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ChatGPT Prompts Book - Precision Prompts, Priming, Training & AI Writing Techniques for Mortals. Crafting Precision Prompts and Exploring AI Writing with ChatGPT

Oliver Theobald

The course embarks on an enlightening journey through the world of ChatGPT, starting from the very basics of understanding what ChatGPT is, to delving deep into the mechanics of crafting precision prompts that unlock its full potential. From the outset, you'll be introduced to the foundational elements that make ChatGPT an indispensable tool for a wide range of applications, setting the stage for a comprehensive exploration of its capabilities.As we progress, the course meticulously unfolds the layers of prompt writing techniques, priming strategies, and training methodologies that are designed to enhance your interaction with AI. You'll learn how to craft prompts for common use cases, navigate the nuances of content creation, translation tasks, and personalized tutoring, all while leveraging ChatGPT's advanced AI art capabilities.The course culminates by focusing on practical applications and exploring advanced prompt training and role prompting techniques. This final stretch is designed to solidify your understanding and empower you with the confidence to employ ChatGPT across various scenarios, from professional content writing to creative explorations.


Comet for Data Science. Enhance your ability to manage and optimize the life cycle of your data science project

Angelica Lo Duca, Gideon Mendels

This book provides concepts and practical use cases which can be used to quickly build, monitor, and optimize data science projects. Using Comet, you will learn how to manage almost every step of the data science process from data collection through to creating, deploying, and monitoring a machine learning model.The book starts by explaining the features of Comet, along with exploratory data analysis and model evaluation in Comet. You’ll see how Comet gives you the freedom to choose from a selection of programming languages, depending on which is best suited to your needs. Next, you will focus on workspaces, projects, experiments, and models. You will also learn how to build a narrative from your data, using the features provided by Comet. Later, you will review the basic concepts behind DevOps and how to extend the GitLab DevOps platform with Comet, further enhancing your ability to deploy your data science projects. Finally, you will cover various use cases of Comet in machine learning, NLP, deep learning, and time series analysis, gaining hands-on experience with some of the most interesting and valuable data science techniques available.By the end of this book, you will be able to confidently build data science pipelines according to bespoke specifications and manage them through Comet.


Creators of Intelligence. Industry secrets from AI leaders that you can easily apply to advance your data science career

Dr. Alex Antic, John K. Thompson

A Gartner prediction in 2018 led to numerous articles stating that 85% of AI and machine learning projects fail to deliver.” Although it's unclear whether a mass extinction event occurred for AI implementations at the end of 2022, the question remains: how can I ensure that my project delivers value and doesn't become a statistic?The demand for data scientists has only grown since 2015, when they were dubbed the new “rock stars” of business. But how can you become a data science rock star? As a new senior data leader, how can you build and manage a productive team? And what is the path to becoming a chief data officer?Creators of Intelligence is a collection of in-depth, one-on-one interviews where Dr. Alex Antic, a recognized data science leader, explores the answers to these questions and more with some of the world's leading data science leaders and CDOs.Interviews with: Cortnie Abercrombie, Edward Santow, Kshira Saagar, Charles Martin, Petar Veličković, Kathleen Maley, Kirk Borne, Nikolaj Van Omme, Jason Tamara Widjaja, Jon Whittle, Althea Davis, Igor Halperin, Christina Stathopoulos, Angshuman Ghosh, Maria Milosavljevic, Dr. Meri Rosich, Dat Tran, and Stephane Doyen.


DAX Cookbook. Over 120 recipes to enhance your business with analytics, reporting, and business intelligence

Greg Deckler

DAX provides an extra edge by extracting key information from the data that is already present in your model. Filled with examples of practical, real-world calculations geared toward business metrics and key performance indicators, this cookbook features solutions that you can apply for your own business analysis needs.You'll learn to write various DAX expressions and functions to understand how DAX queries work. The book also covers sections on dates, time, and duration to help you deal with working days, time zones, and shifts. You'll then discover how to manipulate text and numbers to create dynamic titles and ranks, and deal with measure totals. Later, you'll explore common business metrics for finance, customers, employees, and projects. The book will also show you how to implement common industry metrics such as days of supply, mean time between failure, order cycle time and overall equipment effectiveness. In the concluding chapters, you'll learn to apply statistical formulas for covariance, kurtosis, and skewness. Finally, you'll explore advanced DAX patterns for interpolation, inverse aggregators, inverse slicers, and even forecasting with a deseasonalized correlation coefficient.By the end of this book, you'll have the skills you need to use DAX's functionality and flexibility in business intelligence and data analytics.


