

Baza danych od środka. Analiza działania rozproszonych systemów danych

Alex Petrov

W ciągu ostatnich 15 lat powstało tak wiele baz danych i narzędzi, że łatwo się pogubić, jeśli próbuje się zrozumieć przypadki użycia, szczegóły i specyfiki. Większość opracowań na temat systemów baz danych nie opisuje implementacji mechanizmu pamięci masowej. Tymczasem znajomość tych wewnętrznych aspektów jest bardzo ważna dla programistów, inżynierów, architektów i menedżerów. Aby wybrać odpowiednie narzędzie do pracy, musisz zrozumieć idee i algorytmy stojące za ich projektem. Michael Klishin, współpracownik RabbitMQ Ta książka ułatwi Ci zgłębienie koncepcji kryjących się za działaniem nowoczesnych baz danych. Dzięki niej zrozumiesz, w jaki sposób struktury dyskowe różnią się od tych w pamięci i jak działają algorytmy efektywnego utrzymywania struktur B drzewa na dysku. Poznasz implementacje pamięci masowej o strukturze dziennika. Znajdziesz tu również wyjaśnienie zasad organizacji węzłów w klaster baz danych i specyfiki środowisk rozproszonych. Dowiesz się, jak algorytmy rozproszone poprawiają wydajność i stabilność systemu i jak uzyskać ostateczną spójność danych. Ponadto w książce zaprezentowano koncepcje antyentropii i plotek, służące do zapewniania zbieżności i rozpowszechniania danych, a także mechanizm transakcji utrzymujący spójność logiczną bazy. Najważniejsze zagadnienia: klasyfikacja i taksonomia pamięci masowej silniki pamięci masowej oparte na B-drzewie i niezmienna struktura dziennika struktura plików bazy danych pamięć podręczna stron i pule buforów systemy rozproszone: złożone wzorce komunikacji węzłów i procesów klastry baz danych Obowiązkowa lektura dla każdego, kto korzysta z jakiejkolwiek bazy danych! Nate McCall, przewodniczący PMC


Bazy danych. Pierwsze starcie

Adam Pelikant

Zobacz, jakie to proste -- naucz się tworzyć bazy danych! Jak tworzyć formularze i raporty? Jak modyfikować strukturę tabel? Jak stosować mechanizmy wymiany danych? Współczesny świat wymusza na przedsiębiorstwach gromadzenie oraz przetwarzanie ogromnej ilości informacji. To sprawia, że muszą one dysponować wydajnymi i sprawnymi bazami danych. Aby zbudować taki system zarządzania danymi, niezbędne są odpowiednie narzędzia -- jednym z nich jest program MS Access. Ta aplikacja przede wszystkim pozwala na łatwą kontrolę poprawności tworzonych projektów oraz zapewnia integrację narzędzi służących do tworzenia struktury relacyjnej. Dba także o zgodność tych narzędzi ze standardem języka zapytań SQL, wykorzystywanym do tworzenia i modyfikowania baz danych oraz operowania na zgromadzonych w nich informacjach. Książka "Bazy danych. Pierwsze starcie" stanowi doskonałe wprowadzenie w tematykę tworzenia baz danych. Zawiera wszystkie potrzebne informacje, podane w prosty i przejrzysty sposób. Ten podręcznik przyda się zarówno studentom kierunków informatycznych, jak i wszystkim tym, którzy chcą zdobyć wiedzę o nowoczesnych metodach budowania takich baz. Stąd dowiesz się, jak wykorzystywać język zapytań SQL, w jaki sposób tworzyć tabele, formularze i raporty oraz stosować mechanizmy wymiany danych, a także na czym polega filtrowanie i sortowanie w zapytaniach. Zdobędziesz wiedzę i umiejętności wystarczające do samodzielnego zbudowania wydajnej bazy danych i sprawnego nią zarządzania. Projektowanie bazy danych -- narzędzia wizualne Tworzenie formularzy i raportów Strukturalny język zapytań SQL w wersji MS JetSQL Składnia podstawowa Unia -- koniunkcja zbiorów Grupowanie i funkcje agregujące Zastosowanie języka SQL z poziomu formularzy Mechanizmy wymiany danych Obiekty: DAO, RDO, ADO Zastosowanie mechanizmów wymiany danych przy tworzeniu aplikacji Stwórz własną, niezawodną bazę danych!


