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Policy as Code (PaC) is a powerful paradigm that enables organizations to implement, validate, and measure policies at scale. Policy Design in the Age of Digital Adoption is a comprehensive guide to understanding policies, their design, and implementation for cloud environments using a DevOps-based framework. You'll discover how to create the necessary automation, its integration, and which stakeholders to involve.Complete with essential concepts, practical examples, and self-assessment questions, this book will help you understand policies and how new technologies such as cloud, microservices, and serverless leverage Policy as Code. You'll work with a custom framework to implement PaC in the organization, and advance to integrating policies, guidelines, and regulations into code to enhance the security and resilience posture of the organization. You'll also examine existing tools, evaluate them, and learn a framework to implement PaC so that technical and business teams can collaborate more effectively.By the end of this book, you'll have gained the confidence to design digital policies across your organizational environment.
Test Studio is Telerik's QA solution for automating your manual testing. With Test Studio's standalone edition or Visual Studio plugin, you can rule out the possibility of unreliable test execution and UI recognition, non indicative test results and reports, dispersed test repository, low code coverage, and unaffordable learning curves. With no code, this tool provides an intuitive IDE to effortlessly create maintainable tests. If you are looking for a solution to automate testing for your web, desktop, or mobile application, you can now benefit from Test Studio's rich automation features.Learning Software Testing with Test Studio will illustrate how to reliably automate test cases when it is time to relinquish manual testing habits. This book is all about less theory and more hands-on examples to present a complete manual and automated solution for your ASP .NET, WPF, Silverlight or iOS apps.This book gets you started directly with automation in Test Studio by exploiting its recording powers through series of concrete test cases built around the equipped applications. Each chapter starts with a typical automation problem which is then approached using Test Studio specialized automation features.You will learn how to create record and playback functional, performance, and load tests. Furthermore, we will see how to insert verification steps, logical constructs, convenient logging operations, and how to convert test scripts in order to implement keyword and data-driven architectures. To endow your tests with additional flexibility, each recorded automation feature will be approached from its coded perspective through the usage of the underlying ArtOfTest Test Studio automation library.This book also illustrates how Test Studio can automate pre-conditions, test result inputting, and the capturing of system states during manual test case execution in order to keep the tester's attention focused on the important details.
R Data Science Essentials. R Data Science Essentials
Raja B. Koushik, Sharan Kumar Ravindran
With organizations increasingly embedding data science across their enterprise and with management becoming more data-driven it is an urgent requirement for analysts and managers to understand the key concept of data science. The data science concepts discussed in this book will help you make key decisions and solve the complex problems you will inevitably face in this new world. R Data Science Essentials will introduce you to various important concepts in the field of data science using R. We start by reading data from multiple sources, then move on to processing the data, extracting hidden patterns, building predictive and forecasting models, building a recommendation engine, and communicating to the user through stunning visualizations and dashboards.By the end of this book, you will have an understanding of some very important techniques in data science, be able to implement them using R, understand and interpret the outcomes, and know how they helps businesses make a decision.
The web design industry has changed dramatically in the last year. Everything that was common practice before is now outdated and everyone is clambering to keep up. Get ahead of the curve with the future of responsive web design, RESS. Responsive Web design with Server Side components gives you the best of both worlds. Instant RESS Implementation How-to is an introduction to using server-side languages such as PHP to build a website that can easily adapt to whatever device the user visits your site with. You will no longer need a specific mobile site. RESS means saying goodbye to .m and .mobi forever.Instant RESS Implementation How-to will teach you everything you need to get started with RESS and start on the journey to becoming a better web developer. It looks at a new way to build mobile websites that can still have the look and functionality of a normal website.You will learn how to use PHP along with Modernizr and WURFL to build dynamic websites that deliver different content dependent on the devices being used.If you want a website that is truly ahead of the curve, then this is the book for you.
Cryptography Algorithms is designed to help you get up and running with modern cryptography algorithms. You'll not only explore old and modern security practices but also discover practical examples of implementing them effectively.The book starts with an overview of cryptography, exploring key concepts including popular classical symmetric and asymmetric algorithms, protocol standards, and more. You'll also cover everything from building crypto codes to breaking them. In addition to this, the book will help you to understand the difference between various types of digital signatures. As you advance, you will become well-versed with the new-age cryptography algorithms and protocols such as public and private key cryptography, zero-knowledge protocols, elliptic curves, quantum cryptography, and homomorphic encryption. Finally, you'll be able to apply the knowledge you've gained with the help of practical examples and use cases.By the end of this cryptography book, you will be well-versed with modern cryptography and be able to effectively apply it to security applications.