Deep Learning and XAI Techniques for Anomaly Detection. Integrate the theory and practice of deep anomaly explainability

Cher Simon, Jeff Barr

Despite promising advances, the opaque nature of deep learning models makes it difficult to interpret them, which is a drawback in terms of their practical deployment and regulatory compliance.Deep Learning and XAI Techniques for Anomaly Detection shows you state-of-the-art methods that’ll help you to understand and address these challenges. By leveraging the Explainable AI (XAI) and deep learning techniques described in this book, you’ll discover how to successfully extract business-critical insights while ensuring fair and ethical analysis.This practical guide will provide you with tools and best practices to achieve transparency and interpretability with deep learning models, ultimately establishing trust in your anomaly detection applications. Throughout the chapters, you’ll get equipped with XAI and anomaly detection knowledge that’ll enable you to embark on a series of real-world projects. Whether you are building computer vision, natural language processing, or time series models, you’ll learn how to quantify and assess their explainability.By the end of this deep learning book, you’ll be able to build a variety of deep learning XAI models and perform validation to assess their explainability.


Deep Learning for Genomics. Data-driven approaches for genomics applications in life sciences and biotechnology

Upendra Kumar Devisetty

Deep learning has shown remarkable promise in the field of genomics; however, there is a lack of a skilled deep learning workforce in this discipline. This book will help researchers and data scientists to stand out from the rest of the crowd and solve real-world problems in genomics by developing the necessary skill set. Starting with an introduction to the essential concepts, this book highlights the power of deep learning in handling big data in genomics. First, you’ll learn about conventional genomics analysis, then transition to state-of-the-art machine learning-based genomics applications, and finally dive into deep learning approaches for genomics. The book covers all of the important deep learning algorithms commonly used by the research community and goes into the details of what they are, how they work, and their practical applications in genomics. The book dedicates an entire section to operationalizing deep learning models, which will provide the necessary hands-on tutorials for researchers and any deep learning practitioners to build, tune, interpret, deploy, evaluate, and monitor deep learning models from genomics big data sets.By the end of this book, you’ll have learned about the challenges, best practices, and pitfalls of deep learning for genomics.


Deep Learning for Time Series Cookbook. Use PyTorch and Python recipes for forecasting, classification, and anomaly detection

Vitor Cerqueira, Luís Roque

Most organizations exhibit a time-dependent structure in their processes, including fields such as finance. By leveraging time series analysis and forecasting, these organizations can make informed decisions and optimize their performance. Accurate forecasts help reduce uncertainty and enable better planning of operations. Unlike traditional approaches to forecasting, deep learning can process large amounts of data and help derive complex patterns. Despite its increasing relevance, getting the most out of deep learning requires significant technical expertise.This book guides you through applying deep learning to time series data with the help of easy-to-follow code recipes. You’ll cover time series problems, such as forecasting, anomaly detection, and classification. This deep learning book will also show you how to solve these problems using different deep neural network architectures, including convolutional neural networks (CNNs) or transformers. As you progress, you’ll use PyTorch, a popular deep learning framework based on Python to build production-ready prediction solutions.By the end of this book, you'll have learned how to solve different time series tasks with deep learning using the PyTorch ecosystem.


Deep Learning from the Basics. Python and Deep Learning: Theory and Implementation

Koki Saitoh

Deep learning is rapidly becoming the most preferred way of solving data problems. This is thanks, in part, to its huge variety of mathematical algorithms and their ability to find patterns that are otherwise invisible to us.Deep Learning from the Basics begins with a fast-paced introduction to deep learning with Python, its definition, characteristics, and applications. You’ll learn how to use the Python interpreter and the script files in your applications, and utilize NumPy and Matplotlib in your deep learning models. As you progress through the book, you’ll discover backpropagation—an efficient way to calculate the gradients of weight parameters—and study multilayer perceptrons and their limitations, before, finally, implementing a three-layer neural network and calculating multidimensional arrays.By the end of the book, you’ll have the knowledge to apply the relevant technologies in deep learning.


