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Edytory vi i Vim. Leksykon kieszonkowy

Arnold Robbins

Wszystkie funkcje zawsze pod ręką! Jak wygenerować losowy ciąg znaków? Posadzić nowego użytkownika przed vi i kazać mu wyłączyć edytor. To jeden z dowcipów obrazujących specyficzną składnię edytorów vi i Vim. Prawdopodobnie edytory te są trudne dla początkującego użytkownika, ale jeżeli tylko opanujesz ich elementarną obsługę, nie zamienisz ich na nic innego. Oba sprawdzą się idealnie przy edycji różnego rodzaju plików tekstowych - nieważne, czy będzie to plik HTML, PHP czy kod źródłowy Javy. Niezliczona ilość opcji edytorów vi i Vim sprawia, że zapamiętanie ich wszystkich sprawia pewne trudności. Dlatego Arnold Robbins zebrał dla Ciebie najbardziej użyteczne polecenia edytorów vi, Vim i najważniejszych klonów vi (nvi, elvis i vile), a potem skondensował je i przedstawił w formie niewielkiego leksykonu, który sprawdzi się w codziennej pracy. Wykorzystanie wyrażeń regularnych, wyszukiwanie i zamiana tekstu, zarządzanie oknami, funkcje użytkownika, dopełnianie poleceń to tylko niektóre z omówionych elementów. Leksykon ten powinni mieć zawsze pod ręką zarówno zaawansowani, jak i początkujący użytkownicy edytora vi! Opcje wywołania edytora Polecenia i opcje trybu edycyjnego vi Skróty klawiszowe Podstawienia i wyrażenia regularne Inicjalizacja sesji edycji i przywracanie plików Rozszerzona obsługa znaczników i stosu znaczników Polecenia i opcje edytora Vim Wykaz dodatkowych funkcji nvi, vile i elvisa Niezastąpiony przewodnik dla użytkowników edytorów vi i Vim!

Eлектронна книга

Embedded Linux Development Using Yocto Project Cookbook. Practical recipes to help you leverage the power of Yocto to build exciting Linux-based systems - Second Edition

Alex Gonzalez

The Yocto Project has become the de facto distribution build framework for reliable and robust embedded systems with a reduced time to market.You'll get started by working on a build system where you set up Yocto, create a build directory, and learn how to debug it. Then, you'll explore everything about the BSP layer, from creating a custom layer to debugging device tree issues. In addition to this, you’ll learn how to add a new software layer, packages, data, scripts, and configuration files to your system. You will then cover topics based on application development, such as using the Software Development Kit and how to use the Yocto project in various development environments. Toward the end, you will learn how to debug, trace, and profile a running system. This second edition has been updated to include new content based on the latest Yocto release.

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Embedded Linux Development using Yocto Projects. Learn to leverage the power of Yocto Project to build efficient Linux-based products - Second Edition

Otavio Salvador, Daiane Angolini

Yocto Project is turning out to be the best integration framework for creating reliable embedded Linux projects. It has the edge over other frameworks because of its features such as less development time and improved reliability and robustness.Embedded Linux Development using Yocto Project starts with an in-depth explanation of all Yocto Project tools, to help you perform different Linux-based tasks. The book then moves on to in-depth explanations of Poky and BitBake. It also includes some practical use cases for building a Linux subsystem project using Yocto Project tools available for embedded Linux. The book also covers topics such as SDK, recipetool, and others. By the end of the book, you will have learned how to generate and run an image for real hardware boards and will have gained hands-on experience at building efficient Linux systems using Yocto Project.

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Essential Linux Commands. 100 Linux commands every system administrator should know

Paul Olushile

The role of a system administrator is ever-evolving, with the Linux command line at its core. This makes Linux command-line mastery an essential skill to demonstrate your ability to efficiently manage and maintain systems efficiently. Essential Linux Commands addresses a diverse range of topics, including package management, file manipulation, networking strategies, system monitoring, and diagnostic tools. Each command is intricately explained to eliminate any ambiguity, ensuring ease of implementation in real-world scenarios.This book explains how to use SELinux to maintain security, run Linux machines on AWS Cloud, and transfer and download files to remote systems. With the help of practical examples and use cases, you’ll not only gain a thorough understanding of a command’s syntax but also grasp its functional breadth and limitations. The book also explores commands frequently used by system administrators to check network card statistics and firewall rules.Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced administrator, this book is an invaluable resource, filling in the gaps in your skill set and helping you improve your skills and expertise in Linux administration.

