Programowanie w chmurze


A Developer's Guide to .NET in Azure. Build quick, scalable cloud-native applications and microservices with .NET 6.0 and Azure

Anuraj Parameswaran, Tamir Al Balkhi

A Developer’s Guide to .NET in Azure helps you embark on a transformative journey through Microsoft Azure that is tailored to .NET developers. This book is a curated compendium that’ll enable you to master the creation of resilient, scalable, and highly available applications.The book is divided into four parts, with Part 1 demystifying Azure for you and emphasizing the portal's utility and seamless integration. The chapters in this section help you configure your workspace for optimal Azure synergy. You’ll then move on to Part 2, where you’ll explore serverless computing, microservices, containerization, Dapr, and Azure Kubernetes Service for scalability, and build pragmatic, cost-effective applications using Azure Functions and Container apps. Part 3 delves into data and storage, showing you how to utilize Azure Blob Storage for unstructured data, Azure SQL Database for structured data, and Azure Cosmos DB for document-oriented data. The final part teaches you about messaging and security, utilizing Azure App Configuration, Event Hubs, Service Bus, Key Vault, and Azure AD B2C for robust, secure applications.By the end of this book, you’ll have mastered Azure's responsive infrastructure for exceptional applications.


A Practical Guide to Service Management. Insights from industry experts for uncovering, implementing, and improving service management practices

Keith D. Sutherland, Lawrence J. "Butch" Sheets, Lisa Schwartz

Many organizations struggle to find practical guidance that can help them to not only understand but also apply service management best practices. Packed with expert guidance and comprehensive coverage of the essential frameworks, methods, and techniques, this book will enable you to elevate your organization’s service management capability.You’ll start by exploring the fundamentals of service management and the role of a service provider. As you progress, you’ll get to grips with the different service management frameworks used by IT and enterprises. You'll use system thinking and design thinking approaches to learn to design, implement, and optimize services catering to diverse customer needs.This book will familiarize you with the essential process capabilities required for an efficient service management practice, followed by the elements key to its practical implementation, customized to the organization’s business needs in a sustainable and repeatable manner. You’ll also discover the critical success factors that will enhance your organization’s ability to successfully implement and sustain a service management practice.By the end of this handy guide, you’ll have a solid grasp of service management concepts, making this a valuable resource for on-the-job reference.


Accelerating DevSecOps on AWS. Create secure CI/CD pipelines using Chaos and AIOps

Nikit Swaraj

Continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD) has never been simple, but these days the landscape is more bewildering than ever; its terrain riddled with blind alleys and pitfalls that seem almost designed to trap the less-experienced developer. If you’re determined enough to keep your balance on the cutting edge, this book will help you navigate the landscape with ease.This book will guide you through the most modern ways of building CI/CD pipelines with AWS, taking you step-by-step from the basics right through to the most advanced topics in this domain.The book starts by covering the basics of CI/CD with AWS. Once you’re well-versed with tools such as AWS Codestar, Proton, CodeGuru, App Mesh, SecurityHub, and CloudFormation, you’ll focus on chaos engineering, the latest trend in testing the fault tolerance of your system. Next, you’ll explore the advanced concepts of AIOps and DevSecOps, two highly sought-after skill sets for securing and optimizing your CI/CD systems. All along, you’ll cover the full range of AWS CI/CD features, gaining real-world expertise.By the end of this AWS book, you’ll have the confidence you need to create resilient, secure, and performant CI/CD pipelines using the best techniques and technologies that AWS has to offer.


Achieving Digital Transformation Using Hybrid Cloud. Design standardized next-generation applications for any infrastructure

Vikas Grover, Ishu Verma, Praveen Rajagopalan

Hybrid cloud technology can be leveraged by organizations aiming to build next-gen applications while safeguarding prior technological investments. This book will help you explore different hybrid cloud architectural patterns, whether designing new projects or migrating legacy applications to the cloud.You'll learn about the key building blocks of hybrid cloud enabling you to deploy, manage, and secure applications and data while porting the workloads between environments without rebuilding. Further, you’ll explore Kubernetes, GitOps, and Layer 3/7 services to reduce operational complexity. You'll also learn about nuances of security and compliance in hybrid cloud followed by the economics of hybrid cloud. You’ll gain a deep understanding of the concepts with use cases from telecom 5G and industrial manufacturing, giving you a glimpse into real industry problems resolved by hybrid cloud, and unlocking millions of dollars of opportunities for enterprises.By the end of this book, you'll be well-equipped to design and develop efficient hybrid cloud strategies, lead conversations with senior IT and business executives, and succeed in hybrid cloud implementation or transformation opportunities.


