Bezpieczeństwo systemów

Malware Development for Ethical Hackers. Learn how to develop various types of malware to strengthen cybersecurity

Zhassulan Zhussupov

Malware Science. A comprehensive guide to detection, analysis, and compliance

Shane Molinari, Jim Packer

Managing Kubernetes Resources Using Helm. Simplifying how to build, package, and distribute applications for Kubernetes - Second Edition

Andrew Block, Austin Dewey, Rimantas Mocevicius "rimusz"

Mastering Azure Security. Keeping your Microsoft Azure workloads safe - Second Edition

Mustafa Toroman, Tom Janetscheck

Mastering C++ Programming. Modern C++ 17 at your fingertips

Jeganathan Swaminathan

Mastering Cyber Intelligence. Gain comprehensive knowledge and skills to conduct threat intelligence for effective system defense

Jean Nestor M. Dahj

Mastering Defensive Security. Effective techniques to secure your Windows, Linux, IoT, and cloud infrastructure

Cesar Bravo, Darren Kitchen

Mastering High Performance with Kotlin. Overcome performance difficulties in Kotlin with a range of exciting techniques and solutions

Igor Kucherenko