Deep Learning: Practical Neural Networks with Java. Build and run intelligent applications by leveraging key Java machine learning libraries

Fabio M. Soares, Boštjan Kaluža, Alan M. F. Souza, Yusuke Sugomori

Machine learning applications are everywhere, from self-driving cars, spam detection, document search, and trading strategies, to speech recognitionStarting with an introduction to basic machine learning algorithms, this course takes you further into this vital world of stunning predictive insights and remarkable machine intelligence. This course helps you solve challenging problems in image processing, speech recognition, language modeling. You will discover how to detect anomalies and fraud, and ways to perform activity recognition, image recognition, and text. You will also work with examples such as weather forecasting, disease diagnosis, customer profiling, generalization, extreme machine learning and more. By the end of this course, you will have all the knowledge you need to perform deep learning on your system with varying complexity levels, to apply them to your daily work.The course provides you with highly practical content explaining deep learning with Java, from the following Packt books:1. Java Deep Learning Essentials 2. Machine Learning in Java3. Neural Network Programming with Java, Second Edition


DevOps Culture and Practice with OpenShift. Deliver continuous business value through people, processes, and technology

Tim Beattie, Mike Hepburn, Noel O'Connor, Donal Spring, ...

DevOps Culture and Practice with OpenShift features many different real-world practices - some people-related, some process-related, some technology-related - to facilitate successful DevOps, and in turn OpenShift, adoption within your organization. It introduces many DevOps concepts and tools to connect culture and practice through a continuous loop of discovery, pivots, and delivery underpinned by a foundation of collaboration and software engineering.Containers and container-centric application lifecycle management are now an industry standard, and OpenShift has a leading position in a flourishing market of enterprise Kubernetes-based product offerings. DevOps Culture and Practice with OpenShift provides a roadmap for building empowered product teams within your organization.This guide brings together lean, agile, design thinking, DevOps, culture, facilitation, and hands-on technical enablement all in one book. Through a combination of real-world stories, a practical case study, facilitation guides, and technical implementation details, DevOps Culture and Practice with OpenShift provides tools and techniques to build a DevOps culture within your organization on Red Hat's OpenShift Container Platform.


Digital Forensics and Incident Response. A practical guide to deploying digital forensic techniques in response to cyber security incidents

Gerard Johansen

Digital Forensics and Incident Response will guide you through the entire spectrum of tasks associated with incident response, starting with preparatory activities associated with creating an incident response plan and creating a digital forensics capability within your own organization. You will then begin a detailed examination of digital forensic techniques including acquiring evidence, examining volatile memory, hard drive assessment, and network-based evidence. You will also explore the role that threat intelligence plays in the incident response process. Finally, a detailed section on preparing reports will help you prepare a written report for use either internally or in a courtroom.By the end of the book, you will have mastered forensic techniques and incident response and you will have a solid foundation on which to increase your ability to investigate such incidents in your organization.


Discovering Business Intelligence using MicroStrategy 9. The MicroStrategy platform can make your Business Intelligence (BI) activities so much more communicative and collaborative. With this book you'll learn the capabilities of the platform and how to use them to revolutionize your BI

Nelson Enriquez, Juan Nelson, Samundar Singh Rathore

Business Intelligence is a type of technology that has been proven to support business decisions in an organization. MicroStrategy 9 is a fully-integrated BI platform that makes Business Intelligence faster, easier, and more user-friendly. It enables businesses to generate their own reports and dashboards without the need for technical knowledge.This practical, hands-on guide will provide Business Intelligence for executives, as well as enable BI reports and dashboards without the dependency of IT savvy personnel. It will allow you to design, build, and share business relevant data in hours, in a secure way, including mobile devices and show you how to leverage your transactional information.This example-oriented book looks at the value proposition of cloud computing and the MicroStrategy platform, and features practical exercises for BI reports and dashboard enablement, including the design phase and best practices for when we design a BI report.The book begins with an exploration of MicroStrategy along with typical business needs. Our focus then shifts to best practices for BI reports and dashboard definitions from the functional stand point, with easy-to-do exercises that will allow you to enable the reports in the platform. You will learn about scorecards and dashboards, along with sharing the reports. Next, you will get acquainted with cloud-based services provided by the MicroStrategy platform. By the end of this book, you will able to design, enable, and share BI reports and dashboards without the need for comprehensive technical knowledge, and leverage the latest technology on the market.