Advanced Serverless Architectures with Microsoft Azure. Design complex serverless systems quickly with the scalability and benefits of Azure

Daniel Bass

Advanced Serverless Architectures with Microsoft Azure redefines your experience of designing serverless systems. It shows you how to tackle challenges of varying levels, not just the straightforward ones. You'll be learning how to deliver features quickly by building systems, which retain the scalability and benefits of serverless.You'll begin your journey by learning how to build a simple, completely serverless application. Then, you'll build a highly scalable solution using a queue, load messages onto the queue, and read them asynchronously. To boost your knowledge further, the book also features durable functions and ways to use them to solve errors in a complex system. You'll then learn about security by building a security solution from serverless components. Next, you’ll gain an understanding of observability and ways to leverage application insights to bring you performance benefits. As you approach the concluding chapters, you’ll explore chaos engineering and the benefits of resilience, by actively switching off a few of the functions within a complex system, submitting a request, and observing the resulting behavior. By the end of this book, you will have developed the skills you need to build and maintain increasingly complex systems that match evolving platform requirements.


Amazon Fargate Quick Start Guide. Learn how to use AWS Fargate to run containers with ease

Deepak Vohra

Amazon Fargate is new launch type for the Amazon Elastic Container Service (ECS). ECS is an AWS service for Docker container orchestration. Docker is the de facto containerization framework and has revolutionized packaging and deployment of software. The introduction of Fargate has made the ECS platform serverless.The book takes you through how Amazon Fargate runs ECS services composed of tasks and Docker containers and exposes the containers to the user. Fargate has simplified the ECS platform. We will learn how Fargate creates an Elastic Network Interface (ENI) for each task and how auto scaling can be enabled for ECS tasks. You will also learn about using an IAM policy to download Docker images and send logs to CloudWatch. Finally, by the end of this book, you will have learned about how to use ECS CLI to create an ECS cluster and deploy tasks with Docker Compose.


Amazon Web Services Bootcamp. Develop a scalable, reliable, and highly available cloud environment with AWS

Sunil Gulabani

AWS is at the forefront of Cloud Computing today. Businesses are adopting AWS Cloud because of its reliability, versatility, and flexible design. The main focus of this book is teaching you how to build and manage highly reliable and scalable applications and services on AWS. It will provide you with all the necessary skills to design, deploy, and manage your applications and services on the AWS cloud platform. We’ll start by exploring Amazon S3, EC2, and so on to get you well-versed with core Amazon services. Moving on, we’ll teach you how to design and deploy highly scalable and optimized workloads. You’ll also discover easy-to-follow, hands-on steps, tips, and recommendations throughout the book and get to know essential security and troubleshooting concepts. By the end of the book, you’ll be able to create a highly secure, fault tolerant, and scalable environment for your applications to run on.


Amazon Web Services. Podstawy korzystania z chmury AWS

Mark Wilkins

Przeniesienie firmowego systemu do chmury Amazon Web Services bywa sporym wyzwaniem nawet dla osób o dużej wiedzy technicznej. Wysiłek ten jest jednak uzasadniony, gdyż w chmurze AWS można korzystać ze znakomitych rozwiązań, w tym z usług obliczeniowych, magazynu, obsługi sieci i usług zarządzanych. Studiowanie dokumentacji dostępnej w internecie bywa nieefektywne i frustrujące: nader często po kilku wieczorach spędzonych na poszukiwaniach okazuje się, że odnalezione z wysiłkiem instrukcje pochodzą sprzed kilku lat i są już nieprzydatne. Brakuje również wskazówek potrzebnych przy integracji systemów, dotyczących współpracy głównych usług AWS, aspektów sieciowych, mechanizmów skalowania, zabezpieczeń i automatyzacji. Tę lukę wypełnia właśnie ta książka. To praktyczny przewodnik dla inżynierów, którzy chcą planować i wdrażać usługi Amazon Web Services. Przyda się również osobom planującym zdobycie certyfikatu AWS. Przedstawiono tu zasady pracy zgodne z najlepszymi praktykami Well-Architected Framework firmy Amazon, wprowadzono kluczowe koncepcje, a także pieczołowicie wyjaśniono działanie i integrację głównych usług AWS. W książce znalazło się mnóstwo praktycznych, starannie przetestowanych porad dotyczących skalowalności, elastyczności i bezpieczeństwa usług obliczeniowych, magazynu, obsługi sieci oraz usług zarządzanych. Niezwykle cennym uzupełnieniem są przygotowane przez autora materiały wideo prezentujące najważniejsze koncepcje stosowane w chmurze AWS i zawierające szczegółowe instrukcje konfigurowania głównych usług AWS. W tej książce między innymi: rozpoczęcie pracy z Amazon Web Services usługi obliczeniowe oraz usługi sieciowe skalowalność i bezpieczeństwo aplikacji w chmurze AWS bezpieczeństwo przy korzystaniu z Amazon Web Services automatyzacja usług AWS Zostań ekspertem do spraw planowania i wdrażania usług Amazon Web Services!


