Bezpieczeństwo systemów

Learning Network Forensics. Identify and safeguard your network against both internal and external threats, hackers, and malware attacks

Samir Datt

Learning Puppet Security. Secure your IT environments with the powerful security tools of Puppet

Jason M Slagle, Jason Slagle

Learning Python for Forensics. Leverage the power of Python in forensic investigations - Second Edition

Preston Miller, Chapin Bryce

Learning Python Web Penetration Testing. Automate web penetration testing activities using Python

Christian Martorella

Łamanie i zabezpieczanie aplikacji w systemie iOS

Jonathan Zdziarski

Machine Learning for Cybersecurity Cookbook. Over 80 recipes on how to implement machine learning algorithms for building security systems using Python

Emmanuel Tsukerman

Machine Learning Security Principles. Keep data, networks, users, and applications safe from prying eyes

John Paul Mueller, Rod Stephens

Malware Analysis Techniques. Tricks for the triage of adversarial software

Dylan Barker