Windows 10

Microsoft Hyper-V Cluster Design. To achieve a Windows Server system that virtually takes care of itself, you need to master Hyper-V cluster design. This book is the perfect tutorial on the subject, providing clear instruction on expanding into the virtualized environment

Eric Siron

Microsoft Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 od środka

Ted Pattison, Daniel Larson

Od zera do ECeDeeLa BASE z WIN10

Malwina Jarosz, Norbert Kwaśniak, Aleksander Zieliński, Bożena Borowska

PowerShell: Automating Administrative Tasks. The art of automating and managing Windows environments

Michael Shepard, Chendrayan Venkatesan, Sherif Talaat, Brenton J.W. Blawat

PowerShell for Office 365. Automate Office 365 administrative tasks

Prashant G Bhoyar, Martin Machado

Programowanie aplikacji dla Sklepu Windows w C#. Projektowanie innowacyjnych aplikacji sklepu Windows przy użyciu WinRT, XAML i C#

Matt Baxter-Reynolds, Iris Classon

Senior pracuje z Windows 10

Malwina Jarosz

SQL Server 2012 with PowerShell V3 Cookbook

Donabel Santos