Sztuczna inteligencja

OpenAI API Cookbook. Build intelligent applications including chatbots, virtual assistants, and content generators

Henry Habib, Sam McKay, Paul Siegel

OpenAI API. Receptury. Tworzenie inteligentnych aplikacji, chatbotów, wirtualnych asystentów i generatorów treści

Henry Habib

OpenCV 3 Blueprints. Expand your knowledge of computer vision by building amazing projects with OpenCV 3

Matthew John Macdonald, Jason Clemons, Gary Bradski, Alasdair McAndrew, ...

OpenCV Computer Vision Application Programming Cookbook. Over 50 recipes to help you build computer vision applications in C++ using the OpenCV library

Robert Laganiere

OpenCV for Secret Agents. Use OpenCV in six secret projects to augment your home, car, phone, eyesight, and any photo or drawing

Joseph Howse

OpenCV with Python By Example. Build real-world computer vision applications and develop cool demos using OpenCV for Python

Prateek Joshi

Polecenia dla ChatGPT w finansach: praktyczne zastosowanie w biznesie i finansach osobistych

Adam Parysz

Poznaj Data Science. Przekształcanie, eksplorowanie, wizualizacja i modelowanie danych w Pythonie

Deborah Nolan, Joseph Gonzalez, Sam Lau