
Czy chciałbyś głębiej wniknąć w świat cyberbezpieczeństwa oraz nowoczesnych technologii? Na pewno zainteresuje Cię w takim razie nasza biblioteka online. Znajdziesz tutaj książki, dzięki którym poznasz metody wykorzystywane przez hakerów. Dowiesz się także, jak skutecznie chronić dane oraz testować programy i wykrywać w nich błędy.

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AWS Lambda Quick Start Guide. Learn how to build and deploy serverless applications on AWS

Markus Klems

AWS Lambda is a part of AWS that lets you run your code without provisioning or managing servers. This enables you to deploy applications and backend services that operate with no upfront cost. This book gets you up to speed on how to build scalable systems and deploy serverless applications with AWS Lambda.The book starts with the fundamental concepts of AWS Lambda, and then teaches you how to combine your applications with other AWS services, such as AmazonAPI Gateway and DynamoDB. This book will also give a quick walk through on how to use the Serverless Framework to build larger applications that can structure code or autogenerate boilerplate code that can be used to get started quickly for increased productivity.Toward the end of the book, you will learn how to write, run, and test Lambda functions using Node.js, Java, Python, and C#.

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AWS Penetration Testing. Beginner's guide to hacking AWS with tools such as Kali Linux, Metasploit, and Nmap

Jonathan Helmus

Cloud security has always been treated as the highest priority by AWS while designing a robust cloud infrastructure. AWS has now extended its support to allow users and security experts to perform penetration tests on its environment. This has not only revealed a number of loopholes and brought vulnerable points in their existing system to the fore, but has also opened up opportunities for organizations to build a secure cloud environment. This book teaches you how to perform penetration tests in a controlled AWS environment.You'll begin by performing security assessments of major AWS resources such as Amazon EC2 instances, Amazon S3, Amazon API Gateway, and AWS Lambda. Throughout the course of this book, you'll also learn about specific tests such as exploiting applications, testing permissions flaws, and discovering weak policies. Moving on, you'll discover how to establish private-cloud access through backdoor Lambda functions. As you advance, you'll explore the no-go areas where users can’t make changes due to vendor restrictions and find out how you can avoid being flagged to AWS in these cases. Finally, this book will take you through tips and tricks for securing your cloud environment in a professional way.By the end of this penetration testing book, you'll have become well-versed in a variety of ethical hacking techniques for securing your AWS environment against modern cyber threats.

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AWS Security Cookbook. Practical solutions for managing security policies, monitoring, auditing, and compliance with AWS

Heartin Kanikathottu

As a security consultant, securing your infrastructure by implementing policies and following best practices is critical. This cookbook discusses practical solutions to the most common problems related to safeguarding infrastructure, covering services and features within AWS that can help you implement security models such as the CIA triad (confidentiality, integrity, and availability), and the AAA triad (authentication, authorization, and availability), along with non-repudiation.The book begins with IAM and S3 policies and later gets you up to speed with data security, application security, monitoring, and compliance. This includes everything from using firewalls and load balancers to secure endpoints, to leveraging Cognito for managing users and authentication. Over the course of this book, you'll learn to use AWS security services such as Config for monitoring, as well as maintain compliance with GuardDuty, Macie, and Inspector. Finally, the book covers cloud security best practices and demonstrates how you can integrate additional security services such as Glacier Vault Lock and Security Hub to further strengthen your infrastructure.By the end of this book, you'll be well versed in the techniques required for securing AWS deployments, along with having the knowledge to prepare for the AWS Certified Security – Specialty certification.

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AWS Security Cookbook. Practical solutions for securing AWS cloud infrastructure with essential services and best practices - Second Edition

Heartin Kanikathottu

As a security consultant, implementing policies and best practices to secure your infrastructure is critical. This cookbook discusses practical solutions for safeguarding infrastructure, covering services and features within AWS that help implement security models, such as the CIA triad (confidentiality, integrity, and availability) and the AAA triad (authentication, authorization, and accounting), as well as non-repudiation.This updated second edition starts with the fundamentals of AWS accounts and organizations. The book then guides you through identity and access management, data protection, network security, and encryption. You’ll explore critical topics such as securing EC2 instances, managing keys with KMS and CloudHSM, and implementing endpoint security. Additionally, you’ll learn to monitor your environment using CloudWatch, CloudTrail, and AWS Config, while maintaining compliance with services such as GuardDuty, Macie, and Inspector. Each chapter presents practical recipes for real-world scenarios, allowing you to apply security concepts.By the end of this book, you’ll be well versed in techniques required for securing AWS deployments and be prepared to gain the AWS Certified Security – Specialty certification.

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Azure Security Cookbook. Practical recipes for securing Azure resources and operations

Steve Miles

With evolving threats, securing your cloud workloads and resources is of utmost importance. Azure Security Cookbook is your comprehensive guide to understanding specific problems related to Azure security and finding the solutions to these problems.This book starts by introducing you to recipes on securing and protecting Azure Active Directory (AD) identities. After learning how to secure and protect Azure networks, you’ll explore ways of securing Azure remote access and securing Azure virtual machines, Azure databases, and Azure storage. As you advance, you’ll also discover how to secure and protect Azure environments using the Azure Advisor recommendations engine and utilize the Microsoft Defender for Cloud and Microsoft Sentinel tools. Finally, you’ll be able to implement traffic analytics; visualize traffic; and identify cyber threats as well as suspicious and malicious activity.By the end of this Azure security book, you will have an arsenal of solutions that will help you secure your Azure workload and resources.

