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Saurabh Shrivastava, Neelanjali Srivastav, Rajesh Sheth, Rohan Karmarkar, ...
Becoming a solutions architect requires a hands-on approach, and this edition of the Solutions Architect's Handbook brings exactly that. This handbook will teach you how to create robust, scalable, and fault-tolerant solutions and next-generation architecture designs in a cloud environment. It will also help you build effective product strategies for your business and implement them from start to finish.This new edition features additional chapters on disruptive technologies, such as Internet of Things (IoT), quantum computing, data engineering, and machine learning. It also includes updated discussions on cloud-native architecture, blockchain data storage, and mainframe modernization with public cloud.The Solutions Architect's Handbook provides an understanding of solution architecture and how it fits into an agile enterprise environment. It will take you through the journey of solution architecture design by providing detailed knowledge of design pillars, advanced design patterns, anti-patterns, and the cloud-native aspects of modern software design.By the end of this handbook, you'll have learned the techniques needed to create efficient architecture designs that meet your business requirements.
Mastering macOS Programming. Hands-on guide to macOS Sierra Application Development
Stuart Grimshaw, Gregory Casamento
macOS continues to lead the way in desktop operating systems, with its tight integration across the Apple ecosystem of platforms and devices. With this book, you will get an in-depth knowledge of working on macOS, enabling you to unleash the full potential of the latest version using Swift 3 to build applications.This book will help you broaden your horizons by taking your programming skills to next level. The initial chapters will show you all about the environment that surrounds a developer at the start of a project. It introduces you to the new features that Swift 3 and Xcode 8 offers and also covers the common design patterns that you need to know for planning anything more than trivial projects. You will then learn the advanced Swift programming concepts, including memory management, generics, protocol orientated and functional programming and with this knowledge you will be able to tackle the next several chapters that deal with Apple’s own Cocoa frameworks. It also covers AppKit, Foundation, and Core Data in detail which is a part of the Cocoa umbrella framework. The rest of the book will cover the challenges posed by asynchronous programming, error handling, debugging, and many other areas that are an indispensable part of producing software in a professional environment.By the end of this book, you will be well acquainted with Swift, Cocoa, and AppKit, as well as a plethora of other essential tools, and you will be ready to tackle much more complex and advanced software projects.
Dr. Argenis Leon, Luis Aguirre
Optimus is a Python library that works as a unified API for data cleaning, processing, and merging data. It can be used for handling small and big data on your local laptop or on remote clusters using CPUs or GPUs.The book begins by covering the internals of Optimus and how it works in tandem with the existing technologies to serve your data processing needs. You'll then learn how to use Optimus for loading and saving data from text data formats such as CSV and JSON files, exploring binary files such as Excel, and for columnar data processing with Parquet, Avro, and OCR. Next, you'll get to grips with the profiler and its data types - a unique feature of Optimus Dataframe that assists with data quality. You'll see how to use the plots available in Optimus such as histogram, frequency charts, and scatter and box plots, and understand how Optimus lets you connect to libraries such as Plotly and Altair. You'll also delve into advanced applications such as feature engineering, machine learning, cross-validation, and natural language processing functions and explore the advancements in Optimus. Finally, you'll learn how to create data cleaning and transformation functions and add a hypothetical new data processing engine with Optimus.By the end of this book, you'll be able to improve your data science workflow with Optimus easily.
Edit Without Tears with Final Cut Pro is your essential guide to overcoming challenges in video editing using Final Cut Pro, simplifying complex procedures and workflows and providing a structured approach for efficient and impressive video editing. This book will change how you approach editing, guiding you to create professional-grade videos with ease and confidence.Throughout the book, you'll enhance your efficiency and speed, while also learning unique workflows for common tasks. The comprehensive coverage spans planning video narratives, crafting preliminary edits and refining them, improving audio quality, setting up and editing multicam sequences, leveraging the inspector's controls, and working with both built-in and third-party plugins. You’ll then advance to animating objects using keyframes, utilizing color scopes for advanced color correction, and troubleshooting common issues confidently.By the end of this Final Cut Pro book, you’ll have developed an efficient editing style, unlocking the full power of this video editing software for your creative endeavors.
