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Web development
Daniel Chapman, Chris Davenport
Setting up a basic Joomla! Web site is easy; what comes next is hard and expensive ñ making the site do exactly what and look exactly how you want. With this book in hand, it is easy to adapt your site to bring your vision fully to life.This book will help you to separate your site from the crowd of other Joomla! sites without having to invest in developers. It will guide you through how to customize different parts and aspects of your site and will also show you how to turn your site into a profitable business via these customizations. You will be able to build a successful, professional web site that will adapt to all your business needs.You will be taken beyond the basics of Joomla!, and given an insight into the techniques and tools used by the professionals to rapidly develop unique, custom sites. This will enable you to develop your own professional-quality Joomla! site without assistance, saving you time and money. You will learn how modules, plugins, components, and templates are constructed, and how to make changes in them, giving you the confidence to make more elaborate changes to your site. On top of this will be a look at common problems Joomla! site developers face and how best to deal with them.You will also learn techniques for building a business with Joomla!, as you step through building a subscription-based web business. Towards the end, you will look at marketing and monetizing this business fully to maximize your return.
Chandrasekhar Mankala (USD), Ganesh Mahadevan V., Ganesh Mahadevan (USD)
SAP HANA is a real-time applications platform that provides a multi-purpose, in-memory appliance. Decision makers in the organization can gain instant insight into business operations. Thus all the data available can be analysed and you can react to the changing business conditions rapidly to make decisions. The real-time platform not only empowers business users and top management to make decisions but also provides the capability to make decisions in real-time.A practical and comprehensive guide that helps you understand the power of SAP HANA’s real-time and in-memory capabilities. It also provides step-by-step instructions to exploit all the possible features of the SAP HANA database, enabling users to harness the full potential of this technology and its features.You will gain an understanding of real-time replications, effective data loading from various sources, how to load data, and how to create re-usable objects such as models and reports.Use this practical guide to enable or transform your business landscape by implementing SAP HANA to meet your business requirements. The book shows you how to load data from different types of systems, create models in SAP HANA, and consume data for decision-making. The book covers various tools at different stages creating models using SAP HANA Studio, and consuming data using reporting tools such as SAP BusinessObjects, SAP Lumira, and so on . This book also explains the in-depth architecture of SAP HANA to help you understand SAP HANA as an appliance, that is, a combination of hardware and software.The book covers the best practices to leverage SAP HANA’s in-memory technology to transform data into insightful information. It also covers technology landscaping, solution architecture, connectivity, data loading, and setting up the environment for modeling purpose (including setup of SAP HANA Studio).If you have an intention to start your career as SAP HANA Modeler, this book is the perfect start.
This book leverages the author’s decade-long experience in biostatistics and data science to simplify the practical use of biostatistics with Python. The chapters show you how to clean and describe your data effectively, setting a solid foundation for accurate analysis and proficiency in biostatistical inference to help you draw meaningful conclusions from your data through hypothesis testing and effect size analysis.The book walks you through predictive modeling to harness the power of Python to create robust predictive analytics that can drive your research and professional projects forward. You'll explore clinical biostatistics, learn how to design studies, conduct survival analysis, and synthesize evidence from multiple studies with meta-analysis – skills that are crucial for making informed decisions based on comprehensive data reviews. The concluding chapters will enhance your ability to analyze biological variables, enabling you to perform detailed and accurate data analysis for biological research. This book's unique blend of biostatistics and Python helps you find practical solutions that make complex concepts easy to grasp and apply.By the end of this biostatistics book, you’ll have moved from theoretical knowledge to practical experience, allowing you to perform biostatistical analysis confidently and accurately.
Android 6 is the latest and greatest version of the Android operating system, and comes packed with cutting edge new features for you to harness for the benefit of building better applications.This step-by-step guide will take you through the basics of the Android Marshmallow permissions model and beyond into other crucial areas such as the Audio,Video,Camera API and Android’s at work features. Learn how to create, deploy, and manage Android applications with Marshmallow’s API and the latest functionalities. The combination of instructions and real-world examples will make your application deployment and testing a breeze.
QlikView is one of the most powerful analytical tools in the market. Based on an in-memory associative model, it lets users freely navigate through the data, spot trends and make better decisions. This platform is capable of integrating a wide range of data sources like ERP systems, data warehouses or spreadsheets into a single application in order display dashboards with state-of-the-art visualizations.Creating Stunning Dashboards with QlikView is an easy to follow handbook that guides you through the process of creating an effective and engaging dashboard that delivers tangible value to the business. It starts with the identification of the business needs and the definition of the main KPIs, and takes you all the way to the application rollout.Throughout the book, you will learn how to apply some of the best practices in the field of data visualization, create a robust navigation schema, chose the best chart types for each scenario and many other things that will help you create effective dashboards that uncover all the stories behind the data.
