Bezpieczeństwo systemów

Komunikowanie danych i zastosowanie sieci komputerowych w biznesie. Wydanie XIII

Jerry FitzGerald, Alan Dennis, Alexandra Durcikova

Kontenery. Bezpieczne wdrożenia. Podstawowe koncepcje i technologie

Liz Rice

Kotlin Quick Start Guide. Core features to get you ready for developing applications

Marko Devcic

Kubernetes for Developers. Use Kubernetes to develop, test, and deploy your applications with the help of containers

Joseph Heck

Laboratorium cyberbezpieczeństwa w Dockerze. Zrób to sam

Krzysztof Godzisz

Lean Mobile App Development. Apply Lean startup methodologies to develop successful iOS and Android apps

Mike van Drongelen, Aravind Krishnaswamy

Lean Product Management. Successful products from fuzzy business ideas

Mangalam Nandakumar

Learn Azure Administration. Explore cloud administration concepts with networking, computing, storage, and identity management - Second Edition

Kamil Mrzygłód