
Linux Server. Bezpieczeństwo i ochrona sieci

Chris Binnie

Linux Service Management Made Easy with systemd. Advanced techniques to effectively manage, control, and monitor Linux systems and services

Donald A. Tevault

Linux Shell Scripting Bootcamp. The fastest way to learn Linux shell scripting

James K Lewis

Linux Shell Scripting Essentials. Learn shell scripting to solve complex shell-related problems and to efficiently automate your day-to-day tasks

Sinny Kumari, Khem Raj

Linux System Programming Techniques. Become a proficient Linux system programmer using expert recipes and techniques

Jack-Benny Persson

Linux w biurze i nie tylko

Sergiusz Flanczewski

Linux. Wiersz poleceń i skrypty powłoki. Biblia. Wydanie IV

Christine Bresnahan, Richard Blum