Amazon Web Services w akcji. Wydanie II

Andreas Wittig, Michael Wittig

Platforma Amazon Web Services jest uważana za największą i najdojrzalszą chmurę obliczeniową. Oferuje ponad setkę gotowych usług, praktycznie niewyczerpywalne zasoby mocy obliczeniowej, nieograniczone bezpieczne magazynowanie oraz pierwszorzędne możliwości automatyzacji. Jest przy tym nieustannie unowocześniana i udostępnia coraz to nowsze możliwości. Pozwala na tworzenie i utrzymanie aplikacji w elastyczny i niezawodny sposób. Dla wielu organizacji decyzja o migracji infrastruktury informatycznej na platformę AWS okazała się strzałem w dziesiątkę. Aby z powodzeniem przeprowadzić taką transformację, konieczne jest uzyskanie wiedzy na temat platformy Amazon Web Services i zrozumienie związanych z nią koncepcji. To drugie, uaktualnione wydanie kompletnego wprowadzenia do wdrażania aplikacji w chmurze AWS. Dokładnie opisano w nim usługi dostarczające instancje obliczeniowe, przestrzeń na dane i zapewniające pracę w sieci. Wyjaśniono koncepcje niezbędne do uruchomienia aplikacji WWW na platformie AWS: równoważenie obciążenia, maszyny wirtualne, magazynowanie plików, systemy baz danych i buforowanie w pamięci. Przedstawiono też zagadnienia wysokiej dostępności, odporności na błędy oraz dynamicznego skalowania infrastruktury. Dużą zaletą książki jest omówienie zautomatyzowanego zarządzania infrastrukturą za pomocą usługi AWS CloudFormation. Sporo uwagi poświęcono także różnym aspektom bezpieczeństwa w chmurze. Najciekawsze zagadnienia: koncepcje związane z Amazon Web Services, w tym maszyny wirtualne i EC2 automatyzacja infrastruktury i wdrażanie oprogramowania na platformie AWS skalowalność i bezpieczeństwo infrastruktury w chmurze AWS najprzydatniejsze usługi AWS: S3, EBS, EFS, RDS i wiele innych wysoka dostępność i niezawodność infrastruktury tworzenie odpornych na błędy usług sieciowych Amazon Web Services: już dziś zaprojektuj system przyszłości! Bracia Andreas Wittig i Michael Wittig są inżynierami oprogramowania. Stosują podejście DevOps i specjalizują się we wdrażaniu rozwiązań opartych na chmurze AWS. Koncentrują się na zagadnieniach infrastruktury jako kodu, ciągłego wdrażania, przetwarzania bezserwerowego, zabezpieczeń i tworzenia produktów typu SaaS. Obaj zdobyli certyfikaty AWS Certified Solutions Architect - Professional i AWS Certified DevOps Engineer - Professional. Ich wspólną pasją jest dzielenie się wiedzą.


