
Instant Slic3r. Unravel the mysteries behind taking a virtual model and turning it into a physical object

David Moore

Instant XenMobile MDM. A guide to effectively equipping mobile devices with configuration, security, provisioning, and support capabilities using XenMobile, the world's most popular mobile management software

Aamir Lakhani

Interactive Visualization and Plotting with Julia. Create impressive data visualizations through Julia packages such as Plots, Makie, Gadfly, and more

Diego Javier Zea

Internet of Things for Smart Buildings. Leverage IoT for smarter insights for buildings in the new and built environments

Harry G. Smeenk, Marc Petock

Internet rzeczy. Budowa sieci z wykorzystaniem technologii webowych i Raspberry Pi

Dominique Guinard, Vlad Trifa

iPhone User Interface Cookbook. A concise dissection of Apple’s iOS user interface design principles

Cameron Banga

IT Inventory and Resource Management with OCS Inventory NG 1.02. Eliminate inventorying dilemmas by implementing a free and feasible IT Inventory solution

Barzan Antal Tony (Euro), Barzan "Tony" Antal, Pierre Lemmet

Jak zaprogramować robota. Zastosowanie Raspberry Pi i Pythona w tworzeniu autonomicznych robotów. Wydanie II

Danny Staple

JasperReports 3.5 for Java Developers

David R Heffelfinger, David R. Heffelfinger, Teodor Danciu

JasperReports for Java Developers

David R. Heffelfinger, David R Heffelfinger, Teodor Danciu

JavaFX 1.2 Application Development Cookbook. Over 60 recipes to create rich Internet applications with many exciting features

Vladimir Vivien

JBoss AS 5 Development. Develop, deploy, and secure Java applications on this robust, open source application server

Francesco Marchioni, Jason Savod

JBoss AS 5 Performance Tuning. Build faster, more efficient enterprise Java applications

Francesco Marchioni, Jason Savod

JBoss Portal Server Development. Create dynamic, feature-rich, and robust enterprise portal applications

Ramanujam Rao

JBoss Tools 3 Developers Guide. Develop JSF, Struts, Seam, Hibernate, jBPM, ESB, web services, and portal applications faster than ever using JBoss Tools for Eclipse and the JBoss Application Server

Anghel Leonard, Jason Savod

JBoss Weld CDI for Java Platform. Learn CDI concepts and develop modern web applications using JBoss Weld

Ken Finnigan, Kenneth Finnigan

JIRA 5.2 Essentials. Learn how to track bugs and issues, and manage your software development projects with JIRA - Second Edition

Patrick Li

Joomla! 1.5: Beginner's Guide. Build and maintain impressive user-friendly web sites the fast and easy way with Joomla! 1.5

Eric Tiggeler

Joomla! 1.5 Content Administration. Keep your web site up-to-date and maintain content and users with ease

Tracey Porst, Chris Davenport, Tracey Porst

Joomla! 1.5 Cookbook. Over 60 quick and direct recipes to help you overcome common Joomla! queries

Tom Canavan

Joomla! 1.5 JavaScript jQuery. Enhance your Joomla! Sites with the power of jQuery extensions, plugins, and more

Chris Davenport, Jose Argudo Blanco

Joomla! 1.5 Multimedia. Build media-rich Joomla! web sites by learning to embed and display Multimedia content

Allan Walker

Joomla! 1.5 SEO. Improve the search engine friendliness of your web site

Herbert-Jan Dinther, Chris Davenport

Joomla! 1.5 Templates Cookbook. Over 60 simple but incredibly effective recipes for taking control of Joomla! templates

Richard Carter, Chris Davenport