk you through finding and installing the best plugins for generating and sharing content, for building communities and reader base, and for generating real advertising revenue.There is literally a plugin for almost anything you want to achieve in WordPress.This book will show you how plugins work, and more importantly, how to install and activate them on your blog without you having to touch a single line of code, unless of course, you want to.Content is king, and it’s pretty hard to generate. This book will cover some of the best plugins available on WordPress to generate unique and dynamic content.Once you have your blog loaded chock full of juicy content, you will learn how to turn your blog in to an overnight sensation by helping your readers to share it, using tools to retweet, post on Facebook, and so on.This book will teach you how to build a community with one single killer plugin, namely, BuddyPress—the best community building plugin available for WordPress.Once you are through with plugin basics, content, and building a community, this book will show you how to generate revenue! It will cover the top plugins for turning your blog into a money making machine!This book will also cover plugins focused on tweaking and perfecting your blog’s overall look and feel, and functionality.Nothing helps build a powerful online blog brand than a horde of talented writers to contribute their ideas and content – as well as their social network. This book will cover a bunch of plugins that will make working with multiple authors easy, efficient, and effective.Last but not the least, it will cover the best plugins for ensuring that your blog is secure, the database is running optimally, and in the case of an emergency, you have a full backup copy of your blog.While most plugins in this book are focused on a blog’s frontend, this book will also cover some great 'non-public' facing plugins that make our lives so much easier and make your WordPress site a productive powerhouse.


Working with Odoo. Learn how to use Odoo, a resourceful, open source business application platform designed to transform and modernize your business

Greg Moss

With this practical guide, you will cover the essential modules to get Odoo up and running for your company. After installing Odoo, you will use its sales management application to enter quotes, create sales orders, and invoice customers. You will then learn how to integrate the CRM application to manage your leads and convert them into lucrative opportunities and sales. Next, you will set up your own purchase management system, assigning products to suppliers and tracking orders with the new warehouse management and routing system. Finally, you will learn how to use analytics to track project expenses and keep your accounts simple and easy to maintain and build an Odoo module to extend its functionality and make it work for you.Working with Odoo covers all the core installation and usage functionalities of this popular tool, helping you to fully implement a working ERP system through practical, advanced, real-world examples.


Wprowadzenie do Arduino, wyd. II

Massimo Banzi, Michael Shiloh

Platforma prototypowania elektronicznego open source Massimo Banzi współzałożyciel Arduino i Michael Shiloh Arduino to otwarta platforma prototypowania elektronicznego, która zawojowała świat projektantów i hobbystów. To solidne i dogłębne wprowadzenie, uaktualnione o najnowsze wydanie IDE i nowe płytki oparte na procesorach ARM, pomoże od razu przejść do tworzenia projektów. Znajdziesz tu wszystko, co potrzeba, od uzyskania wymaganych komponentów, aż po finalne szlify swojego projektu! Wprowadzenie do Arduino jest proste! Do wykorzystania wstępnych przykładów z tego przewodnika potrzebne jest jedynie samo Arduino Uno lub Nano, kabel USB oraz dioda LED. Łatwe w użyciu, bezpłatne środowisko projektowe Arduino działa w systemach Mac, Windows i Linux. Dołącz do tysięcy hobbystów, którzy odkryli już tę wspaniałą platformę edukacyjną! Główne zagadnienia przedstawione w książce: • Projektowanie interaktywne i fizyczne przetwarzanie • Płytka Arduino i jej środowisko programistyczne • Podstawy elektrotechniki i elektroniki • Prototypowanie na płytce stykowej bez lutowania • Rysowanie i czytanie schematów elektronicznych • Używanie środowisk Cloud IDE i nowego Arduino IoT Cloud • Budowanie własnego systemu podlewania ogrodu • Usprawnianie dostępu do Internetu przez Wi-Fi Napisane przez Massimo Banzi, współzałożyciela Arduino i Michaela Shiloha, lidera edukacyjnego Arduino.


Wprowadzenie do Raspberry Pi, wyd. II

Matt Richardson, Shawn Wallace

Raspberry Pi to komputer wielkości karty kredytowej, do którego można podłączyć zwykły telewizor i klawiaturę. Jednak jest to pełnoprawny, choć mały komputer, który można wykorzystać w rozmaitych projektach, a także do wielu rzeczy, które realizują "zwykłe" komputery PC, jak praca z arkuszami kalkulacyjnymi i tekstem, przeglądanie Internetu czy gry lub oglądanie wideo wysokiej rozdzielczości. Ta książka krok po kroku pokazuje różnorodne możliwości związane z zabawą i edukacją. Korzystaj z wielu wstępnie załadowanych języków programowania. Używaj Raspberry Pi z Arduino. Twórz projekty związane z Internetem. Baw się multimediami. Z Raspberry Pi możesz robić to wszystko i jeszcze więcej. Zawiera omówienie nowej wersji Raspberry Pi Model 3, a szczególnie jej możliwości komunikacyjnych.