Microservices with Go. Building scalable and reliable microservices with Go
This book covers the key benefits and common issues of microservices, helping you understand the problems microservice architecture helps to solve, the issues it usually introduces, and the ways to tackle them.You’ll start by learning about the importance of using the right principles and standards in order to achieve the key benefits of microservice architecture. The following chapters will explain why the Go programming language is one of the most popular languages for microservice development and lay down the foundations for the next chapters of the book. You’ll explore the foundational aspects of Go microservice development including service scaffolding, service discovery, data serialization, synchronous and asynchronous communication, deployment, and testing. After covering the development aspects, you’ll progress to maintenance and reliability topics. The last part focuses on more advanced topics of Go microservice development including system reliability, observability, maintainability, and scalability. In this part, you’ll dive into the best practices and examples which illustrate how to apply the key ideas to existing applications, using the services scaffolded in the previous part as examples.By the end of this book, you’ll have gained hands-on experience with everything you need to develop scalable, reliable and performant microservices using Go.
The second edition of Mastering Python for Finance will guide you through carrying out complex financial calculations practiced in the industry of finance by using next-generation methodologies. You will master the Python ecosystem by leveraging publicly available tools to successfully perform research studies and modeling, and learn to manage risks with the help of advanced examples.You will start by setting up your Jupyter notebook to implement the tasks throughout the book. You will learn to make efficient and powerful data-driven financial decisions using popular libraries such as TensorFlow, Keras, Numpy, SciPy, and scikit-learn. You will also learn how to build financial applications by mastering concepts such as stocks, options, interest rates and their derivatives, and risk analytics using computational methods. With these foundations, you will learn to apply statistical analysis to time series data, and understand how time series data is useful for implementing an event-driven backtesting system and for working with high-frequency data in building an algorithmic trading platform. Finally, you will explore machine learning and deep learning techniques that are applied in finance.By the end of this book, you will be able to apply Python to different paradigms in the financial industry and perform efficient data analysis.
Modern web-based applications are moving rapidly away from simple HTML pages, with users expecting desktop styled rich internet applications. Oracle Application Express includes multiple built-in interfaces especially designed for adding JavaScript libraries and components. Ext JS is a polished, high performance set of customizable UI widgets with a well designed and extensible Component model. Combining Ext JS components with the well engineered server side processing provided by Oracle APEX is a recipe for success. Written by Oracle ACE, Mark Lancaster, this book is a complete practical guide to building robust desktop-styled web applications using Oracle Application Express and the powerful Ext JS JavaScript library This book starts off by setting up a productive environment for Oracle APEX and Ext JS, preparing you to get ready to code, and then gradually introducing you to the Ext JS API. You then create a theme based on Ext JS into APEX from scratch, starting with integrating the Ext JS library into the page template, then covering all the template types. You further enrich your interface by integrating Ext JS form components and Ext JS layout elements. You are shown how to integrate components including tab panels, toolbars and menus. Existing components are also enhanced, transforming select lists into auto-completing combo boxes and text-areas auto-sizing as you type.Using exciting new Plug-ins feature, you will learn how to develop custom APEX components that can be used declaritively. This book extends native APEX functionality by integrating Ext JS widgets and components with integrated server-side JavaScript generation, AJAX processing and validation.The book then covers integrating Plug-ins with APEX provided Dynamic Actions JavaScript. You proceed further to build advanced interactive components using AJAX enabled trees and grids. Then you will see how to use the iFrames component along with page templates to build a multi-page interface and also deal with JavaScript communication between iFrames. Finally, you will integrate Ext JS with jQuery using the Ext jQuery adaptor. This book also covers examples of jQuery functionality interacting with Ext JS. By the end of this book you will also learn to improve the performance of your JavaScripts.
