
Hands-On Design Patterns with C++. Solve common C++ problems with modern design patterns and build robust applications - Second Edition

Fedor G. Pikus

Hands-On Enterprise Automation on Linux. Efficiently perform large-scale Linux infrastructure automation with Ansible

James Freeman

Hands-On Linux Administration on Azure. Develop, maintain, and automate applications on the Azure cloud platform - Second Edition

Kamesh Ganesan, Rithin Skaria, Frederik Vos

Hands-On Linux for Architects. Design and implement Linux-based IT solutions

Denis Salamanca, Esteban Flores

Hands-On Serverless Computing. Build, run and orchestrate serverless applications using AWS Lambda, Microsoft Azure Functions, and Google Cloud Functions

Kuldeep Chowhan

Hands-On System Programming with C++. Build performant and concurrent Unix and Linux systems with C++17

Dr. Rian Quinn

Hands-On System Programming with Linux. Explore Linux system programming interfaces, theory, and practice

Kaiwan N Billimoria

Hartowanie Linuksa we wrogich środowiskach sieciowych. Ochrona serwera od TLS po Tor

Kyle Rankin