Inne - Programowanie

SAP Intelligent RPA for Developers. Automate business processes using SAP Intelligent RPA and learn the migration path to SAP Process Automation

Vishwas Madhuvarshi, Vijaya Kumar Ganugula

Scala Reactive Programming. Build scalable, functional reactive microservices with Akka, Play, and Lagom

Rambabu Posa

Secret Recipes of the Python Ninja. Over 70 recipes that uncover powerful programming tactics in Python

Cody Jackson, Steven F. Lott

Security Automation with Ansible 2. Leverage Ansible 2 to automate complex security tasks like application security, network security, and malware analysis

Akash Mahajan, MADHU AKULA

Selenium WebDriver Quick Start Guide. Write clear, readable, and reliable tests with Selenium WebDriver 3

Pinakin Chaubal

Server Side development with Node.js and Koa.js Quick Start Guide. Build robust and scalable web applications with modern JavaScript techniques

Olayinka Omole

Serverless Analytics with Amazon Athena. Query structured, unstructured, or semi-structured data in seconds without setting up any infrastructure

Anthony Virtuoso, Mert Turkay Hocanin, Aaron Wishnick, Rahul Pathak

Serverless Integration Design Patterns with Azure. Build powerful cloud solutions that sustain next-generation products

Abhishek Kumar, Srinivasa Mahendrakar