Wprowadzenie do Raspberry Pi, wyd. III

Matt Richardson, Shawn Wallace, Wolfram Donat

Poznajemy niedrogi komputer z procesorem ARM i Linuksem Matt Richardson, Shawn Wallace i Wolfram Donat Dziesięć lat. To już dziesięć lat od chwili, gdy świat komputerów do góry nogami wywróciło wydanie Raspberry Pi: taniego, jednopłytowego komputera o rozmiarze karty kredytowej. W ciągu tej dekady Raspberry Pi wpłynęło na badania kosmiczne, domowe zastosowania komputerów, Internet rzeczy, a nawet na to, jak korzystamy z multimediów. Uaktualnione o omówienie Raspberry Pi 4, Raspberry Pi Pico i Raspberry Pi Zero W2, trzecie wydanie tej książki prowadzi Czytelnika krok po kroku poprzez wiele rzeczy, które może zaoferować przez Raspberry Pi: zdalne przetwarzanie, wykrywanie twarzy za pomocą opcjonalnej kamery, małe i wielkie projekty multimedialne. Przy użyciu Raspberry Pi możemy zrobić to wszystko i jeszcze więcej. Czego można nauczyć się z tej książki: » Poznać sprzętowe możliwości Pi » Opanować Linux w stopniu wystarczającym do swobodnego poruszania się po systemie operacyjnym » Zacząć programować w Pythonie » Używać pinów wejściowych i wyjściowych Pi do kontrolowania sprzętu » Sprawić, aby Arduino i Raspberry Pi działały wspólnie » Utworzyć własny serwer Web oparty na Pi » Posługiwać się Raspberry Pi Camera Module i kamerkami USB » Uczynić Pi centralnym elementem projektu Internetu rzeczy Hakuj sprzęt za pomocą oprogramowania!


WS-BPEL 2.0 for SOA Composite Applications with Oracle SOA Suite 11g. Define, model, implement, and monitor real-world BPEL business processes with SOA powered BPM

Matjaz B. Juric, Marcel Krizevnik, Matjaz B Juric

Business Process Execution Language (BPEL, aka WS-BPEL) has become the de-facto standard for orchestrating services in SOA composite applications. BPEL reduces the gap between business requirements and applications and allows for better alignment between business processes and underlying IT architecture. BPEL is for SOA what SQL is for databases. Therefore learning BPEL is essential for the successful adoption of SOA or the development of composite applications. Although BPEL looks simple at first sight, it hides its large potential and has many interesting and advanced features. If you can get familiar with these features - you can maximize the value of SOA.This book provides a comprehensive and detailed coverage of BPEL, one of the centerpieces of SOA. It covers basic and advanced features of BPEL 2.0 and provides several real-world examples. In addition to BPEL specification the book provides comprehensive coverage of BPEL support in Oracle SOA Suite 11g, including security, transactions, human workflow, process monitoring, automatic generation of BPEL from process models, dynamic processes, and more.This book starts with an introduction to BPEL, its role with regard to SOA and the process-oriented approach to SOA. The authors give short descriptions of the most important SOA platforms and BPEL servers—the run time environments for the execution of business processes specified in BPEL—and compare BPEL to other business process languages. The book will then move on to explain core concepts such as invoking services, synchronous and asynchronous processes, partner links, role of WSDL, variables, flows, and more.Moving ahead you will become familiar with fault handling, transaction management and compensation handling, scopes, events and event handlers, concurrent activities and links. The authors also discuss the business process lifecycle, correlation of messages, dynamic partner links, abstract business processes and mapping from BPMN to BPEL.The book presents in detail, how to use BPEL with Oracle SOA Suite 11g PS2. It explains the development of BPEL and SCA assemblies, and demonstrates different approaches with some practical examples. It addresses security, transaction handling, and human workflow. Then, the book addresses entity variables, notification services, fault management framework, and business events in BPEL. It provides exhaustive coverage of monitoring BPEL processes and developing dashboards with Oracle BAM. It explains how to use BPEL processes with Oracle Service Bus and Oracle Service Registry. Using examples, the book also demonstrates how to transform business process models in BPMN (using Business Modeler) to BPEL, how to achieve round-tripping using BPA Suite and BPM Suite, and how to use Oracle Enterprise Repository to govern BPEL processes. The book also covers the complete BPM lifecycle from modeling through implementation, execution, monitoring, and optimization and presents advanced, real-world examples.


