
Online books in the category Hardware will help you gain practical skills in assembling and fixing computers. Also, you will learn how to use popular programming languages like JavaScript and C++ for creating interesting projects (e.g. signalling systems). Introductory Arduino manuals can fascinate you as well.

3D Printing Blueprints. Using the free open-source Blender software, anyone can design models for 3D printing. Fantastic fun and a great experience whether or not you have a 3D printer, this book is a crash course in the new technology

Joe Larson

3D Printing with RepRap Cookbook. Over 80 fast-paced recipes to help you create and print 3D models

Richard Salinas

A Definitive Guide to Apache ShardingSphere. Transform any DBMS into a distributed database with sharding, scaling, encryption features, and more

Trista Pan, Zhang Liang, Yacine Si Tayeb

A Handbook of Mathematical Models with Python. Elevate your machine learning projects with NetworkX, PuLP, and linalg

Dr. Ranja Sarkar

A Practical Guide to Quantum Machine Learning and Quantum Optimization. Hands-on Approach to Modern Quantum Algorithms

Alberto Di Meglio, Elías F. Combarro, Samuel González-Castillo, Alberto Di Meglio

ABC sam naprawiam komputer. Wydanie II

Bartosz Danowski, Andrzej Pyrchla

ABC sam składam komputer. Wydanie IV

Bartosz Danowski, Andrzej Pyrchla