Effective Robotics Programming with ROS. Find out everything you need to know to build powerful robots with the most up-to-date ROS - Third Edition

Anil Mahtani, Luis Sánchez, Enrique Fernandez Perdomo

Building and programming a robot can be cumbersome and time-consuming, but not when you have the right collection of tools, libraries, and more importantly expert collaboration. ROS enables collaborative software development and offers an unmatched simulated environment that simplifies the entire robot building process.This book is packed with hands-on examples that will help you program your robot and give you complete solutions using open source ROS libraries and tools. It also shows you how to use virtual machines and Docker containers to simplify the installation of Ubuntu and the ROS framework, so you can start working in an isolated and control environment without changing your regular computer setup.It starts with the installation and basic concepts, then continues with more complex modules available in ROS such as sensors and actuators integration (drivers), navigation and mapping (so you can create an autonomous mobile robot), manipulation, Computer Vision, perception in 3D with PCL, and more. By the end of the book, you’ll be able to leverage all the ROS Kinetic features to build a fully fledged robot for all your needs.


Enterprise GENERATIVE AI Well-Architected Framework & Patterns. An Architect's Real-life Guide to Adopting Generative AI in Enterprises at Scale

Suvoraj Biswas

The course begins with an insightful introduction to the burgeoning field of Generative AI, laying down a robust framework for understanding its applications within the AWS ecosystem.The course focuses on meticulously detailing the five pillars of the AWS Well-Architected Framework—Operational Excellence, Security, Compliance, Reliability, and Cost Optimization. Each module is crafted to provide you with a comprehensive understanding of these essential areas, integrating Generative AI technologies. You'll learn how to navigate the complexities of securing AI systems, ensuring they comply with legal and regulatory standards, and designing them for unparalleled reliability. Practical sessions on cost optimization strategies for AI projects will empower you to deliver value without compromising on performance or scalability. Furthermore, the course delves into System Architecture Excellence, emphasizing the importance of robust design principles in creating effective Generative AI solutions.The course wraps up by offering a forward-looking perspective on the Common Architectural Pattern for FM/LLM Integration & Adoption within the AWS framework. You'll gain hands-on experience with AWS solutions specifically tailored for Generative AI applications, including Lambda, API Gateway, and DynamoDB, among others.


Exploring Deepfakes. Deploy powerful AI techniques for face replacement and more with this comprehensive guide

Applying Deepfakes will allow you to tackle a wide range of scenarios creatively.Learning from experienced authors will help you to intuitively understand what is going on inside the model. You’ll learn what deepfakes are and what makes them different from other machine learning techniques, and understand the entire process from beginning to end, from finding faces to preparing them, training the model, and performing the final swap.We’ll discuss various uses for face replacement before we begin building our own pipeline. Spending some extra time thinking about how you collect your input data can make a huge difference to the quality of the final video. We look at the importance of this data and guide you with simple concepts to understand what your data needs to really be successful.No discussion of deepfakes can avoid discussing the controversial, unethical uses for which the technology initially became known. We’ll go over some potential issues, and talk about the value that deepfakes can bring to a variety of educational and artistic use cases, from video game avatars to filmmaking.By the end of the book, you’ll understand what deepfakes are, how they work at a fundamental level, and how to apply those techniques to your own needs.


Generating Creative Images With DALL-E 3. Create accurate images with effective prompting for real-world applications

Holly Picano

Unveil the extraordinary capabilities of the groundbreaking AI model, DALL-E 3, as it transforms text prompts into accurate images. This book addresses the challenge of creating meaningful images by writing prompts, guiding you step by step through creating stunning visual art regardless of your skill level.Prepare to delve deep into the inner workings of DALL-E 3's architecture and training process. With clear explanations, practical tutorials, and real-world examples that can be easily applied, you’ll unlock secrets to creating awe-inspiring AI-generated art, from fine art prints to digital designs. This book provides comprehensive insights into various lens options, camera angles, lighting techniques, and art movements, helping you integrate AI capabilities with your artistic skills. You’ll also learn to create NFTs that can be monetized and gain invaluable insights into designing compelling covers, all within the ethical boundaries of AI-generated art. And with the invaluable prompt cheat sheet by your side, you’ll hone your skills in formulating captivating prompts for diverse purposes.By the end of this book, you’ll have learned how to produce generative AI art at a rapid pace and relatively low cost and push the boundaries of imagination with DALL-E 3.


Generative AI Art. Unleash Your Creativity with Generative AI Art for Beginners

Oliver Theobald

The course introduces the basic concepts of artificial intelligence and its application in art, making it accessible even to those without a technical background. This foundation paves the way for exploring the nuances of effective prompt crafting, a critical skill for generating bespoke AI artwork.The course focuses on hands-on demonstrations with leading AI art software, including Craiyon and Midjourney, offering step-by-step guides to harness these tools effectively. Through practical examples, learners will understand how to navigate image prompts, masking techniques, framing, and lighting to enhance the visual appeal of their creations. The significance of navigating these elements is underscored, highlighting their role in achieving consistency and originality in AI-generated art.The course wraps up by delving into the remixing of popular art styles, the art of creating compelling text prompts, and the critical aspects of image rights, ethics, privacy, and originality in the digital art space. By concluding with recommended resources, learners are equipped to continue their journey in AI art, fueled by inspiration and a solid understanding of the field's possibilities and responsibilities.