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BackTrack - Testing Wireless Network Security. Secure your wireless networks against attacks, hacks, and intruders with this step-by-step guide

Kevin Cardwell

Wireless networks are everywhere. You have probably set one up yourself, but have you ever wondered just how safe you are while browsing online? In the majority of cases, the default settings for your networks are not enough to protect you. With your data being transferred over the air, it can be easily plucked and used by anyone who knows how. Don't let it happen to you.BackTrack - Testing Wireless Network Security will help you secure your wireless networks and keep your personal data safe. With this book, you will learn how to configure your hardware for optimum security, find network security holes, and fix them.BackTrack - Testing Wireless Network Security looks at what tools hackers use and shows you how to defend yourself against them. Taking you from no prior knowledge all the way to a fully secure environment, this guide provides useful tips every step of the way. Learn how to select a wireless card to work with the Backtrack tools, run spectrum analysis scans using kismet, set up test networks, and perform attacks against wireless networks. Use the tools aircrack-ng and airodump-ng to crack the wireless encryption used on the network.You will learn everything you need to know to set up your wireless network for use within Backtrack and also how to defend yourself against the included attack tools.

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BackTrack 5. Testy penetracyjne sieci WiFi

Vivek Ramachandran

Poznaj zagrożenia czyhające na Twoją sieć! Sieci bezprzewodowe z każdym rokiem zdobywają coraz większą popularność. Tak naprawdę, żeby nie być w zasięgu sieci WiFi, musisz wyjechać poza miasto — a i to często nie wystarcza. Dlaczego tak się dzieje? Koszty podłączenia do sieci WiFi są bardzo niskie, a prędkość transmisji danych zupełnie wystarczająca. Jednak z drugiej strony taka dostępność sieci sprawia, że nasze dane otaczają nas i są na wyciągnięcie ręki — dla każdego. Jak się przed tym bronić? Jak dbać o bezpieczeństwo Twojej sieci? Na te i wiele innych trudnych pytań odpowiada ta wyjątkowa książka. Na samym początku zbudujesz własne laboratorium sieci bezprzewodowych, tak aby w domowym zaciszu testować różne techniki łamania zabezpieczeń protokołu WEP, WPA i WPA2. W trakcie lektury zdobędziesz wiedzę na temat metod przeprowadzania ataku na infrastrukturę sieci bezprzewodowej. Poznanie zagrożenia w praktyce pozwoli Ci zdobyć doświadczenie, które zaowocuje większymi umiejętnościami obrony przed ryzykiem włamania. Ta książka jest obowiązkową pozycją dla wszystkich administratorów i pasjonatów sieci komputerowych. Dzięki tej książce: zbudujesz własne laboratorium sieci bezprzewodowych złamiesz zabezpieczenia protokołów WEP, WPA i WPA2 poznasz zagrożenia i techniki ataku na Twoją sieć bezprzewodową podniesiesz poziom bezpieczeństwa Twojej sieci! Bezpieczeństwo Twojej sieci bezprzewodowej jest w Twoich rękach!

Eлектронна книга

Backup i zarządzanie danymi w Windows 7. Praktyczny podręcznik

Adam Józefiok

Cokolwiek robisz, pamiętaj o backupie! Tworzenie kopii bezpieczeństwa na ogół uważane bywa za stratę czasu albo zło konieczne. Większość ludzi zdaje się wymazywać z pamięci przykre zdarzenia, kiedy awaria komputera pozbawiła ich cennych danych, owoców ciężkiej pracy albo rodzinnych zdjęć. Najwyższa pora uświadomić sobie, że w dzisiejszym świecie utrata danych może kosztować nas wyjątkowo drogo, i stworzyć przejrzyste, eleganckie archiwum, z którego będzie można skorzystać w razie konieczności. Z tą książką przyjdzie Ci to bez trudu. Nauczysz się nie tylko tworzyć proste kopie, ale także właściwie zarządzać danymi, rekonstruować skasowane pliki i szyfrować te, których nie chcesz upubliczniać. Z drugiej strony poznasz sposoby trwałego usuwania plików z dysku, metody ich kompresowania oraz odpowiedniego przechowywania w archiwum. Dowiesz się, co to jest serwer pamięci i jak go używać, a także do czego mogą się przydać partycje na dysku. I natychmiast wykorzystasz tę wiedzę! Podstawowe informacje o plikach Zarządzanie plikami w systemie operacyjnym Tworzenie kopii bezpieczeństwa plików i innych ustawień Odzyskiwanie utraconych plików Szyfrowanie plików Bezpieczne usuwanie plików z dysku Kompresowanie plików oraz zabezpieczanie i naprawa archiwów Podstawy instalacji i konfiguracji serwera pamięci (NAS) Partycjonowanie dysku Nie ryzykuj — już dziś zabezpiecz dane!