Wydajność i optymalizacja kodu. Istota dynamiki działania oprogramowania

Richard L. Sites

Mimo że dysponujemy coraz szybszym i wydajniejszym sprzętem, oprogramowaniu wciąż stawia się wyśrubowane wymagania: musi działać błyskawicznie i niezawodnie. Nieraz od jakości pracy systemu zależy bardzo dużo, nawet bezpieczeństwo i życie człowieka. Eliminacja źródłowych przyczyn problemów wydajnościowych jest jednak niezwykle trudnym zadaniem. Wymaga wiedzy o działaniu sprzętu, interakcjach między komponentami systemu, a także wysokiej klasy umiejętności programistycznych. Ta książka jest przeznaczona dla programistów i osób zaawansowanych w nauce programowania. Dzięki niej nauczysz się uwzględniać w projektach narzędzia do obserwacji pracy kodu i analizować uzyskane dzięki nim dane o wydajności. Dowiesz się też, jak na podstawie takiego wnioskowania uzyskiwać znaczną poprawę w szybkości przetwarzania powolnych operacji. Prezentowane treści zilustrowano przykładami i ćwiczeniami w języku C lub C++ w systemie Linux. Materiał zawarty w książce to trzy główne zagadnienia: pomiary, obserwacje, a także wnioskowanie i nanoszenie poprawek w kodzie. Wartościową częścią książki jest omówienie procesu budowy niskokosztowego narzędzia do obserwacji KUtrace i jego zastosowania we wdrażaniu wyrafinowanych rozwiązań programistycznych. W ten sposób można u źródła usuwać przyczyny problemów z wydajnością kodu. Najciekawsze zagadnienia: problemy sprzętowe: procesory, pamięci, dyski twarde, nośniki SSD i sieci korygowanie kodu wolno działającego programu przydatne mechanizmy monitorowania pracy kodu analiza danych dotyczących wydajności identyfikacja problemów, takich jak wykonywanie zbyt wielu instrukcji, powolne wykonywanie instrukcji, oczekiwanie na zasoby i blokady programowe Kod eksperta: tu każdy bit ma znaczenie!


ВІЙН@. Битви в кіберпросторі

Шейн Гарріс

Наші мрії донедавна були пов2019язані з міжгалактичними мандрівками та підкоренням космосу, квітами на Марсі й корисними копалинами на Юпітері2026 А поруч тривала розробка стратегій війн, армії шпигунів (або розвідників) наполегливо полювали на надсекретні дослідження. Інформаційна революція кінця тисячоліття змінила майже все. Сьогодні шпигунам не потрібно викрадати паперові документи з офісів чи підслуховувати розмови інженерів у кабінетах. Вони навчилися цупити інформацію віддалено, за допомогою комп2019ютерних мереж. Відомий американський журналіст Шейн Гарріс ретельно дослідив етапи розвитку військово-мережевого комплексу США, питання кібершпигунства та стратегій кібервійн 2013 війн майбутнього. Ця книжка стала підсумком його багаторічної роботи. Новітні технології тепер є буденністю в житті майже кожного з нас. Не варто їх недооцінювати. Інтернет приховує чимало несподіванок, загроз і пасток. Будьте пильними та обережними!


XGBoost for Regression Predictive Modeling and Time Series Analysis. Learn how to build, evaluate, and deploy predictive models with expert guidance

Partha Pritam Deka, Joyce Weiner, Prof. Roberto V. Zicari

XGBoost offers a powerful solution for regression and time series analysis, enabling you to build accurate and efficient predictive models. In this book, the authors draw on their combined experience of 40+ years in the semiconductor industry to help you harness the full potential of XGBoost, from understanding its core concepts to implementing real-world applications.As you progress, you'll get to grips with the XGBoost algorithm, including its mathematical underpinnings and its advantages over other ensemble methods. You'll learn when to choose XGBoost over other predictive modeling techniques, and get hands-on guidance on implementing XGBoost using both the Python API and scikit-learn API. You'll also get to grips with essential techniques for time series data, including feature engineering, handling lag features, encoding techniques, and evaluating model performance. A unique aspect of this book is the chapter on model interpretability, where you'll use tools such as SHAP, LIME, ELI5, and Partial Dependence Plots (PDP) to understand your XGBoost models. Throughout the book, you’ll work through several hands-on exercises and real-world datasets.By the end of this book, you'll not only be building accurate models but will also be able to deploy and maintain them effectively, ensuring your solutions deliver real-world impact.