Cybercriminals are incessantly coming up with new ways to compromise online systems and wreak havoc, creating an ever-growing need for cybersecurity practitioners in every organization across the globe who understand international security standards, such as the ISO27k family of standards.If you’re looking to ensure that your company's data conforms to these standards, Cybersecurity and Privacy Law Handbook has got you covered. It'll not only equip you with the rudiments of cybersecurity but also guide you through privacy laws and explain how you can ensure compliance to protect yourself from cybercrime and avoid the hefty fines imposed for non-compliance with standards.Assuming that you're new to the field, this book starts by introducing cybersecurity frameworks and concepts used throughout the chapters. You'll understand why privacy is paramount and how to find the security gaps in your company's systems. There's a practical element to the book as well—you'll prepare policies and procedures to prevent your company from being breached. You’ll complete your learning journey by exploring cloud security and the complex nature of privacy laws in the US.By the end of this cybersecurity book, you'll be well-placed to protect your company's data and comply with the relevant standards.
Istio is a game-changer in managing connectivity and operational efficiency of microservices, but implementing and using it in applications can be challenging. This book will help you overcome these challenges and gain insights into Istio's features and functionality layer by layer with the help of easy-to-follow examples. It will let you focus on implementing and deploying Istio on the cloud and in production environments instead of dealing with the complexity of demo apps. You'll learn the installation, architecture, and components of Istio Service Mesh, perform multi-cluster installation, and integrate legacy workloads deployed on virtual machines. As you advance, you'll understand how to secure microservices from threats, perform multi-cluster deployments on Kubernetes, use load balancing, monitor application traffic, implement service discovery and management, and much more. You’ll also explore other Service Mesh technologies such as Linkerd, Consul, Kuma, and Gloo Mesh. In addition to observing and operating Istio using Kiali, Prometheus, Grafana and Jaeger, you'll perform zero-trust security and reliable communication between distributed applications.After reading this book, you'll be equipped with the practical knowledge and skills needed to use and operate Istio effectively.
Robert Lloyd, Matthew M. Landis, Matthew M Landis
Traditional PBX systems have often been expensive and proprietary. With 3CX, you can now create an easy-to-use, complete, and cost-effective phone system on Microsoft Windows. This practical guide offers the insight that a reader needs to exploit the potential that 3CX has to offer.This practical hands-on book covers everything you need to know about designing, installing and customizing 3CX to create an all-inclusive phone system. It takes a real-world approach that walks you through all aspects of 3CX and its features. From installing the software, to backing things up, to understanding what hardware you need – this book covers it all.The 3CX IP PBX Tutorial will take you from knowing very little about VoIP to almost expert level with detailed how-tos on every aspect of 3CX. Starting with the basics, and covering the free version of 3CX as well as the more advanced features of the Enterprise version, you will learn it all.In other words, this book covers numerous topics such as installation and configuration of 3CX, choosing a VoIP Provider, integration of a trunk into 3CX, the commonly used 3CX hardware, and backing up your phone system.
Salesforce CRM: The Definitive Admin Handbook is the complete guide to implementing Salesforce CRM. Whether you are looking to enhance the core features or you have already started customizing your Salesforce CRM system and are looking for guidance on advanced features. This book will show you how to get maximum benefit from this exciting product.Salesforce CRM is a market-leading customer relationship management (CRM) application that is accessed over the Internet. The CRM application provides facilities to manage sales projections and orders, marketing plans, business process automation and collaboration, service and support, and data analytics. The application greatly enhances a company's sales performance, improves team work and collaboration, and provides a robust customer relationship management strategy for an organization.Salesforce CRM: The Definitive Admin Handbook has been updated for the Spring '13 release and gives you all the information you need to administer this powerful CRM application.The book begins with the setup of users and security settings and then progresses to configuration, data management, and data analytics. Finally, the book covers the ways in which the core platform can be further extended and enhanced.Focused on the needs of the enterprise, this book provides a solution-driven approach for both business and IT specialists to get the most from the Salesforce CRM application. It begins with setting up of organization-wide features that affect the look-and-feel of the application. We will then move on to data management, analytics, process automation and approval mechanisms are then covered, along with the functional areas of Sales Cloud, Service Cloud, Marketing Cloud, and Salesforce Chatter. Finally, we will look into the methods used to further enhance the system and to improve the return on investment from the application.After reading Salesforce CRM: The Definitive Admin Handbook, you will feel comfortable with the administration features within Salesforce CRM and will have been presented with real-world scenarios to improve the setup and avoid some common pitfalls.
