Inne - Programowanie

React, TypeScript i Node. Tworzenie aplikacji internetowych typu fullstack

David Choi

React. Wstęp do programowania

Paweł Kamiński

Reactive Programming in Kotlin. Design and build non-blocking, asynchronous Kotlin applications with RXKotlin, Reactor-Kotlin, Android, and Spring

Rivu Chakraborty

Redux Quick Start Guide. A beginner's guide to managing app state with Redux

James Lee, Tao Wei, Suresh Kumar Mukhiya

Remote Usability Testing. Actionable insights in user behavior across geographies and time zones

Inge De Bleecker, Rebecca Okoroji

RS 232C - praktyczne programowanie. Od Pascala i C++ do Delphi i Buildera. Wydanie III

Andrzej Daniluk

Rust Essentials. A quick guide to writing fast, safe, and concurrent systems and applications - Second Edition

Ivo Balbaert

Rust High Performance. Learn to skyrocket the performance of your Rust applications

Iban Eguia Moraza