Bezpieczeństwo sieci

Kali Linux Web Penetration Testing Cookbook. Over 80 recipes on how to identify, exploit, and test web application security with Kali Linux 2

Gilberto Najera-Gutierrez

Kali Linux Wireless Penetration Testing Cookbook. Identify and assess vulnerabilities present in your wireless network, Wi-Fi, and Bluetooth enabled devices to improve your wireless security

Sean-Philip Oriyano

Keycloak - Identity and Access Management for Modern Applications. Harness the power of Keycloak, OpenID Connect, and OAuth 2.0 to secure applications - Second Edition

Stian Thorgersen, Pedro Igor Silva

Komunikowanie danych i zastosowanie sieci komputerowych w biznesie. Wydanie XIII

Jerry FitzGerald, Alan Dennis, Alexandra Durcikova

Konfiguracja Firewalli CISCO ASA w programie Packet Tracer

Jerzy Kluczewski, Damian Strojek

Kubernetes Secrets Handbook. Design, implement, and maintain production-grade Kubernetes Secrets management solutions

Emmanouil Gkatziouras, Rom Adams, Chen Xi, Chris Jenkins

Laboratorium cyberbezpieczeństwa w Dockerze. Zrób to sam

Krzysztof Godzisz

Learn Azure Sentinel. Integrate Azure security with artificial intelligence to build secure cloud systems

Richard Diver, Gary Bushey, Jason S. Rader

Learn Computer Forensics. A beginner's guide to searching, analyzing, and securing digital evidence

William Oettinger

Learn Kubernetes Security. Securely orchestrate, scale, and manage your microservices in Kubernetes deployments

Kaizhe Huang, Pranjal Jumde, Loris Degioanni

Learn pfSense 2.4. Get up and running with Pfsense and all the core concepts to build firewall and routing solutions

David Zientara

Learn Social Engineering. Learn the art of human hacking with an internationally renowned expert

Dr. Erdal Ozkaya

Learn Wireshark. A definitive guide to expertly analyzing protocols and troubleshooting networks using Wireshark - Second Edition

Lisa Bock

Learning iOS Penetration Testing. Secure your iOS applications and uncover hidden vulnerabilities by conducting penetration tests

Swaroop Yermalkar

Learning Nagios 3.0. A comprehensive configuration guide to monitor and maintain your network and systems

Wojciech Kocjan, Nagios Enterprises

Learning Network Forensics. Identify and safeguard your network against both internal and external threats, hackers, and malware attacks

Samir Datt