XNA 4.0 Game Development by Example: Beginner's Guide. The best way to start creating your own games is simply to dive in and give it a go with this Beginner’s Guide to XNA. Full of examples, tips, and tricks for a solid grounding

Kurt Jaegers

XNA Game Studio enables hobbyists and independent game developers to easily create video games. It gives you the power to bring your creations to life on Windows, the Xbox 360, the Zune, and the Windows Phone platforms. But before you give life to your creativity with XNA, you need to gain a solid understanding of some game development concepts.This book covers both the concepts and the implementations necessary to get you started on bringing your own creations to life with XNA. It details the creation of four games, all in different styles, from start to finish using the Microsoft XNA Framework, including a puzzler, space shooter, multi-axis shoot-'em-up, and a jump-and-run platform game. Each game introduces new concepts and techniques to build a solid foundation for your own ideas and creativity. Beginning with the basics of drawing images to the screen, the book then incrementally introduces sprite animation, particles, sound effects, tile-based maps, and path finding. It then explores combining XNA with Windows Forms to build an interactive map editor, and builds a platform-style game using the editor-generated maps. Finally, the book covers the considerations necessary for deploying your games to the Xbox 360 platform.By the end of the book, you will have a solid foundation of game development concepts and techniques as well as working sample games to extend and innovate upon. You will have the knowledge necessary to create games that you can complete without an army of fellow game developers at your back.


Yii 1.1 Application Development Cookbook. Over 80 recipes to help you master using the Yii PHP framework

Alexander Makarov, Qiang Xue (Project)

When Alex told me he was about to write a Yii cookbook about a year ago, I was wondering how original it would be, considering the fact that there was already an online user-contributed cookbook (aka. Yii wiki). It turned out Alex produced a book that is not only full of wisdom about how to use Yii effectively, but also presented in such a systematic way that it can be taken as an essential companion book to the definitive guide to Yii. In fact, Alex has successfully intrigued the interest of every member in the Yii developer team when he asked for review and comments on his newly finished book chapters.As the founder and the lead developer of the Yii framework, I feel this book is a must-read for every Yii programmer. While this book does not describe directly the rules set by Yii, it shows how to program with Yii from a practical perspective. People who are driven by tight project schedules will find this book very handy as it gives ready-to-use solutions to many problems they may face in their projects; people who are already familiar with Yii will also find this book very informative as most problem solutions given in the book can be considered as officially recommended because they have undergone thorough review of every Yii developer team member. Alex, through this book and his active participation in the Yii project, proved himself to be a great programmer as well as a good writer.Qiang XueLead developer of the Yii frameworkYii framework is a rapidly growing PHP5 MVC framework often referred to as Rails for PHP. It has become a solid base for many exciting web applications such as Stay.com and Russia Today's meetfriends.rt.com and can be a good base for your developments. Yii is an object-oriented, high-performance, component-based PHP web application framework. Yii is pronounced as Yee and is an acronym for Yes It Is!.Familiar with Yii and want to exploit it to its full potential, but do not know how to go about it? Yii 1.1 Application Development Cookbook will show you how to use Yii efficiently. You will learn about implementing shortcuts using core features, creating your own reusable code base, using test-driven development, and many more topics that will escalate your knowledge in no time at all!Yii 1.1 Application Development Cookbook will help you learn more about Yii framework and application development practices in general with demonstrations of shortcuts and information about dangerous things you should not do.Grouped in 13 chapters, the recipes will assist you to write your applications exploiting Yii core functionality to its full potential. The chapters are generally independent of each other and you can start reading from the chapter you need most, whether it is AJAX and jQuery, Database, Active Record and Model Tricks or Extending Yii. The most interesting topics include Yii application deployment, a guide to writing your own extensions, advanced error handling, debugging and logging, application security, and performance tuning.Yii 1.1 Application Development Cookbook will help you utilize Yii functionalities completely and efficiently.


Yocto for Raspberry Pi. Create unique and amazing projects by using the powerful combination of Yocto and Raspberry Pi

TEXIER Pierre-Jean, Petter Mabäcker

The Yocto Project is a Linux Foundation workgroup, which produces tools (SDK) and processes (configuration, compilation, installation) that will enable the creation of Linux distributions for embedded software, independent of the architecture of embedded software (Raspberry Pi, i.MX6, and so on). It is a powerful build system that allows you to master your personal or professional development.This book presents you with the configuration of the Yocto Framework for the Raspberry Pi, allowing you to create amazing and innovative projects using the Yocto/OpenEmbedded eco-system. It starts with the basic introduction of Yocto's build system, and takes you through the setup and deployment steps for Yocto. It then helps you to develop an understanding of Bitbake (the task scheduler), and learn how to create a basic recipe through a GPIO application example. You can then explore the different types of Yocto recipe elements (LICENSE, FILES, SRC_URI, and so on). Next, you will learn how to customize existing recipes in Yocto/OE layers and add layers to your custom environment (qt5 for example).