Bazy danych. Podstawy projektowania i języka SQL

Krystyna Czapla

Idealna baza danych — szyta na Twoją miarę! Faza projektu, czyli jak opracować tabele i określić zależności między nimi Faza implementacji, czyli jak przejść od projektu do tworzenia fizycznej bazy Faza trzecia, czyli jak czerpać informacje z bazy danych w nowoczesnych aplikacjach Bazy danych są dziś tworzone na potęgę i wykorzystywane niemal na każdym kroku. Od czasu pojawienia się komputerów osobistych, internetu i potężnych serwerów ilość danych wymagających zapisania i przetworzenia wciąż wzrasta, a ich sensowne posegregowanie, zapewnienie integralności, łatwości przeszukiwania i możliwości analizowania to umiejętność na wagę złota. Jeśli chcesz ją zdobyć lub udoskonalić, ta książka na pewno Ci w tym pomoże. Znajdziesz tu klarowne, jasne informacje dotyczące kolejnych etapów projektowania oraz implementacji bazy danych, z podziałem na dwie odrębne metody — modelowanie i normalizację. Poznasz obszerne podstawy języka SQL — pojęcia, typy danych, składnię i całe zestawy poleceń — i na konkretnych przykładach zobaczysz, jak używać tego języka. Zrozumiesz też, do czego służy język zapytań i co można zrobić przy użyciu języka DML. To pozwoli Ci z łatwością wykonać ćwiczenia utrwalające, a gdy skończysz będziesz gotowy zmierzyć się z budową własnej bazy! Modelowanie logiczne Normalizacja danych Język baz danych SQL Język zapytań DQL — polecenie SELECT Język manipulowania danymi — DML Język definiowania danych — DDL Proces logowania do bazy Twoje dane w dobrej bazie to klucz do sukcesu!


Bądź Agile. Zwinnie o HR i Employer Brandingu

Olga Żółkiewicz, Marcin Olszewski_, Mateusz Czarnecki

Pierwszy w Polsce kompleksowy przewodnik po Agile HR i EB Agile, zwinność - to terminy, które w pierwszej kolejności kojarzą się z branżą IT. I słusznie. Zwolennicy zwinnego programowania przyjmują, że skoro oczekiwania odbiorcy ewoluują w trakcie pracy nad produktem, jej założenia i metody powinny się do tych zmian adaptować. Firmy z sektora IT od dawna są Agile. Jednak zwinność przydaje się nie tylko specjalistom od kodowania. To podejście do zadań sprawdza się także w HR-ze i employer brandingu. Ważni gracze na rynku, jak telekomunikacja oraz bankowość, stawiają na zwinną transformację swoich działów HR. Czy to oznacza, że Agile jest tylko dla wielkich? Absolutnie nie! Autorzy tego przewodnika udowadniają, że ten sposób pracy z ludźmi w przedsiębiorstwach jest i dla dużych, i dla małych. Tłumaczą, na czym polega zwinność w HR i EB, podają przykłady większych i mniejszych firm działających w tych obszarach zgodnie z Agile. Dzielą się wiedzą o przydatnych narzędziach, podsuwają praktyczne wskazówki i cytują komentarze specjalistów, którzy od dawna pracują w stylu Agile. Wszystko po to, by stworzyć pełny obraz możliwości, jakie daje zwinność w zakresie human resources i employer brandingu.