Soheil Bakhshi, Christian Wade
This book is a comprehensive guide to understanding the ins and outs of data modeling and how to create data models using Power BI confidently.You'll learn how to connect data from multiple sources, understand data, define and manage relationships between data, and shape data models to gain deep and detailed insights about your organization.In this book, you'll explore how to use data modeling and navigation techniques to define relationships and create a data model before defining new metrics and performing custom calculations using modeling features. As you advance through the chapters, the book will demonstrate how to create full-fledged data models, enabling you to create efficient data models and simpler DAX code with new data modeling features. With the help of examples, you'll discover how you can solve business challenges by building optimal data models and changing your existing data models to meet evolving business requirements. Finally, you'll learn how to use some new and advanced modeling features to enhance your data models to carry out a wide variety of complex tasks.By the end of this Power BI book, you'll have gained the skills you need to structure data coming from multiple sources in different ways to create optimized data models that support reporting and data analytics.
Liferay portal is the leading horizontal portal product available in the market. It was named lLeader in Gartner's Magic Quadrant for Horizontal Portals. Because of the flexibility offered by Liferay Portal for customizations, it is becoming a preferred best choice for portal implementations. Many influential sites have been implemented with or have switched to the Liferay portal. More and more Liferay developers and architects are needed in the IT industry.Liferay Portal Performance Best Practices will guide you in how to build high performing Liferay -based solutions. The book guides you on how to define the architecture of Liferay- based solutions to meet performance expectations. You will learn how to fine- tune the Liferay portal using configuration changes or applying the right caching strategy. By the time you finish reading, you will realize that you know all the essential best practices to improve the performance of the Liferay portal solution. The book comprises of Liferay portal performance best practices related to various aspects. It starts with the architecture and design best practices and ends with performance tuning and lLoad testing best practices.The book follows the logical flow. In the first chapter it talks about various architectural options and best practices. It also talks about the consequences of various architectural options. It talks about how to configure the Liferay portal to work in a clustered environment. It discusses the various options available in a cluster configuration. The book further talks about various configuration options of different components that are available for improving performance. The book also talks about various development best practices. It concludes with best practices related to load testing and a performance tuning exercise.Liferay Portal Performance Best Practices explains performance best practices with real examples and samples. By the end of this book, the reader will have learned everything he/she needs to know about Liferay portal performance best practices.
Moodle 1.9 Multimedia. Create and share multimedia learning materials in your Moodle courses
Moodle Trust, Jo?É?íÂ!GBPo Pedro Soares Fernandes, Joao Pedro Soares Fernandes
In today's world, multimedia can provide a more engaging experience for learners. You can embed your own audio, link to pages off-site, or pull a YouTube video into your course. You can use feature-rich quizzes that allow you to assess your students, or provide them with tools and feedback to test their own knowledge. All these require standard procedures and cutting-edge tools. Selecting tools to make multimedia integration in Moodle faster, simpler, and more precise is not child's play.This book provides you with everything you need to include sound, video, animation, and more in your Moodle courses. You'll develop Moodle courses that you are proud of, and that your students enjoy.This book covers integration of multimedia into Moodle, covering major multimedia elements such as images, audio, and video. It will take you through these elements in detail where you will learn how to create, edit, and integrate these elements into Moodle. The book is written around the design of an online course called Music for Everyday Life using Moodle, where teachers and students create, share, and discuss multimedia elements. You will also learn how to use Web 2.0 tools to create images, audio, and video and then we will take a look at the web applications that allow easy creation, collaboration, and sharing of multimedia elements. Finally, you will learn how to interact with students in real-time using a particular online phone service and a desktop sharing application.
