
Tcl 8.5 Network Programming. Learn Tcl and you’ll never look back when it comes to developing network-aware applications. This book is the perfect way in, taking you from the basics to more advanced topics in easy, logical steps

Piotr Beltowski, Wojciech Kocjan, Clif Flynt

Teaching with iPad How-To. Use your iPad creatively for everyday teaching tasks in schools and universities with this book and

Sumit Kataria, Shubhangi Harsha

Test Automation Engineering Handbook. Learn and implement techniques for building robust test automation frameworks

Manikandan Sambamurthy

Test-Driven Development with Java. Create higher-quality software by writing tests first with SOLID and hexagonal architecture

Alan Mellor

Test-Driven iOS Development with Swift. Create fully-featured and highly functional iOS apps by writing tests first

Dr. Dominik Hauser