BBC Micro:bit in Practice. A hands-on guide to building creative real-life projects with MicroPython and the BBC Micro:bit

Ashwin Pajankar, Abhishek Sharma, Sandeep Saini

This book is a one-stop guide for learning BBC Micro:bit with MicroPython, exploring many hardware components and programming techniques to provide detailed insights into developing practical applications with the Micro:bit. It will also show you how hardware components can be manipulated using a combination of Micro:bit and MicroPython for developing practical projects. BBC Micro:bit in Practice will help you gain a holistic understanding of the BBC Micro:bit platform and MicroPython programming, guiding you through mini projects aimed at developing practical knowledge of circuit design and writing programs. You’ll learn how to write programs for working with built-in LEDs and buttons, interfacing external LEDs, buttons, motors, buzzers, and much more. You’ll also work with built-in radio, speakers, accelerometer, and a compass. You’ll dive into concepts related to the Micro:bit filesystem, interfacing external displays, and working with libraries in detail before exploring sewable circuits and wearable technology.After reading this Micro:bit book, you’ll understand how to apply principles in electronics and MicroPython to create interesting real-life projects from scratch.


BDD w działaniu. Sterowanie zachowaniem w rozwoju aplikacji

John Ferguson Smart

Rozwój technik BDD jest odpowiedzią na poważny problem, z którym muszą się zmierzyć zespoły rozwijające oprogramowanie. Tym problemem jest skuteczne komunikowanie i zrozumienie się nawzajem. Jeśli jesteś kierownikiem projektu, musisz jakoś skłonić programistę do pisania testów, namówić testera do zaakceptowania tych testów i przekonać inwestora, że coś, co nie jest kodem produkcyjnym, może mieć swoją wartość. Okazuje się, że kluczem do sukcesu jest doprowadzenie do sytuacji, w której każdy rozumie, do czego ma służyć aplikacja, jak się ma zachować i jakie są jej kluczowe funkcje. Świetnym narzędziem ułatwiającym taką pracę jest technika BDD — obszerny zbiór najlepszych praktyk i narzędzi wspomagających analizę wymagań i automatyzację testów. Książka, którą trzymasz w dłoni, stanowi przegląd praktyk BDD na wszystkich poziomach procesu rozwoju oprogramowania. Znajdziesz w niej informacje na temat odkrywania i określania wysokopoziomowych wymagań, implementacji funkcji aplikacji oraz pisania automatycznych testów akceptacyjnych i jednostkowych. Jest ona niezastąpionym przewodnikiem dla analityków biznesowych i deweloperów, testerów, a przede wszystkim liderów i menedżerów projektów. Dzięki tej książce poznasz: teorię i praktykę BDD zasady stosowania BDD w pracy zespołowej testy akceptacyjne, integracyjne i jednostkowe BDD praktyczne przykłady w Javie, .NET, JavaScripcie i innych językach sposoby tworzenia raportów i dynamicznej dokumentacji BDD Już dziś przedstaw swojemu zespołowi rewolucyjne techniki BDD! John Ferguson Smart — światowej klasy specjalista w dziedzinie BDD, automatycznego testowania i optymalizacji rozwoju oprogramowania w całym cyklu życia, umiejętnie łączący wiedzę programisty i zalety coacha.  


BeagleBone Black Cookbook. Over 60 recipes and solutions for inventors, makers, and budding engineers to create projects using the BeagleBone Black

Charles A. Hamilton, Jason Kridner

There are many single-board controllers and computers such as Arduino, Udoo, or Raspberry Pi, which can be used to create electronic prototypes on circuit boards. However, when it comes to creating more advanced projects, BeagleBone Black provides a sophisticated alternative. Mastering the BeagleBone Black enables you to combine it with sensors and LEDs, add buttons, and marry it to a variety of add-on boards. You can transform this tiny device into the brain for an embedded application or an endless variety of electronic inventions and prototypes.With dozens of how-tos, this book kicks off with the basic steps for setting up and running the BeagleBone Black for the first time, from connecting the necessary hardware and using the command line with Linux commands to installing new software and controlling your system remotely. Following these recipes, more advanced examples take you through scripting, debugging, and working with software source files, eventually working with the Linux kernel. Subsequently, you will learn how to exploit the board's real-time functions. We will then discover exciting methods for using sound and video with the system before marching forward into an exploration of recipes for building Internet of Things projects. Finally, the book finishes with a dramatic arc upward into outer space, when you explore ways to build projects for tracking and monitoring satellites.