John Buechler, Georgios Diamantopoulos, Sohail Salehi, Avery Lee
VirtualDub is one of the most popular video processing applications for Windows. As an open source application, it's free, and is constantly updated and expanded by an active community of developers and experts. VirtualDub is particularly popular for capturing video from analogue sources such as video tape, cleaning up the image and compressing it ready for distribution over the Internet. This book provides a rapid and easy to use tutorial to the basic features of VirtualDub to get you up and running quickly. It explains how to capture great quality video from various sources, use filters to clean up the captured image and add special effects. The book also shows how to use VirtualDub to cut and paste video to remove or insert sequences, including removing ad breaks or trailers. It goes on to cover the art of effective encoding and compression, so you end up with great quality videos that won't hog your bandwidth forever. VirtualDub is the fastest and most effective way to capture, process and encode video on your PC. This book gets you started fast, and goes on to give you full control of all the features of this legendary tool.
As Kubernetes (or K8s) becomes more prolific, managing large clusters at scale in a multi-cloud environment becomes more challenging – especially from a developer productivity and operational efficiency point of view. DevSecOps in Practice with VMware Tanzu addresses these challenges by automating the delivery of containerized workloads and controlling multi-cloud Kubernetes operations using Tanzu tools.This comprehensive guide begins with an overview of the VMWare Tanzu platform and discusses its tools for building useful and secure applications using the App Accelerator, Build Service, Catalog service, and API portal. Next, you’ll delve into running those applications efficiently at scale with Tanzu Kubernetes Grid and Tanzu Application Platform. As you advance, you’ll find out how to manage these applications, and control, observe, and connect them using Tanzu Mission Control, Tanzu Observability, and Tanzu Service Mesh. Finally, you’ll explore the architecture, capabilities, features, installation, configuration, implementation, and benefits of these services with the help of examples.By the end of this VMware book, you’ll have gained a thorough understanding of the VMWare Tanzu platform and be able to efficiently articulate and solve real-world business problems.
Matthew Nohr, Isaac Rabinovitch
AppFog is the leading platform-as-a-service provider of PHP, Ruby, Node.js, and Java solutions. It is used by developers worldwide to deploy tens of thousands of applications. AppFog delivers a reliable, scalable, and fast platform for deploying applications in the cloud.This book is a hands-on guide that will walk you through creating and deploying applications to the cloud using AppFog, which will allow you to get your application deployed without the hassle of setting up servers.This book demonstrates how to use the AppFog service to build an application and have it running in the Cloud. It will walk you through the initial AppFog setup process and explain how to create your first application in minutes.You will also discover how to use services such as databases to make your applications more powerful. You will also learn how to create applications from scratch.You will find out everything you need to know to get an application running in the cloud for the first time.
Threat Hunting with Elastic Stack will show you how to make the best use of Elastic Security to provide optimal protection against cyber threats. With this book, security practitioners working with Kibana will be able to put their knowledge to work and detect malicious adversary activity within their contested network.You'll take a hands-on approach to learning the implementation and methodologies that will have you up and running in no time. Starting with the foundational parts of the Elastic Stack, you'll explore analytical models and how they support security response and finally leverage Elastic technology to perform defensive cyber operations.You’ll then cover threat intelligence analytical models, threat hunting concepts and methodologies, and how to leverage them in cyber operations. After you’ve mastered the basics, you’ll apply the knowledge you've gained to build and configure your own Elastic Stack, upload data, and explore that data directly as well as by using the built-in tools in the Kibana app to hunt for nefarious activities.By the end of this book, you'll be able to build an Elastic Stack for self-training or to monitor your own network and/or assets and use Kibana to monitor and hunt for adversaries within your network.
Before Rust, blockchain developers didn’t have a systems programming language that was type-safe, fast, and, at the same time, had stable and easy memory management. Rust proved to be a boon for developers and works as the perfect solution for not only blockchain and protocol development but also dApp development.Rust for Blockchain Application Development focuses on demonstrating solutions that can help blockchain developers productize decentralized applications using Rust, which is a complex language with a steep learning curve.This book starts with basic Rust language concepts and then builds on these concepts to enable you to develop your own blockchain from scratch. As you progress, you’ll learn how to build dApps on popular chains like Solana and NEAR. You’ll also be guided through creating Ethereum dApps using Foundry (Rust). Finally, you’ll develop a custom blockchain using Substrate by Parity (Polkadot). The book provides a complete 360-degree view of Rust in the blockchain ecosystem.By the end of this Rust book, you’ll have a thorough understanding of how to apply your Rust knowledge to building dApps and blockchains from scratch.