Bloggers, authors, coders, photographers, moms, dads, big companies, small companies, and even kids use WordPress to manifest their personas online. WordPress is used in every market, in every country, and continues to grow everyday. This explosive growth and international open source love affair was ignited the day WordPress announced the simple idea of a 'plugin'A WordPress plugin is a collection of files (PHP, javascript, css) that creates a small feature or modification to your WordPress blog. WordPress Top Plugins will teach you to add these plugins to an already built base WordPress site, and customize them where applicable.This book will walk you through finding and installing the best plugins for generating and sharing content, for building communities and reader base, and for generating real advertising revenue.There is literally a plugin for almost anything you want to achieve in WordPress.This book will show you how plugins work, and more importantly, how to install and activate them on your blog without you having to touch a single line of code, unless of course, you want to.Content is king, and it’s pretty hard to generate. This book will cover some of the best plugins available on WordPress to generate unique and dynamic content.Once you have your blog loaded chock full of juicy content, you will learn how to turn your blog in to an overnight sensation by helping your readers to share it, using tools to retweet, post on Facebook, and so on.This book will teach you how to build a community with one single killer plugin, namely, BuddyPress—the best community building plugin available for WordPress.Once you are through with plugin basics, content, and building a community, this book will show you how to generate revenue! It will cover the top plugins for turning your blog into a money making machine!This book will also cover plugins focused on tweaking and perfecting your blog’s overall look and feel, and functionality.Nothing helps build a powerful online blog brand than a horde of talented writers to contribute their ideas and content – as well as their social network. This book will cover a bunch of plugins that will make working with multiple authors easy, efficient, and effective.Last but not the least, it will cover the best plugins for ensuring that your blog is secure, the database is running optimally, and in the case of an emergency, you have a full backup copy of your blog.While most plugins in this book are focused on a blog’s frontend, this book will also cover some great 'non-public' facing plugins that make our lives so much easier and make your WordPress site a productive powerhouse.
FreePBX is an easy-to-use GUI that controls and manages Asterisk. It gives you pre-programmed functionality accessible through user-friendly web interfaces that allows you to have a fully functional PBX pretty much straight away with no programming. With this book it's easy to master the many features of FreePBX, which will help you to save time and money as you set up your enterprise-class network.This book will guide you through these features to install, configure, and maintain a professional PBX with plenty of examples and screenshots. By the end of this book, you will have learned to create an enterprise-class VoIP PBX that features the stability and feature set of traditional telephony systems without the hefty price tag.This book will help its readers to roll out a robust, web-based, and inexpensive yet powerful telephony solution through the GUI. By following the practical examples in this book, you will learn how to install, configure, and manage an enterprise-class PBX using open source telephony tools Asterisk and FreePBX. From here on, this book takes a closer look at the open source telephony engine software, discussing a broad range of topics from how to build and deploy an enterprise-class VoIP PBX to creating VoIP trunks using SIP, IAX2, and ZAP technologies and setting up user extensions with voicemail. FreePBX 2.5 Powerful Telephony Solutions will introduce you to advanced options such as call routing, voicemail, and other calling features. Finally, this book will provide you with the relevant information to help you personalize and secure your PBX.