BeagleBone By Example. Click here to enter text

Pei JIA, Jayakarthigeyan Prabakar, Alexander Hiam

BeagleBone is a low cost, community-supported development platform to develop a variety of electronic projects. This book will introduce you to BeagleBone and get you building fun, cool, and innovative projects with it. Start with the specifications of BeagleBone Black and its operating systems, then get to grips with the GPIOs available in BeagleBone Black. Work through four types of exciting projects: building real-time physical computing systems, home automation, image processing for a security system, and building your own tele-controlled robot and learn the fundamentals of a variety of projects in a single book. By the end of this book, you will be able to write code for BeagleBone in order to operate hardware and impart decision-making capabilities with the help of efficient coding in Python.


BeagleBone: Creative Projects for Hobbyists. Build amazing BeagleBone projects and maximize your skills with projects that walk, talk, and fly!

Rodolfo Giometti, Charles A. Hamilton, Richard Grimmett

BeagleBone is a microboard PC that runs Linux. It can connect to the Internet and run OSes such as Android and Ubuntu. You can transform this tiny device into a brain for an embedded application or an endless variety of electronic inventions and prototypes.This Learning Path starts off by teaching you how to program the BeagleBone. You will create introductory projects to get yourselves acquainted with all the nitty gritty. Then we’ll focus on a series of projects that are aimed at hobbyists like you and encompass the areas of home automation and robotics. With each project, we’ll teach you how to connect several sensors and an actuator to the BeagleBone Black. We’ll also create robots for land, sea, and water. Yes, really! The books used in this Learning Path are:1. BeagleBone Black Cookbook 2. BeagleBone Home Automation Blueprints 3. Mastering BeagleBone Robotics


BeagleBone Home Automation Blueprints. Click here to enter text

Rodolfo Giometti

BeagleBone is a microboard PC that runs Linux. It can connect to the Internet and can run OSes such as Android and Ubuntu. BeagleBone is used for a variety of different purposes and projects, from simple projects such as building a thermostat to more advanced ones such as home security systems.Packed with real-world examples, this book will provide you with examples of how to connect several sensors and an actuator to the BeagleBone Black. You’ll learn how to give access to them, in order to realize simple-to-complex monitoring and controlling systems that will help you take control of the house. You will also find software examples of implementing web interfaces using the classical PHP/HTML pair with JavaScript, using complex APIs to interact with a Google Docs account, WhatsApp, or Facebook. This guide is an invaluable tutorial if you are planning to use a BeagleBone Black in a home automation project.


BeagleBone Robotic Projects. Build and control robots that walk, swim, roll, and fly - Second Edition

Richard Grimmett

BeagleBone Blue is effectively a small, light, cheap computer in a similar vein to Raspberry Pi and Arduino. It has all of the extensibility of today’s desktop machines, but without the bulk, expense, or noise. This project guide provides step-by-step instructions that enable anyone to use this new, low-cost platform in some fascinating robotics projects. By the time you are finished, your projects will be able to see, speak, listen,detect their surroundings, and move in a variety of amazing ways.The book begins with unpacking and powering up the components. This includes guidance on what to purchase and how to connect it all successfully, and a primer on programming the BeagleBone Blue. You will add additional software functionality available from the open source community, including making the system see using a webcam, hear using a microphone, and speak using a speaker.You will then learn to use the new hardware capability of the BeagleBone Blue to make your robots move, as well as discover how to add sonar sensors to avoid or find objects. Later, you will learn to remotelycontrol your robot through iOS and Android devices. At the end of this book, you will seehow to integrate all of these functionalities to work together, before developing the most impressive robotics projects: Drone and Submarine.