Generative AI with LangChain. Build large language model (LLM) apps with Python, ChatGPT, and other LLMs

Ben Auffarth

ChatGPT and the GPT models by OpenAI have brought about a revolution not only in how we write and research but also in how we can process information. This book discusses the functioning, capabilities, and limitations of LLMs underlying chat systems, including ChatGPT and Bard. It also demonstrates, in a series of practical examples, how to use the LangChain framework to build production-ready and responsive LLM applications for tasks ranging from customer support to software development assistance and data analysis – illustrating the expansive utility of LLMs in real-world applications.Unlock the full potential of LLMs within your projects as you navigate through guidance on fine-tuning, prompt engineering, and best practices for deployment and monitoring in production environments. Whether you're building creative writing tools, developing sophisticated chatbots, or crafting cutting-edge software development aids, this book will be your roadmap to mastering the transformative power of generative AI with confidence and creativity.


Generatywna sztuczna inteligencja z ChatGPT i modelami OpenAI. Podnieś swoją produktywność i innowacyjność za pomocą GPT3 i GPT4

Valentina Alto

Generatywne modele językowe, takie jak ChatGPT udostępniony przez OpenAI, stały się przełomem ze względu na ich możliwości i łatwe użycie w szerokiej gamie zastosowań. Wszechstronność tych narzędzi pozwala podnieść produktywność i kreatywność na niespotykany wcześniej poziom. Wystarczy w tym celu użyć we własnych projektach ChatGPT lub któregoś z wyspecjalizowanych modeli. Dzięki tej przystępnej książce zrozumiesz metody działania wielkich modeli językowych i techniki szkolenia modeli generatywnych. Następnie zapoznasz się z przypadkami użycia, w których ChatGPT sprawdzi się najlepiej, a w efekcie zwiększy produktywność i kreatywność. Dowiesz się też, jak wchodzić w interakcje z ChatGPT, tworzyć lepsze prompty i korzystać z funkcji uczenia się. Znajdziesz tu rozdziały dla marketingowców, naukowców i programistów, ułatwiające szybkie zastosowanie nabytej wiedzy w praktyce. Przekonasz się również, jak w środowisku korporacyjnym stosować interfejsy API modeli OpenAI dostępne w infrastrukturze Azure. Dla każdego scenariusza podano kompletną implementację w Pythonie, korzystającą z bibliotek Streamlit i LangChain do integracji modeli AI z aplikacjami. W książce: koncepcja generatywnej AI i architektura GPT projektowanie optymalnych promptów prezentacja aplikacji i przypadków użycia ChatGPT używanie modeli i funkcji OpenAI za pośrednictwem wywołań API kod Pythona do budowania i wdrażania systemów generatywnej AI odpowiedzialność i etyka w systemach generatywnej AI Odkryj, jak łatwo model generatywnej AI zintegruje się z Twoją aplikacją!


GPT-3. The Ultimate Guide To Building NLP Products With OpenAI API

Sandra Kublik, Shubham Saboo

GPT-3 has made creating AI apps simpler than ever. This book provides a comprehensive guide on how to utilize the OpenAI API with ease. It explores imaginative methods of utilizing this tool for your specific needs and showcases successful businesses that have been established through its use.The book is divided into two sections, with the first focusing on the fundamentals of the OpenAI API. The second part examines the dynamic and thriving environment that has arisen around GPT-3.Chapter 1 sets the stage with background information and defining key terms. Chapter 2 goes in-depth into the API, breaking it down into its essential components, explaining their functions and offering best practices. Chapter 3, you will build your first app with GPT-3.Chapter 4 features interviews with the founders of successful GPT-3-based products, who share challenges and insights gained. Chapter 5 examines the perspective of enterprises on GPT-3 and its potential for adoption. The problematic consequences of widespread GPT-3 adoption, such as misapplication and bias, are addressed along with efforts to resolve these issues in Chapter 6. Finally, Chapter 7 delves into the future by exploring the most exciting trends and possibilities as GPT-3 becomes increasingly integrated into the commercial ecosystem.