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Federated Learning with Python. Design and implement a federated learning system and develop applications using existing frameworks

Kiyoshi Nakayama PhD, George Jeno

Federated learning (FL) is a paradigm-shifting technology in AI that enables and accelerates machine learning (ML), allowing you to work on private data. It has become a must-have solution for most enterprise industries, making it a critical part of your learning journey. This book helps you get to grips with the building blocks of FL and how the systems work and interact with each other using solid coding examples.FL is more than just aggregating collected ML models and bringing them back to the distributed agents. This book teaches you about all the essential basics of FL and shows you how to design distributed systems and learning mechanisms carefully so as to synchronize the dispersed learning processes and synthesize the locally trained ML models in a consistent manner. This way, you’ll be able to create a sustainable and resilient FL system that can constantly function in real-world operations. This book goes further than simply outlining FL's conceptual framework or theory, as is the case with the majority of research-related literature.By the end of this book, you’ll have an in-depth understanding of the FL system design and implementation basics and be able to create an FL system and applications that can be deployed to various local and cloud environments.

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Fundamentals of Linux. Explore the essentials of the Linux command line

Oliver Pelz

Linux is a Unix-like operating system assembled under the model of free and open source software development and distribution. Fundamentals of Linux will help you learn all the essentials of the Linux command line required to get you started. The book will start by teaching you how to work with virtualization software and install CentOS 7 Linux as a VM. Then, you will get to grips with the workings of various command line operations, such as cursor movement, commands, options, and arguments. As you make your way through the chapters, the book will not only focus on the most essential Linux commands but also give an introduction to Bash shell scripting. Finally, you will explore advanced topics, such as networking and troubleshooting your system, and you will get familiar with the advanced file permissions: ACL, setuid, and setgid. Fundamentals of Linux includes real-world tasks, use cases, and problems that, as a system administrator, you might encounter in your day-to-day activities.

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Getting Started with SpriteKit

Jorge Jordán

SpriteKit is Apple’s game engine to develop native iOS games. Strongly boosted by the Apple Inc., Cupertino, it has increased in popularity since its first release. This book shows you the solutions provided by SpriteKit to help you create any 2D game you can imagine and apply them to create animations that will highlight your existing apps.This book will give you the knowledge you need to apply SpriteKit to your existing apps or create your own games from scratch.Throughout the book, you will develop a complete game. The beautiful designs implemented in the game in this book will easily lead you to learn the basis of 2D game development, including creating and moving sprites, and adding them to a game scene. You will also discover how to apply advanced techniques such as collision detection, action execution, playing music, or running animations to give a more professional aspect to the game. You will finish your first game by learning how to add a main menu and a tutorial, as well as saving and loading data from and to the player’s device. Finally, you will find out how to apply some mobile games techniques such as accelerometer use or touch detection.

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Getting Started with Terraform. Manage production infrastructure as a code - Second Edition

Kirill Shirinkin

Terraform is a tool used to efficiently build, configure, and improve the production infrastructure. It can manage the existing infrastructure as well as create custom in-house solutions. This book shows you when and how to implement infrastructure as a code practices with Terraform. It covers everything necessary to set up the complete management of infrastructure with Terraform, starting with the basics of using providers and resources. It is a comprehensive guide that begins with very small infrastructure templates and takes you all the way to managing complex systems, all using concrete examples that evolve over the course of the book. The book ends with the complete workflow of managing a production infrastructure as code—this is achieved with the help of version control and continuous integration. The readers will also learn how to combine multiple providers in a single template and manage different code bases with many complex modules. It focuses on how to set up continuous integration for the infrastructure code.The readers will be able to use Terraform to build, change, and combine infrastructure safely and efficiently.

