
Czy chciałbyś głębiej wniknąć w świat cyberbezpieczeństwa oraz nowoczesnych technologii? Na pewno zainteresuje Cię w takim razie nasza biblioteka online. Znajdziesz tutaj książki, dzięki którym poznasz metody wykorzystywane przez hakerów. Dowiesz się także, jak skutecznie chronić dane oraz testować programy i wykrywać w nich błędy.

Python Network Programming. Conquer all your networking challenges with the powerful Python language

Abhishek Ratan, Eric Chou, Pradeeban Kathiravelu, Dr. M. O. Faruque Sarker

Python Penetration Testing Cookbook. Practical recipes on implementing information gathering, network security, intrusion detection, and post-exploitation

Rejah Rehim

Python Penetration Testing Essentials. Employ the power of Python to get the best out of pentesting

Mohit Raj

Python: Penetration Testing for Developers. Execute effective tests to identify software vulnerabilities

Christopher Duffy, Mohit Raj, Cameron Buchanan, Andrew Mabbitt, ...

Python Programming Blueprints. Build nine projects by leveraging powerful frameworks such as Flask, Nameko, and Django

Daniel Furtado, Marcus Pennington

Python Web Penetration Testing Cookbook. Over 60 indispensable Python recipes to ensure you always have the right code on hand for web application testing

Benjamin May, Cameron Buchanan, Andrew Mabbitt, Dave Mound, ...

QGIS Python Programming Cookbook. Automating geospatial development - Second Edition

Joel Lawhead

Quantum Computing and Blockchain in Business. Exploring the applications, challenges, and collision of quantum computing and blockchain

Arunkumar Krishnakumar