BeagleBone Robotic Projects. Developer or hobbyist, you'll love the way this book helps you turn the BeagleBone Black into a working robot. From listening and speaking to seeing and moving, we'll show you how – step by step

Richard Grimmett

Thanks to new, inexpensive microcontrollers, robotics has become far more accessible than it was in the past. These microcontrollers provide a whole new set of capabilities to allow even the most inexperienced users to make amazingly complicated projects. Beaglebone is effectively a small, light, cheap computer in a similar vein to Raspberry Pi and Arduino. It has all of the extensibility of today's desktop machines, but without the bulk, expense, or noise. This project guide provides step-by-step instructions to allow anyone to use this new, low cost platform in some fascinating robotics projects. By the time you are finished, your projects will be able to see, speak, listen, detect their surroundings, and move in a variety of amazing ways. The book begins with unpacking and powering up the components.This will include guidance on what to purchase and how to connect it all successfully–and a primer on programming the BeagleBone Black. Chapter by chapter, we will add additional software functionality available from the open source community, including how to make the system see using a webcam, how to hear using a microphone, and how to speak using a speaker. We then add hardware to make your robots move–including wheeled and legged examples–as well as covering how to add sonar sensors to avoid or find objects, plus wireless control to make your robot truly autonomous. Adding GPS allows the robot to find itself. Finally the book covers how to integrate all of this functionality so that it can all work together, before developing the most impressive robotics projects: those that can sail, fly, and explore underwater.


Become a Python Data Analyst. Perform exploratory data analysis and gain insight into scientific computing using Python

Alvaro Fuentes

Python is one of the most common and popular languages preferred by leading data analysts and statisticians for working with massive datasets and complex data visualizations.Become a Python Data Analyst introduces Python’s most essential tools and libraries necessary to work with the data analysis process, right from preparing data to performing simple statistical analyses and creating meaningful data visualizations.In this book, we will cover Python libraries such as NumPy, pandas, matplotlib, seaborn, SciPy, and scikit-learn, and apply them in practical data analysis and statistics examples. As you make your way through the chapters, you will learn to efficiently use the Jupyter Notebook to operate and manipulate data using NumPy and the pandas library. In the concluding chapters, you will gain experience in building simple predictive models and carrying out statistical computation and analysis using rich Python tools and proven data analysis techniques.By the end of this book, you will have hands-on experience performing data analysis with Python.


Become a Unity Shaders Guru. Create advanced game visuals using code and graphs in Unity 2022

Mina Pecheux

Do you really know all the ins-and-outs of Unity shaders? It’s time to step up your Unity game and dive into the new URP render pipeline, the Shader Graph tool, and advanced shading techniques to bring out the beauty of your 2D/3D game projects!Become a Unity Shaders Guru is here to help you transition from the built-in render pipeline to the SRP pipelines and learn the latest shading tools. With it, you’ll dive deeper into Unity shaders by understanding the essential concepts through practical examples. First, you’ll discover how to create a simple shading model in the Unity built-in render pipeline, and then in the Unity URP render pipeline and Shader Graph while learning about the practical applications of both. You’ll explore common game shader techniques, ranging from interior mapping to adding neon outlines on a sprite or simulating the wobble of a fish. You’ll also learn about alternative rendering techniques, like Ray Marching.By the end of this book, you’ll have learned to create a wide variety of 2D and 3D shaders with Unity’s URP pipeline (both in HLSL code and with the Shader Graph tool), and be well-versed with some optimization tricks to make your games friendly for low-tier devices as well.