Hands-On Artificial Intelligence for Banking. A practical guide to building intelligent financial applications using machine learning techniques

Jeffrey Ng, Subhash Shah

Remodeling your outlook on banking begins with keeping up to date with the latest and most effective approaches, such as artificial intelligence (AI). Hands-On Artificial Intelligence for Banking is a practical guide that will help you advance in your career in the banking domain. The book will demonstrate AI implementation to make your banking services smoother, more cost-efficient, and accessible to clients, focusing on both the client- and server-side uses of AI.You’ll begin by understanding the importance of artificial intelligence, while also gaining insights into the recent AI revolution in the banking industry. Next, you’ll get hands-on machine learning experience, exploring how to use time series analysis and reinforcement learning to automate client procurements and banking and finance decisions. After this, you’ll progress to learning about mechanizing capital market decisions, using automated portfolio management systems and predicting the future of investment banking. In addition to this, you’ll explore concepts such as building personal wealth advisors and mass customization of client lifetime wealth. Finally, you’ll get to grips with some real-world AI considerations in the field of banking. By the end of this book, you’ll be equipped with the skills you need to navigate the finance domain by leveraging the power of AI.


Hands-On Business Intelligence with DAX. Discover the intricacies of this powerful query language to gain valuable insights from your data

Ian Horne

Data Analysis Expressions (DAX) is known for its ability to increase efficiency by extracting new information from data that is already present in your model. With this book, you’ll learn to use DAX’s functionality and flexibility in the BI and data analytics domains.You’ll start by learning the basics of DAX, along with understanding the importance of good data models, and how to write efficient DAX formulas by using variables and formatting styles. You’ll then explore how DAX queries work with the help of examples. The book will guide you through optimizing the BI workflow by writing powerful DAX queries. Next, you’ll learn to manipulate and load data of varying complexity within Microsoft products such as Power BI, SQL Server, and Excel Power Pivot. You’ll then discover how to build and extend your data models to gain additional insights, before covering progressive DAX syntax and functions to understand complex relationships in DAX. Later, you’ll focus on important DAX functions, specifically those related to tables, date and time, filtering, and statistics. Finally, you’ll delve into advanced topics such as how the formula and storage engines work to optimize queries.By the end of this book, you’ll have gained hands-on experience in employing DAX to enhance your data models by extracting new information and gaining deeper insights.


Hands-On Computer Vision with Detectron2. Develop object detection and segmentation models with a code and visualization approach

Van Vung Pham, Tommy Dang

Computer vision is a crucial component of many modern businesses, including automobiles, robotics, and manufacturing, and its market is growing rapidly. This book helps you explore Detectron2, Facebook's next-gen library providing cutting-edge detection and segmentation algorithms. It’s used in research and practical projects at Facebook to support computer vision tasks, and its models can be exported to TorchScript or ONNX for deployment.The book provides you with step-by-step guidance on using existing models in Detectron2 for computer vision tasks (object detection, instance segmentation, key-point detection, semantic detection, and panoptic segmentation). You’ll get to grips with the theories and visualizations of Detectron2’s architecture and learn how each module in Detectron2 works. As you advance, you’ll build your practical skills by working on two real-life projects (preparing data, training models, fine-tuning models, and deployments) for object detection and instance segmentation tasks using Detectron2. Finally, you’ll deploy Detectron2 models into production and develop Detectron2 applications for mobile devices.By the end of this deep learning book, you’ll have gained sound theoretical knowledge and useful hands-on skills to help you solve advanced computer vision tasks using Detectron2.


Hands-On Graph Neural Networks Using Python. Practical techniques and architectures for building powerful graph and deep learning apps with PyTorch

Maxime Labonne

Graph neural networks are a highly effective tool for analyzing data that can be represented as a graph, such as social networks, chemical compounds, or transportation networks. The past few years have seen an explosion in the use of graph neural networks, with their application ranging from natural language processing and computer vision to recommendation systems and drug discovery.Hands-On Graph Neural Networks Using Python begins with the fundamentals of graph theory and shows you how to create graph datasets from tabular data. As you advance, you’ll explore major graph neural network architectures and learn essential concepts such as graph convolution, self-attention, link prediction, and heterogeneous graphs. Finally, the book proposes applications to solve real-life problems, enabling you to build a professional portfolio. The code is readily available online and can be easily adapted to other datasets and apps.By the end of this book, you’ll have learned to create graph datasets, implement graph neural networks using Python and PyTorch Geometric, and apply them to solve real-world problems, along with building and training graph neural network models for node and graph classification, link prediction, and much more.