The third edition of Mastering Linux Security and Hardening is an updated, comprehensive introduction to implementing the latest Linux security measures, using the latest versions of Ubuntu and AlmaLinux.In this new edition, you will learn how to set up a practice lab, create user accounts with appropriate privilege levels, protect sensitive data with permissions settings and encryption, and configure a firewall with the newest firewall technologies. You’ll also explore how to use sudo to set up administrative accounts with only the privileges required to do a specific job, and you’ll get a peek at the new sudo features that have been added over the past couple of years. You’ll also see updated information on how to set up a local certificate authority for both Ubuntu and AlmaLinux, as well as how to automate system auditing. Other important skills that you’ll learn include how to automatically harden systems with OpenSCAP, audit systems with auditd, harden the Linux kernel configuration, protect your systems from malware, and perform vulnerability scans of your systems. As a bonus, you’ll see how to use Security Onion to set up an Intrusion Detection System.By the end of this new edition, you will confidently be able to set up a Linux server that will be secure and harder for malicious actors to compromise.
Sufyan bin Uzayr, Mathew Rooney
The WordPress REST API is a recent innovation that has the potential to unlock several new opportunities for WordPress developers. It can help you integrate with technologies outside of WordPress, as well as offer great flexibility when developing themes and plugins for WordPress. As such, the REST API can make developers’ lives easier. The book begins by covering the basics of the REST API and how it can be used along with WordPress. Learn how the REST API interacts with WordPress, allowing you to copy posts and modify post metadata. Move on to get an understanding of taxonomies and user roles are in WordPress and how to use them with the WordPress REST API. Next, find out how to edit and process forms with AJAX and how to create custom routes and functions. You will create a fully-functional single page web app using a WordPress site and the REST API. Lastly, you will see how to deal with the REST API in future versions and will use it to interact it with third-party services. By the end of the book, you will be able to work with the WordPress REST API to build web applications.
Yogesh Chavan, Amit Pandurang Karpe
The whole world is moving from desktop computers to smartphones and embedded systems. We are moving towards utilizing Internet of Things (IoT). An exponential rise in the demand for embedded systems and programming in the last few years is driving programmers to use embedded development boards such as Beaglebone. BeagleBone is an ultra-small, cost-effective computer that comes with a powerful hardware. It runs a full-fledged Debian Linux OS and provides numerous electronics solutions. BeagleBone is open source and comes with an Ethernet port, which allows you to deploy IoT projects without any additions to the board. It provides plenty of GPIO, Anlaog pins, and UART, I2C, SPI pins which makes it the right choice to perform electronics projects. This gives you all the benefits of Linux kernel such as multitasking, multiusers, and extensive device driver support. This allows you to do programming in many languages including high-level languages such as JavaScript and Python.This book aims to exploit the hardware and software capabilities of BeagleBone to create real-life electronics and IoT applications quickly. It is divided into two parts. The first part covers JavaScript programs. The second part provides electronics projects and IoT applications in Python.First, you will learn to use BeagleBone as tool to write useful applications on embedded systems. Starting with the basics needed to set up BeagleBone and the Cloud9 IDE, this book covers interfacing with various electronics components via simple programs. The electronics theory related to these components is then explained in depth before you use them in a program. Finally, the book helps you create some real-life IoT applications.
JetBrain’s PyCharm is the most popular Integrated Development Environment (IDE) used by the Python community thanks to its numerous features that facilitate faster, more accurate, and more productive programming practices. However, the abundance of options and customizations can make PyCharm seem quite intimidating.Hands-on Application Development with PyCharm starts with PyCharm’s installation and configuration process, and systematically takes you through a number of its powerful features that can greatly improve your productivity. You’ll explore code automation, version control, graphical debugging/testing, management of virtual environments, and much more. Finally, you’ll delve into specific PyCharm features that support web development and data science, two of the fastest growing applications in Python programming. These include the integration of the Django framework as well as the extensive support for IPython and Jupyter Notebook.By the end of this PyCharm book, you will have gained extensive knowledge of the tool and be able to implement its features and make the most of its support for your projects.
Terraform is a highly sought-after technology for orchestrating infrastructure provisioning. This book is a complete reference guide to enhancing your infrastructure automation skills, offering up-to-date coverage of the HashiCorp infrastructure automation certification exam. This book is written in a clear and practical way with self-assessment questions and mock exams that will help you from a HashiCorp infrastructure automation certification exam perspective. This book covers end-to-end activities with Terraform, such as installation, writing its configuration file, Terraform modules, backend configurations, data sources, and infrastructure provisioning. You'll also get to grips with complex enterprise infrastructures and discover how to create thousands of resources with a single click. As you advance, you'll get a clear understanding of maintaining infrastructure as code (IaC) in Repo/GitHub, along with learning how to create, modify, and remove infrastructure resources as and when needed. Finally, you'll learn about Terraform Cloud and Enterprise and their enhanced features.By the end of this book, you'll have a handy, up-to-date desktop reference guide along with everything you need to pass the HashiCorp Certified: Terraform Associate exam with confidence.
