
Möchten Sie tiefer in die Welt der Cybersicherheit und moderner Technologien eintauchen? Dann werden Sie sicherlich an unserer Online-Bibliothek interessiert sein. Hier finden Sie Bücher, die Ihnen helfen, die von Hackern verwendeten Methoden kennenzulernen. Sie erfahren auch, wie Sie Ihre Daten effektiv schützen sowie Programme testen und debuggen können.

Hartowanie Linuksa we wrogich środowiskach sieciowych. Ochrona serwera od TLS po Tor

Kyle Rankin

Head First. Python. Легкий для сприйняття довідник

Пол Беррі

Head First. Програмування на JavaScript. Head First. Програмування на JavaScript

Ерік Фрімен

Hybrid Cloud for Developers. Develop and deploy cost-effective applications on the AWS and OpenStack platforms with ease

Manoj Hirway

Hybrid Cloud Security Patterns. Leverage modern repeatable architecture patterns to secure your workloads on the cloud

Sreekanth Iyer, Dr. Nataraj Nagaratnam

Hyper-V Security. Secure your Hyper-V hosts, their guests, and critical services from intruders and malware

Eric Siron, Andrew Syrewicze

Identity Management with Biometrics. Explore the latest innovative solutions to provide secure identification and authentication

Lisa Bock


Katarzyna Chałubińska-Jentkiewicz, Agnieszka Brzostek, Sylwia Gliwa

IDS and IPS with Snort 3. Get up and running with Snort 3 and discover effective solutions to your security issues

Ashley Thomas

Implementing AppFog. Getting to grips with the AppFog service is easily achieved with this hands-on guide, which walks you through creating and deploying applications to the cloud. You'll be developing your first application in minutes

Matthew Nohr, Isaac Rabinovitch

Implementing Azure: Putting Modern DevOps to Use. Transform your software deployment process with Microsoft Azure

Florian Klaffenbach, Oliver Michalski, Markus Klein, Mohamed Waly, ...

Implementing Cisco Networking Solutions. Configure, implement, and manage complex network designs

Harpreet Singh

Implementing DevOps with Microsoft Azure. Automate your deployments and incorporate the DevOps culture

Mitesh Soni

Implementing DevSecOps Practices. Understand application security testing and secure coding by integrating SAST and DAST

Vandana Verma Sehgal

Implementing Multifactor Authentication. Protect your applications from cyberattacks with the help of MFA

Marco Fanti

Implementing NetScaler VPX. Implement the new features of Citrix NetScaler 11 to optimize and deploy secure web services on multiple virtualization platforms

Marius Sandbu

Implementing Palo Alto Networks Prisma(R) Access. Learn real-world network protection

Tom Piens Aka 'Reaper', Rutger Truyers

Improving your C# Skills. Solve modern challenges with functional programming and test-driven techniques of C#

Ovais Mehboob Ahmed Khan, John Callaway, Clayton Hunt, Rod Stephens

Improving your Penetration Testing Skills. Strengthen your defense against web attacks with Kali Linux and Metasploit

Gilberto Najera-Gutierrez, Juned Ahmed Ansari, Daniel Teixeira, Abhinav Singh

Improving Your Splunk Skills. Leverage the operational intelligence capabilities of Splunk to unlock new hidden business insights

James D. Miller, Paul R. Johnson, Josh Diakun, Derek Mock

Incident Response for Windows. Adapt effective strategies for managing sophisticated cyberattacks targeting Windows systems

Anatoly Tykushin, Svetlana Ostrovskaya, Dmitry Volkov

Incident Response in the Age of Cloud. Techniques and best practices to effectively respond to cybersecurity incidents

Dr. Erdal Ozkaya

Incident Response Techniques for Ransomware Attacks. Understand modern ransomware attacks and build an incident response strategy to work through them

Oleg Skulkin

Incident Response with Threat Intelligence. Practical insights into developing an incident response capability through intelligence-based threat hunting

Roberto Martinez