Analytics for the Internet of Things (IoT). Intelligent analytics for your intelligent devices

Andrew Minteer

We start with the perplexing task of extracting value from huge amounts of barely intelligible data. The data takes a convoluted route just to be on the servers for analysis, but insights can emerge through visualization and statistical modeling techniques. You will learn to extract value from IoT big data using multiple analytic techniques. Next we review how IoT devices generate data and how the information travels over networks. You’ll get to know strategies to collect and store the data to optimize the potential for analytics, and strategies to handle data quality concerns. Cloud resources are a great match for IoT analytics, so Amazon Web Services, Microsoft Azure, and PTC ThingWorx are reviewed in detail next. Geospatial analytics is then introduced as a way to leverage location information. Combining IoT data with environmental data is also discussed as a way to enhance predictive capability. We’ll also review the economics of IoT analytics and you’ll discover ways to optimize business value.By the end of the book, you’ll know how to handle scale for both data storage and analytics, how Apache Spark can be leveraged to handle scalability, and how R and Python can be used for analytic modeling.


Ansible 2 Cloud Automation Cookbook. Write Ansible playbooks for AWS, Google Cloud, Microsoft Azure, and OpenStack

Ansible has a large collection of inbuilt modules to manage various cloud resources. The book begins with the concepts needed to safeguard your credentials and explain how you interact with cloud providers to manage resources. Each chapter begins with an introduction and prerequisites to use the right modules to manage a given cloud provider. Learn about Amazon Web Services, Google Cloud, Microsoft Azure, and other providers. Each chapter shows you how to create basic computing resources, which you can then use to deploy an application. Finally, you will be able to deploy a sample application to demonstrate various usage patterns and utilities of resources.


Ansible 2 w praktyce. Automatyzacja infrastruktury, zarządzanie konfiguracją i wdrażanie aplikacji

Daniel Oh, James Freeman, Fabio Alessandro Locati

Framework Ansible jest potężnym narzędziem służącym do automatyzacji wdrożeń oprogramowania i zarządzania jego konfiguracjami. Oferuje proste i bardzo przydatne funkcje przeznaczone do automatyzacji wielowarstwowych środowisk za pomocą komunikacji niewymagającej agenta. Przydaje się także do obsługi ciągłej integracji i wdrażania oprogramowania (CI/CD) bez żadnego przestoju. Może służyć do różnych celów: przygotowania infrastruktury jako kodu, wdrożeń aplikacji czy automatyzacji codziennych, czasochłonnych zadań. Ta książka jest przeznaczona dla osób zajmujących się automatyzacją - od żmudnych codziennych zadań po złożone wdrożenia infrastruktury jako kodu. Ten praktyczny przewodnik pozwoli na sprawne rozpoczęcie korzystania z frameworka Ansible 2.9. Na początku pokazano, jak go zainstalować i skonfigurować, później zaprezentowano proste, jednowierszowe polecenia automatyzacji, aby stopniowo wprowadzać czytelników do tworzenia własnego kodu rozszerzającego możliwości Ansible, a nawet automatyzującego infrastrukturę chmury i kontenerów. Znalazło się tu mnóstwo praktycznych przykładów kodu, a zdobyte umiejętności pozwolą na korzystanie z Ansible w sposób skalowalny, powtarzalny i niezawodny. W książce: podstawy pracy z frameworkiem Ansible konfiguracja zależności i zmiennych bazujących na rolach unikanie najczęściej popełnianych błędów podczas tworzenia kodu w Ansible tworzenie modułów i wtyczek dla Ansible rozwiązywanie problemów podczas wykonywania scenariuszy Ansible Żmudne i nudne? Ansible wykona to za Ciebie!


Applied Machine Learning and High-Performance Computing on AWS. Accelerate the development of machine learning applications following architectural best practices

Mani Khanuja, Farooq Sabir, Shreyas Subramanian, Trenton Potgieter

Machine learning (ML) and high-performance computing (HPC) on AWS run compute-intensive workloads across industries and emerging applications. Its use cases can be linked to various verticals, such as computational fluid dynamics (CFD), genomics, and autonomous vehicles.This book provides end-to-end guidance, starting with HPC concepts for storage and networking. It then progresses to working examples on how to process large datasets using SageMaker Studio and EMR. Next, you’ll learn how to build, train, and deploy large models using distributed training. Later chapters also guide you through deploying models to edge devices using SageMaker and IoT Greengrass, and performance optimization of ML models, for low latency use cases.By the end of this book, you’ll be able to build, train, and deploy your own large-scale ML application, using HPC on AWS, following industry best practices and addressing the key pain points encountered in the application life cycle.


