Enzyklopädien, Wörterbücher

Atlas żeglarski

Michał Klawinski

Building a Cyber Resilient Business. A cyber handbook for executives and boards

Dr. Magda Lilia Chelly, Shamane Tan, Hai Tran

Computer Jargon - The Illustrated Glossary of Basic Computer Terminology. Decode and simplify complex computer terms with easy-to-follow visual guides

Kevin Wilson

Dizionario italo-polacco della terminologia politica e sociale. Włosko-polski słownik terminologii politycznej i społecznej

Joanna Sondel-Cedarmas

Dogadaj się ze swoim wnukiem

Dominika Smyczek

Et al. Because not all research deserves a Nobel Prize

B McGraw

Instant Google Map Maker Starter. Learn what you can do with Google Map Maker and get started with building your first map

Limoke Oscar

Kwiatowe dekoracje

Hubert Lamański