Do you want to be able to confidently design and build apps that support business processes within the Lightning Platform? Salesforce Platform App Builder Certification Guide not only helps you to do this, but also prepares you for the certification exam.The book starts by describing the core capabilities of the Lightning Platform. You'll learn techniques for data modeling to design, build, and deploy apps without writing code and achieve rapid results with the declarative capabilities that the Lightning Platform provides. Next, you'll explore utilities for importing and exporting data and the features available in the Lightning Platform to restrict and extend access to objects, fields, and records. You'll also be able to customize the Salesforce Lightning Experience user interface (UI) and build functionality for custom buttons, links, and actions. Later, this certification study guide will take you through reporting and the social and mobile features of the Lightning Platform. Finally, you’ll get to grips with Salesforce build environments and deployment options.By the end of this Salesforce book, you'll not only have learned how to build data models, enforce data security, and implement business logic and process automation, but also have gained the confidence to pass the Platform App Builder exam and achieve Salesforce certification.
When used effectively, deep learning techniques can help you develop intelligent web apps. In this book, you'll cover the latest tools and technological practices that are being used to implement deep learning in web development using Python.Starting with the fundamentals of machine learning, you'll focus on DL and the basics of neural networks, including common variants such as convolutional neural networks (CNNs). You'll learn how to integrate them into websites with the frontends of different standard web tech stacks. The book then helps you gain practical experience of developing a deep learning-enabled web app using Python libraries such as Django and Flask by creating RESTful APIs for custom models. Later, you'll explore how to set up a cloud environment for deep learning-based web deployments on Google Cloud and Amazon Web Services (AWS). Next, you'll learn how to use Microsoft's intelligent Emotion API, which can detect a person's emotions through a picture of their face. You'll also get to grips with deploying real-world websites, in addition to learning how to secure websites using reCAPTCHA and Cloudflare. Finally, you'll use NLP to integrate a voice UX through Dialogflow on your web pages.By the end of this book, you'll have learned how to deploy intelligent web apps and websites with the help of effective tools and practices.
Navigate the security Wild West with Microsoft Defender for Office 365, your shield against the complex and rapidly evolving cyber threats. Written by a cybersecurity veteran with 25 years of experience, including combating nation-state adversaries and organized cybercrime gangs, this book offers unparalleled insights into modern digital security challenges by helping you secure your organization's email and communication systems and promoting a safer digital environment by staying ahead of evolving threats and fostering user awareness.This book introduces you to a myriad of security threats and challenges organizations encounter and delves into the day-to-day use of Defender for Office 365, offering insights for proactively managing security threats, investigating alerts, and effective remediation. You’ll explore advanced strategies such as leveraging threat intelligence to reduce false alerts, customizing reports, conducting attack simulation, and automating investigation and remediation. To ensure complete protection, you’ll learn to integrate Defender for Office 365 with other security tools and APIs.By the end of this book, you’ll have gained a comprehensive understanding of Defender for Office 365 and its crucial role in fortifying your organization's cybersecurity posture.
Marc Delisle, Software Freedom Conservancy Inc
phpMyAdmin is an open source tool written in PHP to handle MySQL administration over the World Wide Web. It can execute SQL statements and manage users and their permissions. However, when it comes to exploiting phpMyAdmin to its full potential, even experienced developers and system administrators are left baffled.Mastering phpMyAdmin 3.3.x for Effective MySQL Management is an easy-to-follow, step-by-step guide that walks you through every facet of this efficient tool. Author Marc Delisle draws on his experience as one of the leading developers and project administrator of phpMyAdmin and uses his unique tutorial approach to take full advantage of its potential. This book is filled with illustrative examples that will help you understand every phpMyAdmin feature in detail.The book helps you get started with installing and configuring phpMyAdmin and looks at its features. You then work on a sample project with two basic tables and perform basic actions such as creating, editing, and deleting data, tables, and databases. You will learn how to create up-to-date backups and import the data that you have exported. You will then explore different search mechanisms and options for querying across multiple tables.The book gradually proceeds to advanced features such as defining inter-table relations and installing the linked-tables infrastructure. Some queries are out of the scope of the interface and this book will show you how to accomplish these tasks with SQL commands.New features of version 3.3.x, such as synchronizing databases on different servers and managing MySQL replication to improve performance and data security, are covered in this book. Towards the end of the book you will learn to document your database, track changes made to the database, and manage user accounts using phpMyAdmin server management features.This book is an upgrade from the previous version that covered phpMyAdmin Version 3.1. Version 3.3.x introduced features such as new import and export modules, tracking changes, synchronizing structure and data between servers, and providing support for replication.