Becoming a Data Analyst. A Beginner's Guide to Kickstarting Your Data Analysis Career

Remsey Mailjard, Maaike van Putten

This guide is designed to take you from novice to confident data analyst. Starting with the fundamentals of data analytics, you will explore what data analysis entails and why it's crucial in today's data-driven industries. You'll develop a data analyst mindset, honing your problem-solving and critical-thinking skills through practical exercises. You'll be introduced to different types of data, data sources and key concepts like KPIs and data warehouses. Hands-on chapters will guide you through Excel for basic data analysis, teaching you vital functions, pivot tables, and visualization techniques. You'll dive into SQL to query and manipulate data as well as data cleaning and exploration to prepare datasets for meaningful analysis. More advanced chapters will introduce you to Power BI, so you can build interactive dashboards and use DAX for advanced calculations. You'll work on major projects that will form a professional portfolio showcasing your skills in sales analysis, HR analytics, and customer insights. Finally, the book will teach you the art of communicating your findings through data storytelling to different audiences. You'll also find guidance on continuing education and career growth, ensuring you're well-prepared to launch a successful career in data analytics.


Becoming a Dynamics 365 Finance and Supply Chain Solution Architect. Implement industry-grade finance and supply chain solutions for successful enterprise resource planning (ERP)

Brent Dawson, Laurynas Merkelis

Implementing an ERP project is a daunting task, and it can often get derailed due to several reasons, including but not limited to inefficient planning, inadequate resource scoping, insufficient working knowledge of ERP systems, and more. Becoming a Dynamics 365 Finance and Supply Chain Solution Architect helps you understand the intricacies of ERP project implementation for seamless deployment.This comprehensive guide helps you gain a deep understanding of how to implement and optimize robust business applications that meet the evolving needs of organizations. You’ll discover various integration methodologies to integrate different software applications and plan successful data migration seamlessly. By leveraging the author’s expertise, you’ll explore different challenges that can lead to project failure or cost/time overruns, along with customized solutions to maneuver past those issues for a successful outcome.By the end of the book, you’ll be able to identify potential issues that can negatively impact the delivery of the project and make design decisions that will prevent any potential negative impact on the design and functionality of the system at go-live stage.


Becoming a Dynamics 365 Supply Chain Management Functional Consultant Associate. Optimize and streamline supply chain management processes to improve outcomes and reduce costs

Juan Bravo Vargas, Mariano Martínez Melo, Tommy Skaue

Meeting delivery commitments has become increasingly challenging due to evolving demands and fluctuating material availability. As a result, establishing robust systems and processes that can adapt to this dynamic environment has become a necessity. With Becoming a Dynamics 365 Supply Chain Management Functional Consultant Associate, you’ll understand how to initiate and implement effective supply chain management processes.This book begins with an overview of the processes and modules within Dynamics 365 and then delves into real-life case studies involving procurement, sales, and quality assurance. You’ll explore more advanced tools and core processes, such as warehouse and transportation management, which allows you to define storage flows and shipping controls. You’ll also learn about the various tools available to define solutions and discover how to work within the Dynamics 365 Supply Chain Management platform. The last set of chapters will take you through the planning techniques and considerations to schedule and control all supply process flows seamlessly.By the end of this book, you’ll not only be well-prepared to obtain your certification as a Microsoft Dynamics 365 Supply Chain Management Functional Consultant Associate but also be equipped to solidify your expertise and pursue exciting career opportunities.


Becoming a PMP(R) Certified Professional. A study guide to mastering project management for the PMP® exam

One of the five most prestigious certifications in the world, the PMP® exam is said to be the most difficult non-technical certification exam. With this exam guide, you'll be able to address the challenges in learning advanced project management concepts.This PMP study guide covers all of the 10 project management knowledge areas, 5 process groups, 49 processes, and aspects of the Agile Practice Guide that you need to tailor your projects. With this book, you will understand the best practices found in the sixth edition of the PMBOK® Guide and the newly updated exam content outline. Throughout the book, you'll learn exam objectives in the form of a project for better understanding and effective implementation of real-world project management tasks, helping you to not only prepare for the exam but also implement project management best practices. Finally, you'll get to grips with the entire application and testing processes in PMP® and discover numerous tips and techniques for passing the exam on your first attempt.By the end of this PMP® exam prep book, you'll have a solid understanding of everything you need to pass the PMP® certification exam, and be able to use this handy, on-the-job desktop reference guide to overcome challenges in project management.