Eлектронна книга

Ghidra Software Reverse Engineering for Beginners. Analyze, identify, and avoid malicious code and potential threats in your networks and systems

A. P. David

Ghidra, an open source software reverse engineering (SRE) framework created by the NSA research directorate, enables users to analyze compiled code on any platform, whether Linux, Windows, or macOS. This book is a starting point for developers interested in leveraging Ghidra to create patches and extend tool capabilities to meet their cybersecurity needs.You'll begin by installing Ghidra and exploring its features, and gradually learn how to automate reverse engineering tasks using Ghidra plug-ins. You’ll then see how to set up an environment to perform malware analysis using Ghidra and how to use it in the headless mode. As you progress, you’ll use Ghidra scripting to automate the task of identifying vulnerabilities in executable binaries. The book also covers advanced topics such as developing Ghidra plug-ins, developing your own GUI, incorporating new process architectures if needed, and contributing to the Ghidra project.By the end of this Ghidra book, you’ll have developed the skills you need to harness the power of Ghidra for analyzing and avoiding potential vulnerabilities in code and networks.

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Go Systems Programming. Master Linux and Unix system level programming with Go

Mihalis Tsoukalos

Go is the new systems programming language for Linux and Unix systems. It is also the language in which some of the most prominent cloud-level systems have been written, such as Docker. Where C programmers used to rule, Go programmers are in demand to write highly optimized systems programming code.Created by some of the original designers of C and Unix, Go expands the systems programmers toolkit and adds a mature, clear programming language. Traditional system applications become easier to write since pointers are not relevant and garbage collection has taken away the most problematic area for low-level systems code: memory management.This book opens up the world of high-performance Unix system applications to the beginning Go programmer. It does not get stuck on single systems or even system types, but tries to expand the original teachings from Unix system level programming to all types of servers, the cloud, and the web.

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Gray Hat C#. Język C# w kontroli i łamaniu zabezpieczeń

Brandon Perry

C# to nowoczesny język programowania, który został od podstaw zaprojektowany jako obiektowy. Ta dojrzała technologia jest często wybierana przez twórców oprogramowania, również tego służącego do pokonywania zabezpieczeń systemów. Dzięki temu, że platforma .NET jest oprogramowaniem open source, w C# można pisać kod, który bez problemu będzie działał w każdym systemie operacyjnym. Co prawda język ten jest prosty i łatwy do nauczenia się, jednak dopiero gruntowna znajomość C# umożliwia efektywne tworzenie narzędzi związanych z bezpieczeństwem, służących choćby do wyszukiwania luk w infrastrukturze czy prowadzenia testów penetracyjnych. Ta książka jest przeznaczona dla specjalistów ds. bezpieczeństwa, którzy chcą korzystać z języka C# do takich zadań jak fuzzowanie, skanowanie w poszukiwaniu luk zabezpieczeń i analiza złośliwego oprogramowania. Opisano tu zarówno podstawy języka C#, jak i jego dość zaawansowane funkcje. Przedstawiono szereg bibliotek dostępnych dla tego języka. Pokazano, jak pisać kod wyszukujący luki w zabezpieczeniach i jak tworzyć eksploity. Przedstawiono sposoby korzystania z takich narzędzi jak Nessus, sqlmap i Cuckoo Sandbox. Dzięki technikom zaprezentowanym w książce administrator bezpieczeństwa bez problemu zautomatyzuje nawet najbardziej żmudne codzienne zadania! W tej książce między innymi: Podstawowe i zaawansowane funkcjonalności języka C# Generowanie kodu ładunków, również wieloplatformowych Skanery, w tym OpenVAS, Nessus i Nexpose Automatyczna identyfikacja luk umożliwiających wstrzyknięcie kodu SQL Tworzenie w C# narzędzi do inżynierii wstecznej C#. Sprawdź swój system zabezpieczeń! Brandon Perry jest programistą i gorącym zwolennikiem idei open source. Odkąd pojawiło się środowisko Mono, pisze aplikacje w języku C#. Tworzy też moduły dla frameworka Metasploit, analizuje pliki binarne i zarządza ciekawymi projektami ( Fascynuje się badaniami nad bezpieczeństwem systemów informatycznych. Chętnie dzieli się swoją wiedzą, pisze książki i pomaga innym w tworzeniu solidniejszego oprogramowania.