ArcGIS Pro 2.x Cookbook. Create, manage, and share geographic maps, data, and analytical models using ArcGIS Pro

Tripp Corbin

ArcGIS is Esri's catalog of GIS applications with powerful tools for visualizing, maintaining, and analyzing data. ArcGIS makes use of the modern ribbon interface and 64-bit processing to increase the speed and efficiency of using GIS. It allows users to create amazing maps in both 2D and 3D quickly and easily. If you want to gain a thorough understanding of the various data formats that can be used in ArcGIS Pro and shared via ArcGIS Online, then this book is for you. Beginning with a refresher on ArcGIS Pro and how to work with projects, this book will quickly take you through recipes about using various data formats supported by the tool. You will learn the limits of each format, such as Shapefiles, Geodatabase, and CAD files, and learn how to link tables from outside sources to existing GIS data to expand the amount of data that can be used in ArcGIS. You'll learn methods for editing 2D and 3D data using ArcGIS Pro and how topology can be used to ensure data integrity. Lastly the book will show you how data and maps can be shared via ArcGIS Online and used with web and mobile applications.


Architecting AWS with Terraform. Design resilient and secure Cloud Infrastructures with Terraform on Amazon Web Services

Erol Kavas

Infrastructure as code (IaC) and Terraform have become essential tools for managing cloud infrastructure and automating deployment processes. Mastering Terraform on AWS presents a step-by-step approach on how to master these tools and build a secure and scalable AWS infrastructure. The book starts with an introduction to patterns and anti-patterns of IaC and Terraform, explaining the common mistakes and pitfalls you must avoid. You’ll then learn about the importance of planning and designing infrastructure projects in AWS and making informed decisions for projects in AWS Terraform. You’ll find out how to implement Terraform in your projects and deploy serverless projects. Next, you’ll be able to deploy containers in AWS with Terraform, exploring the best practices for Terraform IaC projects. You’ll understand how you can leverage Terraform for enterprises, build Git workflows for IaC and Terraform projects, and automate deployment of Terraform projects. The last set of chapters will teach you how to govern AWS with Terraform and build a secure infrastructure. Finally, you’ll discover how to achieve a perfect AWS infrastructure with Terraform. By the end of this book, you’ll have gained a comprehensive understanding of the various aspects of Terraform and IaC, along with the knowledge required to build, manage, and deploy complex infrastructures on AWS.


Architecting Cloud Computing Solutions. Build cloud strategies that align technology and economics while effectively managing risk

Kevin L. Jackson, Scott Goessling

Cloud adoption is a core component of digitaltransformation. Scaling the IT environment,making it resilient, and reducing costs arewhat organizations want. Architecting CloudComputing Solutions presents and explainscritical cloud solution design considerationsand technology decisions required tobe made for deploying the right cloudservice and deployment models,based on your business andtechnology service requirements.This book starts with the fundamentalsof cloud computing and its architecturalconcepts. It then walks you throughcloud service models (IaaS, PaaS, andSaaS), deployment models (public,private, community, and hybrid)and implementation options(enterprise, MSP, and CSP) to explainand describe the key considerations andchallenges organizations face during cloudmigration. Later, this book delves into how toleverage DevOps, Cloud-Native, and serverlessarchitectures in your cloud environmentand presents industry best practices forscaling your cloud environment. Finally,this book addresses in depth how tomanage essential cloud technologyservice components, such as data storage,security controls, and disaster recovery.By the end of this book, you will havemastered all the design considerations andoperational trades required to adopt cloudservices, no matter which cloud serviceprovider you choose.


Architecting Google Cloud Solutions. Learn to design robust and future-proof solutions with Google Cloud technologies

Victor Dantas

Google has been one of the top players in the public cloud domain thanks to its agility and performance capabilities. This book will help you design, develop, and manage robust, secure, and dynamic solutions to successfully meet your business needs.You'll learn how to plan and design network, compute, storage, and big data systems that incorporate security and compliance from the ground up. The chapters will cover simple to complex use cases for devising solutions to business problems, before focusing on how to leverage Google Cloud's Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS) and Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) capabilities for designing modern no-operations platforms. Throughout this book, you'll discover how to design for scalability, resiliency, and high availability. Later, you'll find out how to use Google Cloud to design modern applications using microservices architecture, automation, and Infrastructure-as-Code (IaC) practices. The concluding chapters then demonstrate how to apply machine learning and artificial intelligence (AI) to derive insights from your data. Finally, you will discover best practices for operating and monitoring your cloud solutions, as well as performing troubleshooting and quality assurance.By the end of this Google Cloud book, you'll be able to design robust enterprise-grade solutions using Google Cloud Platform.


