Bezpieczeństwo systemów

Build Customized Apps with Amazon Honeycode. Quickly create interactive web and mobile apps for your teams without programming

Aniruddha Loya

Building Python Microservices with FastAPI. Build secure, scalable, and structured Python microservices from design concepts to infrastructure

Sherwin John C.Tragura

Building Serverless Applications with Python. Develop fast, scalable, and cost-effective web applications that are always available

Jalem Raj Rohit

Building Serverless Architectures. Unleash the power of AWS Lambdas for your applications

Cagatay Gurturk

Burp Suite Cookbook. Practical recipes to help you master web penetration testing with Burp Suite

Sunny Wear

CCNA Security 210-260 Certification Guide. Build your knowledge of network security and pass your CCNA Security exam (210-260)

Glen D. Singh, Michael Vinod, Vijay Anandh

CentOS Quick Start Guide. Get up and running with CentOS server administration

Shiwang Kalkhanda

Certified Information Security Manager Exam Prep Guide. Aligned with the latest edition of the CISM Review Manual to help you pass the exam with confidence

Hemang Doshi