Eлектронна книга

Hands-On AWS Penetration Testing with Kali Linux. Set up a virtual lab and pentest major AWS services, including EC2, S3, Lambda, and CloudFormation

Karl Gilbert, Benjamin Caudill

The cloud is taking over the IT industry. Any organization housing a large amount of data or a large infrastructure has started moving cloud-ward — and AWS rules the roost when it comes to cloud service providers, with its closest competitor having less than half of its market share. This highlights the importance of security on the cloud, especially on AWS. While a lot has been said (and written) about how cloud environments can be secured, performing external security assessments in the form of pentests on AWS is still seen as a dark art. This book aims to help pentesters as well as seasoned system administrators with a hands-on approach to pentesting the various cloud services provided by Amazon through AWS using Kali Linux. To make things easier for novice pentesters, the book focuses on building a practice lab and refining penetration testing with Kali Linux on the cloud. This is helpful not only for beginners but also for pentesters who want to set up a pentesting environment in their private cloud, using Kali Linux to perform a white-box assessment of their own cloud resources. Besides this, the book covers a large variety of AWS services that are often overlooked during a pentest — from serverless infrastructure to automated deployment pipelines. By the end of this book, you will be able to identify possible vulnerable areas efficiently and secure your AWS cloud environment.

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Hands-On Cybersecurity for Finance. Identify vulnerabilities and secure your financial services from security breaches

Dr. Erdal Ozkaya, Milad Aslaner

Organizations have always been a target of cybercrime. Hands-On Cybersecurity for Finance teaches you how to successfully defend your system against common cyber threats, making sure your financial services are a step ahead in terms of security.The book begins by providing an overall description of cybersecurity, guiding you through some of the most important services and technologies currently at risk from cyber threats. Once you have familiarized yourself with the topic, you will explore specific technologies and threats based on case studies and real-life scenarios. As you progress through the chapters, you will discover vulnerabilities and bugs (including the human risk factor), gaining an expert-level view of the most recent threats. You'll then explore information on how you can achieve data and infrastructure protection. In the concluding chapters, you will cover recent and significant updates to procedures and configurations, accompanied by important details related to cybersecurity research and development in IT-based financial services.By the end of the book, you will have gained a basic understanding of the future of information security and will be able to protect financial services and their related infrastructures.

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Hands-On Design Patterns with C++. Solve common C++ problems with modern design patterns and build robust applications - Second Edition

Fedor G. Pikus

C++ is a general-purpose programming language designed for efficiency, performance, and flexibility. Design patterns are commonly accepted solutions to well-recognized design problems. In essence, they are a library of reusable components, only for software architecture, and not for a concrete implementation. This book helps you focus on the design patterns that naturally adapt to your needs, and on the patterns that uniquely benefit from the features of C++. Armed with the knowledge of these patterns, you’ll spend less time searching for solutions to common problems and tackle challenges with the solutions developed from experience. You’ll also explore that design patterns are a concise and efficient way to communicate, as patterns are a familiar and recognizable solution to a specific problem and can convey a considerable amount of information with a single line of code. By the end of this book, you’ll have a deep understanding of how to use design patterns to write maintainable, robust, and reusable software.

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Hands-On Enterprise Automation on Linux. Efficiently perform large-scale Linux infrastructure automation with Ansible

James Freeman

Automation is paramount if you want to run Linux in your enterprise effectively. It helps you minimize costs by reducing manual operations, ensuring compliance across data centers, and accelerating deployments for your cloud infrastructures.Complete with detailed explanations, practical examples, and self-assessment questions, this book will teach you how to manage your Linux estate and leverage Ansible to achieve effective levels of automation. You'll learn important concepts on standard operating environments that lend themselves to automation, and then build on this knowledge by applying Ansible to achieve standardization throughout your Linux environments.By the end of this Linux automation book, you'll be able to build, deploy, and manage an entire estate of Linux servers with higher reliability and lower overheads than ever before.

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Hands-On Linux Administration on Azure. Develop, maintain, and automate applications on the Azure cloud platform - Second Edition

Kamesh Ganesan, Rithin Skaria, Frederik Vos

Thanks to its flexibility in delivering scalable cloud solutions, Microsoft Azure is a suitable platform for managing all your workloads. You can use it to implement Linux virtual machines and containers, and to create applications in open source languages with open APIs.This Linux administration book first takes you through the fundamentals of Linux and Azure to prepare you for the more advanced Linux features in later chapters. With the help of real-world examples, you’ll learn how to deploy virtual machines (VMs) in Azure, expand their capabilities, and manage them efficiently. You will manage containers and use them to run applications reliably, and in the concluding chapter, you'll explore troubleshooting techniques using a variety of open source tools.By the end of this book, you'll be proficient in administering Linux on Azure and leveraging the tools required for deployment.