Architecting the Industrial Internet. The architect's guide to designing Industrial Internet solutions

Robert Stackowiak, Shyam Varan Nath, Carla Romano

The Industrial Internet or the IIoT has gained a lot of traction. Many leading companies are driving this revolution by connecting smart edge devices to cloud-based analysis platforms and solving their business challenges in new ways. To ensure a smooth integration of such machines and devices, sound architecture strategies based on accepted principles, best practices, and lessons learned must be applied.This book begins by providing a bird's eye view of what the IIoT is and how the industrial revolution has evolved into embracing this technology. It then describes architectural approaches for success, gathering business requirements, and mapping requirements into functional solutions. In a later chapter, many other potential use cases are introduced including those in manufacturing and specific examples in predictive maintenance, asset tracking and handling, and environmental impact and abatement. The book concludes by exploring evolving technologies that will impact IIoT architecture in the future and discusses possible societal implications of the Industrial Internet and perceptions regarding these projects.By the end of this book, you will be better equipped to embrace the benefits of the burgeoning IIoT.


Architectural Patterns. Uncover essential patterns in the most indispensable realm of enterprise architecture

Anupama Murali, Harihara Subramanian J, Pethuru Raj Chelliah

Enterprise Architecture (EA) is typically an aggregate of the business, application, data, and infrastructure architectures of any forward-looking enterprise. Due to constant changes and rising complexities in the business and technology landscapes, producing sophisticated architectures is on the rise. Architectural patterns are gaining a lot of attention these days.The book is divided in three modules. You'll learn about the patterns associated with object-oriented, component-based, client-server, and cloud architectures. The second module covers Enterprise Application Integration (EAI) patterns and how they are architected using various tools and patterns. You will come across patterns for Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA), Event-Driven Architecture (EDA), Resource-Oriented Architecture (ROA), big data analytics architecture, and Microservices Architecture (MSA). The final module talks about advanced topics such as Docker containers, high performance, and reliable application architectures. The key takeaways include understanding what architectures are, why they're used, and how and where architecture, design, and integration patterns are being leveraged to build better and bigger systems.


Architektura oprogramowania w praktyce. Wydanie IV

Len Bass, Paul Clements, Rick Kazman

To kompletny, praktyczny i sprawdzony przewodnik po tworzeniu architektury nowoczesnego oprogramowania, w pełni zaktualizowany o nowe materiały poświęcone rozwiązaniom mobilnym, chmurze, zarządzaniu energią, podejściu DevOps, przetwarzaniu kwantowemu i innym zagadnieniom. Zaktualizowana o 11 nowych rozdziałów książka Architektura oprogramowania w praktyce, wydanie czwarte dokładnie wyjaśnia, czym jest architektura oprogramowania, dlaczego ma ona znaczenie, a także jak ją projektować, tworzyć, analizować i modyfikować oraz jak nią zarządzać w zdyscyplinowany i skuteczny sposób. Trzech poważanych architektów oprogramowania omawia cały cykl życia, prezentując praktyczne wskazówki, metody stosowane przez ekspertów i sprawdzone modele przydatne w każdym projekcie niezależnie od poziomu jego złożoności. Dowiesz się, jak za pomocą architektury radzić sobie z coraz większymi wymaganiami i systemami oraz wyższym poziomem abstrakcji, a także jak uzyskiwać emergentne atrybuty jakościowe, gdy systemy są dynamicznie łączone na nowe sposoby. W tym podręczniku znajdziesz informacje na temat optymalizowania za pomocą architektury najważniejszych atrybutów jakościowych (w tym wydajności, modyfikowalności, zabezpieczeń, dostępności, współdziałania, testowalności, użyteczności, łatwości wdrażania itd.), co pomoże Ci zrozumieć, jak zarządzać istniejącymi architekturami, dopracowywać je, przekształcać w celu rozwiązywania nowych problemów i tworzyć architektury wielokrotnego użytku, które stają się strategicznymi aktywami biznesowymi. Zobacz, jak architektura wpływa na środowisko techniczne, cykle życia projektów, profile biznesowe i Twoją pracę, a także jak te czynniki wpływają na architekturę. Wykorzystaj sprawdzone wzorce, interfejsy i praktyki do optymalizowania jakości za pomocą architektury. Twórz architekturę z myślą o rozwiązaniach mobilnych, chmurze, uczeniu maszynowym i przetwarzaniu kwantowym. Projektuj systemy pod kątem coraz ważniejszych atrybutów takich jak wydajność energetyczna i bezpieczeństwo. Skaluj systemy, odkrywając czynniki istotne architektonicznie, stosując podejście DevOps i potoki wdrażania oraz zarządzając długiem architektonicznym. Poznaj rolę architektury w organizacji, co pozwoli Ci tworzyć bardziej wartościowe rozwiązania.