Becoming a Rockstar SRE. Electrify your site reliability engineering mindset to build reliable, resilient, and efficient systems

Jeremy Proffitt, Rod Anami

Site reliability engineering is all about continuous improvement, finding the balance between business and product demands while working within technological limitations to drive higher revenue. But quantifying and understanding reliability, handling resources, and meeting developer requirements can sometimes be overwhelming. With a focus on reliability from an infrastructure and coding perspective, Becoming a Rockstar SRE brings forth the site reliability engineer (SRE) persona using real-world examples.This book will acquaint you the role of an SRE, followed by the why and how of site reliability engineering. It walks you through the jobs of an SRE, from the automation of CI/CD pipelines and reducing toil to reliability best practices. You’ll learn what creates bad code and how to circumvent it with reliable design and patterns. The book also guides you through interacting and negotiating with businesses and vendors on various technical matters and exploring observability, outages, and why and how to craft an excellent runbook. Finally, you’ll learn how to elevate your site reliability engineering career, including certifications and interview tips and questions.By the end of this book, you’ll be able to identify and measure reliability, reduce downtime, troubleshoot outages, and enhance productivity to become a true rockstar SRE!


Becoming a Salesforce Certified Technical Architect. Build a strong command of architectural principles and strategies to prepare for the CTA review board - Second Edition

Tameem Bahri

This book is a complete guide to learning essential architectural concepts that’ll enable you to deliver secure, high-performant Salesforce solutions and pass the Salesforce CTA review board exam with confidence. This second edition comes with updated content, additional supporting material such as cheat sheets, and detailed practical examples, and helps you learn key soft skills to craft a winning presentation.You’ll begin by reviewing vital architectural concepts needed to create a scalable end-to-end Salesforce solution. Next, you’ll find out how to identify requirements and break down a problem into smaller, more solvable parts. As you advance, you’ll gain practical experience in managing design decisions and defending them using real-world scenarios. The book also helps familiarize you with the correct methodology to structure your solution presentation and the necessary supporting artifacts. Finally, you’ll practice providing solutions for two full hypothetical scenarios and structuring your playback step by step.By the end of this Salesforce book, you’ll be able to design a highly scalable Salesforce solution and create suitable material to comfortably explain the end-to-end solution to the CTA review board and potentially your customer, and have a higher chance of passing.


Becoming a Salesforce Certified Technical Architect. Prepare for the review board by practicing example-led architectural strategies and best practices

Tameem Bahri

Salesforce Certified Technical Architect (CTA) is the ultimate certification to validate your knowledge and skills when it comes to designing and building high-performance technical solutions on the Salesforce platform. The CTA certificate is granted after successfully passing the CTA review board exam, which tests your platform expertise and soft skills for communicating your solutions and vision.You’ll start with the core concepts that every architect should master, including data lifecycle, integration, and security, and build your aptitude for creating high-level technical solutions. Using real-world examples, you’ll explore essential topics such as selecting systems or components for your solutions, designing scalable and secure Salesforce architecture, and planning the development lifecycle and deployments. Finally, you'll work on two full mock scenarios that simulate the review board exam, helping you learn how to identify requirements, create a draft solution, and combine all the elements together to create an engaging story to present in front of the board or to a client in real life.By the end of this Salesforce book, you’ll have gained the knowledge and skills required to pass the review board exam and implement architectural best practices and strategies in your day-to-day work.