ArcPy and ArcGIS. Automating ArcGIS for Desktop and ArcGIS Online with Python - Second Edition

Silas Toms, Dara OBeirne

ArcGIS allows for complex analyses of geographic information. The ArcPy module is used to script these ArcGIS analyses, providing a productive way to perform geo-analyses and automate map production.The second edition of the book focuses on new Python tools, such as the ArcGIS API for Python. Using Python, this book will guide you from basic Python scripting to advanced ArcPy script tools.This book starts off with setting up your Python environment for ArcGIS automation. Then you will learn how to output maps using ArcPy in MXD and update feature class in a geodatabase using arcpy and ArcGIS Online. Next, you will be introduced to ArcREST library followed by examples on querying, updating and manipulating ArcGIS Online feature services. Further, you will be enabling your scripts in the browser and directly interacting with ArcGIS Online using Jupyter notebook. Finally, you can learn ways to use of ArcPy to control ArcGIS Enterprise and explore topics on deployments, data quality assurances, data updates, version control, and editing safeguards.By the end of the book, you will be equipped with the knowledge required to create automated analysis with administration reducing the time-consuming nature of GIS.


Argo CD in Practice. The GitOps way of managing cloud-native applications

Liviu Costea, Spiros Economakis, Alexander Matyushentsev

GitOps follows the practices of infrastructure as code (IaC), allowing developers to use their day-to-day tools and practices such as source control and pull requests to manage apps. With this book, you’ll understand how to apply GitOps bootstrap clusters in a repeatable manner, build CD pipelines for cloud-native apps running on Kubernetes, and minimize the failure of deployments.You’ll start by installing Argo CD in a cluster, setting up user access using single sign-on, performing declarative configuration changes, and enabling observability and disaster recovery. Once you have a production-ready setup of Argo CD, you’ll explore how CD pipelines can be built using the pull method, how that increases security, and how the reconciliation process occurs when multi-cluster scenarios are involved. Next, you’ll go through the common troubleshooting scenarios, from installation to day-to-day operations, and learn how performance can be improved. Later, you’ll explore the tools that can be used to parse the YAML you write for deploying apps. You can then check if it is valid for new versions of Kubernetes, verify if it has any security or compliance misconfigurations, and that it follows the best practices for cloud-native apps running on Kubernetes.By the end of this book, you’ll be able to build a real-world CD pipeline using Argo CD.


AWS Administration - The Definitive Guide. Design, build, and manage your infrastructure on Amazon Web Services - Second Edition

Yohan Wadia

Many businesses are moving from traditional data centers to AWS because of its reliability, vast service offerings, lower costs, and high rate of innovation. AWS can be used to accomplish a variety of both simple and tedious tasks. Whether you are a seasoned system admin or a rookie, this book will help you to learn all the skills you need to work with the AWS cloud.This book guides you through some of the most popular AWS services, such as EC2, Elastic Beanstalk, EFS, CloudTrail, Redshift, EMR, Data Pipeline, and IoT using a simple, real-world, application-hosting example. This book will also enhance your application delivery skills with the latest AWS services, such as CodeCommit, CodeDeploy, and CodePipeline, to provide continuous delivery and deployment, while also securing and monitoring your environment's workflow. Each chapter is designed to provide you with maximal information about each AWS service, coupled with easy to follow, hands-on steps, best practices, tips, and recommendations.By the end of the book, you will be able to create a highly secure, fault-tolerant, and scalable environment for your applications to run on.